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Predictions for 2015!!!

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FocusSight saying Happy New Year 11 hours early reminded me that I'm running out of time to post this.

Added some notes to last year's predictions:

--- Quote from: SB737 on December 06, 2013, 07:45:26 pm ---Personal (In some ways these are targets as well as predictions):
- Top 5 sitewide (no I'm not crazy), although it's been played down that I can make it crazier things have happened to me on TSC 4th (Left it late though!)
- Overtake Hyper sitewide, for some reason I feel satisified knwoing I'm ahead of such a good all round played, who's imo of a similar level to me, just that we both excel in different games. For a period this happened, however he returned fire with his 690 in 69, which regained his lead
- I will get the Sonic 3 championship Was reclaimed by SDM a few times, but I still have it quite comfortably
- I will attempt to get the Colours championship, and perhaps for a period have it, however DsS will come back and get it, mainly by filling in ring attacks and improving scores.Still haven't finished this game yet, and unless I seriously improve my times, this isn't going to happen
-  Someone will take the Lost World 3DS championship from me (I suspect Zip will be the challenger), however I will still strive to keep it above 80% Yep, Zip did take it from me, but I didn't bother to keep it at 80%
- I'll compete in a Sonic car racing game, either ASRT, SASAR, or Sonic Drift 1/2 I competed in Drift 1, and got a full chart, and did a little competition in Drift 2, getting 2 records in the process!
- I'll reach 600 records I did reach about 630 records at one point iirc, but have now dropped down to 587, mainly due to Flyingfox taking alot of my S1GBA time records, and S1-13 score records.
- I'll get Sonic 1-13 to 80% and Sonic 3D Blast to 80% Sonic 1-13 was at about 60% at it's highest, and Sonci 3D Blast was comfortably above 80%
- In addition to all games previously mentioned (bar the racing games), I'll get two more games to red overall. I got both Sonic 4 Episode Metal and Sonic 1 GBA to red, as well as taking Sonic %& Knuckles into red, and then to Platinum
- I'll get back to race nights I raced when I could, but they stopped

- Don won't get Colours to red before 2014 is up. He didn't (57%)
- Infersaime will manage to break into the top 50 sitewide 36th
- Colours will get 100 competitors 103 competitors
- HyperSonic will get 500 sitewide points, and maybe squeeze into the top 5 (if I'm not already there:P) He did a bit more than "just squeeze in",  reaching well over 700 site points, and reaching 2nd place
- Flyingfox will finally decide to ring attack Sky High 1 (S2GG) and will take the championship, thus making it back to the top 10 She STILL hasn't done it!
- SDM will return to competition a little He did, reclaiming the Sonci 3 champ a few times, and improving ring stats.
- Someone will be unbanned Nope

--- End quote ---

2015 predictions
-Top 3 sitewide
-700 site points
-650 records
-25 leaderships
-Finish Colours off, and take the Scores leadership, and take colours to 80%
- Reach at least 80% for: Sonic 2 (GG), SG3DS, Sonic Advance
-Compete and get a near full chart for either SADX, SA2B, Heroes or Shadow the Hedgehog
-2300 stats submitted

-Hyper will reach 850 site points
-FF will do Sky High 2 rings
-Infersaime will get top 20
-An inactive member will return and compete a bit

I'll be that inactive member who's returning and competing a bit.

Even though it's technically 2015 already, I haven't made any progress towards this next prediction, so I'll go ahead and post it:

12) (or whatever number is after the predictions I made earlier):
I will get to top 125 sitewide (currently 143rd).  I will not get to top 100 because I don't play enough games (and I'm not good enough at the ones I do play).

Predictions for 2019:

- TSC will not survive this year
- SRC will finally die

I'm okay with SRC dying, raise your hands TSC!


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