The Lounge > Wikkity!

Predictions for 2015!!!

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-I will achieve a World Record
-I will get a time of 48:00 or less for Sonic Adventure 2 Hero Story
-a_moustache nabs that SA2 Hero Story world record (-w-)
-I will get in the Top 5 of any level in SA2
-I will actually try running other games than SA2
-I will begin streaming
-Last but not least,IMPROVE

cf is champ

Predictions, ay? Sounds like fun.

Personal predictions:
- I finish working on Silver's story, both single segment and ILs
- I get around to giving Free Riders some proper loving
- I pick up another Sonic game and immediately regret it

Other predictions:
- FocusSight will have some MLG comebacks from kangaroo land
- Don will still be telling me to stone goats
- Cyd will bury Sonic Heroes next to Rayman 3
- Nobody else will pick up Free Riders

Oh dear, time for predictions :O Let's get... Personal ˙͜>˙

Personal: I will play video games
Get decent at 3D Blast, then quit after realizing I shouldn't have gotten that far
Play Heroes
Tell people to get good
Be an asshole one way or another
Learn an actually good speedgame (actually, I dunno about this one)

The people
Yuuki will get decent at Chaotix
Cyd will kill himself because of no sub 1 RIP Cyd 12/7/14 He did not sub 1 ˙͜>˙
Tony will die... Again
Battle of the Heroes B)
Thorn will realize the truth
Someone from the old TSC days will do something amazing
Don will mysteriously get a WR without anyone knowing

That's about all I've got

OK, here's my predictions.
1) I will actually play some sonic games, probably unleashed and heroes but maybe black knight or secret rings as well
2) I will get to 241 stars on Super Mario Galaxy 2, then ragequit over "The Perfect Run"
3) My migraines will continue to recede as I get better medications and this damn sinus infection goes away
4) My chess rating on ICC will go up at least 100 points (see #3)
5) I will not finish my LeafGreen nuzlocke run (but I will try!)
6) I will weigh under 250 lbs by years' end (that's 113.4 kilos for you metric types); I'm currently 270 (122.47 kilos)
7) I will actually do some work that I get paid for doing at an hourly rate
8) I will buy Smash Bros. U, then wonder why I did so
9) I will actually have equipment for streaming by the end of 2015 (first I need to test that OBS (open broadcasting software) works on my Linux set-up....)
10) I will finish at least one if not two of the zelda games of which I am in the middle
11) I will finish Metroid Prime 3 on Veteran, then Metroid Prime 1 and 2 on Hard.  Probably not 3 on Hypermode though because I suck.
12) I will have predicted too many things, and as such, at least one of these predictions will be wrong.


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