The Lounge > Wikkity!

Predictions for 2015!!!

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I get moderately interested in competing again, only to try it for 20 minutes and be over it for the next year.


--- Quote from: HyperSonic7701 on November 19, 2012, 10:45:36 pm ---2013 Preds:

- At least 20th sitewide
- At least one more game with a red overall ranking
- Get to 3000 stats and compete in at least 25 games

- sonikkusama will stop being a noob and submit some stats

--- End quote ---

already proven false by science, sry about that hyper try again next time

There will be no 2013, world ends in a month.

 - I will compete for a month more or less solidly, then get bored and do nothing for the rest of the year.

If the world does end, I only have one goal which is admit my love to danieldude haha I'm kidding die in a hole get >25 site points


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