The Lounge > Wikkity!

Predictions for 2015!!!

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Pfffffffft, Myan calendars are so 5384 years ago. Gregorian calendars are all the rage now!

Anyhow, I’ve altered my previous post in this topic, rectifying my thick miscalculation that Groudon199 auspiciously spotted, as well as tweaking some of my previous prophecies. I’ve seen other people posting predictions concerning their objectives and aspirations, so I thought I may as well be trendy and do the same. Here are some personal goals of mine which I hope to have met by the end of next year (several of them unrelated to TSC):

Accrue ≥80 Sitewide points by the end of 2013 (I’m feeling ambitious man!).
Become yellow-ranked (or better!) overall for ≥5 games on the site.
Increase my game total on the site to ≥25 (by submitting stats for four or more games).
Raise my forum post aggregate to ≥250.
Elevate my kick count in the IRC channel to ≥20 :P.
Change my forum avatar at least 5 (more) times (whether I rescale them appropriately or not).
Develop my chess skills. (What more can I say...)
Improve at running, swimming, badminton and table tennis!
Get decent grades in school (and if the present curriculum doesn’t change radically, it shouldn’t be a difficult task).
Get a best time, ranking world class (according to the WSSA), for each of the three official speed stacking competitive sequences (the 3-3-3, the 3-6-3 and the Cycle). Currently I’m not far off...
Find a new gf <_< (*obligatorily joins the club*)
Become a member of The Flat Earth Society
Force a spoonful of unadulterated cinnamon down my throat to gain more popularity on the intarwebs.
Become a brony because everyone else is doing so.
Bake a TSC-themed cake and post a picture of it in the forum when TSC turns 10 years old (and it will, brainless apocalypse advocates!).

tl;dr – I want to get better at stuff. I may add more ambitions to this list later on if anything else happens to spring to mind, but I’m fairly satisfied with it at present.

There will be never 2013. When 2012 ends, we'll be thrown to the year 2172, and we'll finally be able to get off this damn planet... Oh wait -_-'


--- Quote from: Gamepro011 on November 20, 2012, 04:53:05 pm ---There will be never 2013. When 2012 ends, we'll be thrown to the year 2172, and we'll finally be able to get off this damn planet... Oh wait -_-'

--- End quote ---

Seems legit bro.

Maybe with the start of uni for me I'll actually get my act together and double my sitewide score to promote myself to C-rank.


--- Quote from: Ben on December 26, 2011, 10:01:51 am ---People will continue to use this topic for personal objectives rather than predictions.

--- End quote ---


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