^ This isn't about him, it's about you. Don't turn this around until you're in the clear.
Let's assume that the timer on Zero Gravity is perfect. Then the odds of a time ending in 00 are 1/100. Across 32 submissions, the odds of all times ending in zero are 1/(100^32), or 1/10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000. That's just for the Time Attack division, too; I don't remember if you had a full Races division, in which case you can square that number.
I think you owe proof first, not to mention that you've already admitted that you're sharing this account with another person when everybody else is working alone.
Oh, and if you want proof of my times now that I'm opposing you, check the world rankings. Hell, I'll get picture/video proof if you want.