Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

Sonic Heroes Team Battle Rule

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^Well i created that rule to completely replace the one under Heroes>Bosses.
It would only cover Boss Divisions in Heroes. If it covered heroes as a whole, then that sorta voids the strat made by werster in Egg Fleet - Chaotix (viewable here: and any similar charts. The point of it is to isolate this glitch and any other potential ones of this type.

flying fox:

--- Quote from: Luxray on June 29, 2010, 02:21:10 pm ---^Well i created that rule to completely replace the one under Heroes>Bosses.
It would only cover Boss Divisions in Heroes. If it covered heroes as a whole, then that sorta voids the strat made by werster in Egg Fleet - Chaotix (viewable here: and any similar charts. The point of it is to isolate this glitch and any other potential ones of this type.

--- End quote ---

Fair enough I quite like idea.

That's a stupid idea if it's completely inconsistent with other rules. The relevant rule that it needs to be the same as is the Sonic Adventure 2 rule regarding restarting after completing a mission objective, because IIRC that's how you trigger it to occur.

Then add "In team battles, " before what i've proposed? Also the SA2B rules aren't applicable as you don't complete the level to trigger the glitch. The sa2b ruling is:

--- Quote ---You may not restart the level; by dying or otherwise, between the mission being completed and your time being saved.
--- End quote ---
This is definitely not able to be implemented here.

You may not hit the other team before gaining control.

Simple. Tiny rewording is all it needs.


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