The Lounge > Wikkity!

Predictions for 2015!!!

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1. Keep my 4.0 at school.
2. Develop better friendships with people
3. Be less of an overall jerk. my temperament suxxxx
4. Learn to play more instruments.
5. Develop more of my comedy videos with my friends.

not much tsc in there. ;x

Ok real predictions:

 - Not fail university.
 - Full ICC10/25 Epic by the time Cataclysm comes out.
 - Erm.
 - Beat Bertin at sitewide because losing to him is disgraceful unacceptable not good.
 - Hot for Teacher drum battles in my living room.

And Im spent.

I will get at least  a 80% porcent on Sonic Adventure DX
Also, I probably will be on the top 30 sitewide rankings
Those are my predictions for 2010.


--- Quote from: Phallus-beast of the Underdark on December 27, 2009, 11:44:24 pm --- - Beat Bertin at sitewide because losing to him is disgraceful unacceptable not good.

--- End quote ---

Anyway here is mine.

- Grabbing at LEAST top 3 sitewide. (Not saying I won't get 2nd)
- Beat mike in Sonic Heroes.
- top 8 overall SA2B
- Take at least another championship

flying fox:
Well it's the 1st of January so this topic is now officially closed for new predictions except I'll just put mine in quickly >_>

Here are mine:
1) Make it to the top 50 in sitewide
2) I'm going to try and get 500 records >_<
3) Try and be a bit more active in TSC both chat and the forums
4) Try and at least complete a whole chart from a game >_>

Of course this will take me a long while to do this since I can't play alot anymore :( You can still post in here if any of your predictions come true or someone else's. Right well since I can't print this topic off like I said I was, because my printer has died >_> I'll save this link to my favourites so I don't forgot about this and will revive it from time to time. Good luck everyone :D


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