The Lounge > Wikkity!

Predictions for 2015!!!

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DATBOI | War Anvil:
Shantae finally gets a third game.

Seriously though, prob some Generations 3DS charts.  That, and more S3DB stats on my end.

Get that last Super Stardust HD trophy (hopefully).

Rusty Rom:
I didn't have the opportunity for getting the Master System games so it stands as a goal for 2012, along with goal #3.

Aside that...


Site predictions?  Probably run 10-20 more records and a few "new discovery" runs here and there...  so essentially lurking and maybe getting a wild hair now and again.

Gaming wise?  PSO2 will launch and I'll have the ammunition I need to drag people back to my side of cyberspace.  Along with that, I'll have Wizardry: Empire and thus be learning Japanese at a pretty good clip by then.  (Hopefully I get into the PSO2 Alpha2, but not holding my breath...)

Life wise?  Japanese and other language studies, lots of music stuffs, maybe more graphic art once I get my new computer, too.

I hope to be proficient enough in Japanese by the end of the year to be able to pull words apart and start learning by context instead of having to look every word up.  That's my goal as it stands.

DATBOI | War Anvil:
Stay on the honor roll.

That, and train more in Brawl.


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