The Lounge > Wikkity!

Predictions for 2015!!!

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wut you're banned? never knew that

flying fox:
Well since this got thread necro'd a couple of weeks early (I usually open this on the beginning of December and thought it was locked) might as well start it. Ok predictions for 2013 go go~

First of all, Sonic Dimensions, as far as I know, is a fan-game, and therefore has no affiliations with Sega.

Secondly, predictions for 2013 (off the top of my head):

bertin will get more Site Pts than Thorn and become #2. :O
Combo will get >550 Site Pts.
Gamepro011 will become 5th overall (or better) in Sonic Heroes, and possibly get into the Top 10 Sitewide.
Paraxade will beat Cruizer.
Groudon199 will beat FuzZerd.
Dashjump will get into the Top 15 Sitewide.
SonicandInuyasha will get >400 Site Pts (and hopefully beat SkyLights).
Werey will definitely get into the orange zone Sitewide (and hopefully beat maggot).
danieldude will get >80 Site Pts!
Flying Fox will get >350 Site Pts (and possibly beat SkyL too :O).
RPGnutter will breach the 500 Site Pt mark and, fingers crossed, get into the red zone Sitewide!
darkstarblaze will get >50 Site Pts, maintain 2nd position in SG3DS and get into the Top 15 overall in Sonic06 (she insisted that I make predictions for here lol).
DsS will still be #1 :P

Many of TSC's main members aren't very active in terms of competition anymore, making it slightly harder to make predictions, but I guess by the end of next year we'll see how accurate our predictions are! I look forward to seeing other people's predictions. Also this post was done in a quick rush; I may post some more predictions tomorrow when I have time.

EDIT: Excuse me for the foolish mistake Groudon199; I've now amended the post so it makes sense! (I've also modified some of my other points slightly after further consideration.)


--- Quote from: danieldude on November 19, 2012, 05:15:49 pm ---Groudon199 will beat FuzZerd.
Paraxade will beat Groudon199.

--- End quote ---

Doubt it.
He already has.

I get two leaderships: 06 and SG3DS.
I turn 15 and can drive in some states legally.
I get a boyfriend
I get a Wii U
The M&S Center will be up and I spam the leaderboards with stats immediately once it is opened to get leaderships and #1 in site wide
I become the #1 girl gamer on this site. (>:D)
I get the 3DSXL
I dye my hair blue
I finally can go in Hot Topic alone without being scared (I make my friend go with me so she can make sure I don't get robbed by those fishy employees)
I survive my first year of high school (ninth grade is middle school here)
I can RA without getting so impatient

EDIT: I accidentally deleted this post trying to tap modify >_>

EDIT2: Dan WTF nothing about me? :'(


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