How did you get your Iron Jungle Hero time in Shadow the Hedgehog? Are you sure you didn't take any necessary deaths? I was trying today and I got a 0:20:68, however I took a death after the mission completed (which I believe is in violation of the competition rules). The Egg Balloon needs 13 Shadow rifle shots to die, and I can't see using other weapon to get a time as low as 20 seconds, but I suppose I could be wrong (maybe you guys know a faster way to the 2nd check). Basically, I think RPGnutter broke the rule that states:
If you die after completing a mission objective, your stat does not count.
Also (just to make sure I understand this), for a run to be legal: you have to fire the last shot (or homing attack) and then wait until the game says the mission is complete, NOT fire the last shot, die and then the mission is completed after the death.
Overall, RPG if you can clearly remember your strategy, and it is legal then can you kindly post it here (or at least prove you didn't cheat), if not then I think you broke the rules with this mission. Thanks for your time.
EDIT1: I improved my 0:25:11 to 0:24:23, however I still don't see how 20 seconds is possible besides the method mentioned above. Also, I think I'll let sonicam off the hook here because I could probably reach his time with more patience (and frustration).
EDIT #2: Actually, I just tied sonicam, but I still can't see where to cut 3 more seconds off.