The Lounge > Wikkity!

Predictions for 2015!!!

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--- Quote from: Aitamen on December 23, 2011, 10:17:04 pm ---
--- Quote from: Boy lemme tell ya I sure do love having a long forum name on December 21, 2011, 03:02:50 am ---
--- Quote from: Aitamen on December 20, 2011, 09:25:00 pm ---Gaming wise?  PSO2 will launch

--- End quote ---

Japan onry fills me with the deepest of sadness.

--- End quote ---

^Why, dude?

--- End quote ---

Because I can't read moon runes >_>

Umm... let's see:
gaming:       -->record some videos(maybe Sonic Generations, maybe Sonic CD japanese version)
                      -->finally get the last 2 emerald challenges(I must say, those are really the hardest and longest ever for this EC-season)

"outside" world:   -->be better at school
                               -->maybe find a girlfriend

Yup. That's it.

flying fox:
Ok finally got round to doing this. Predictions are:
1) Get SBK speed run done
2) Try to get to top 10 on sitewide
3) Finish off my course and get a good mark
4) Get a job once I pass my course
5) Learn to cook
6) Finally get round to my projects and finish them off
7) Socialise more :P

A new champion will rise.
A prominent member will be banned.
The oldest (non maxed) record will fall.
Sonic 4 Episode 2 won't suck.
People will continue to use this topic for personal objectives rather than predictions.

DATBOI | War Anvil:
More Generations content will be available.
Shantae, as I said, gets a third game.
BlazefireLP of Sonic Fan Games HQ will get around to making his Sonic CD engine.
I get smarter when it comes to the forums, at werster's request.


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