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Predictions for 2015!!!

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Though I'd rather not make a somewhat unnecessary post (somewhat), good luck on that weight goal, PsyMar

lol I should make predictions/goals too, even though last months have been super busy..

1) I'll get to top 100 sitewide (109th atm, not hard)
2) Also 70p sitewide (52,7p)
3) Get orange on SA2B and Sonic 2006 (both yellow)
4) Get red in SUWII (yellow)
5) Play some more SG3DS, offer Diamond who doesn't stop caring some competition :D Maybe top 3?
6) Run Sonic Rush a bit
7) Start streaming Kappa

I will get at least top 3 for total team dark times
I will avoid RAing Heroes
I will get into Shadow the hedgehog ILs

CrypticJacknife will get the Colors (wii) Championship
Anon7906 will get a zero point championship in Sonic and the Black Knight
Talon will take the SA2B championship away from Chainchumper.
edit: Joshua will get a zero point championship in sonic unleashed DLC
another "ban emulator" drama will occur and in the end nothing will actually get done.

Predictions for 2015:

I will not let Yatta die.
I will get back to colours.
I will compete at another game that ISN'T Sonic Colours Wii or SA2B.
I will get the sub 45 in Hero Story.

Other Predictions:

Infersaime will be active in competition and snatch some red games.
Diamond will continue bugging specifically me about colours and other people about any other game.
Otonyshi will have stoned a goat at the end of january 2015. I will make sure of it.
Gamepro will try to get the Sonic Heroes Championship.
Hypersonic7701 will remain a competetive competitor.
RaceNights will happen again, but maybe not as regularly.
Somebody will want to make sonic boom 3ds charts happen.
Heroes will slowly die single segment wise, just like SA2B did.

I guess I'll throw some predictions on the fire too.
- I'll submit to the rest of the SAdva3 charts and get that game red overall.
- I will snatch the Rings leadership for that game. Resistance will come more from the Leadership Disputes board than from other people actually sitting down and trying to match or beat my RAs.
- I will try to become a regular in the TSC community, putting myself out there and making a few friends and enemies in the process.
- But I will undermine these efforts by getting away from the site for extended periods of time, including a hiatus of at least one month.
- DsS will remain first place sitewide. Maybe 2016, HyperSonic.
- All of PsyMar's predictions will come true, even the last one.


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