The Lounge > Wikkity!

Predictions for 2015!!!

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ITT DarkAura confirms DarkAura x Danieldude.

Not sure. Just trying to get into the top 20 again and further my stats in Generations, Heroes and SA2B. Those are the 3 main games I'd like red status in.

And I forgot one thing, I destroy the werey car!

..Does it really look like that? D8

>I finally put together a complete submission of Sonic Heroes stats (assuming I can get some that aren't embarrassingly bad)

>I finally subject myself to trying to do the backtrack necessary to tie the Final Chase M5 ring record (and I have to light dash the hidden ring twice in the process)

>I get a sub-2:40 Final Chase M3 (this should have happened already but I've been slacking and doing other stuff)

>I at least get my Cosmic Wall M1 time under 3:50

>I get a *checkless* Final Chase M1 under 2:19

>A Final Rush M1 frame war breaks out sometime around May or June, most likely involving chainchumper and/or son1cgu1tar but probably instigated by someone new to the scene or a new trick/glitch found by a TAS

>Someone (but it won't be me) manages a non-TAS Final Chase M1 under 2:07

>DsS does that Team Rose single segment run he's been talking about on Youtube

>gamepro011 sets record times for all Sonic Heroes normal levels if he hasn't already

flying fox:

--- Quote from: Lucario on November 19, 2012, 06:46:41 pm ---I become the #1 girl gamer on this site. (>:D)

--- End quote ---

Never going to happen. I still haven't finished my charts. So I could still go way higher on sitewide.

I come back and do stuff.


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