The Lounge > Wikkity!

Predictions for 2015!!!

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The Kid .130.:
I've already made my prediction come true...What now lol

well all you people that predicted I'd make top 10 sitewide were wrong, because I did it before the year ended (although you're all still technically right because i'll still be top 10 next year..hopefully)

Predictions for 2014? Ok..

I don't have many of them, mainly because I haven't had time to play at all, but I do wish that:

-I stay in the orange section of Sonic Heroes
-Get to the orange section of Sonic Unleashed PS2; get most ring charts done. Certain stages I have doubts of touching, because they look hard. But we'll see..
-Submit more rings for Sonic Advance 2. I still will improve my times, but it seems unlikely.
-Improve more for Sonic Advance 3..
-Climb up the leaderboard a bit.

flying fox:
Thank you Hyper for reminding me on reviving this topic. Predictions go go~

It's 2015 already...holy shit. Prediction time!

-I will continue to ignore competition entirely except for completely noobish things :V Well okay, maybe I'll contribute a little bit more to certain games I was involved in previously but that's about it.
-Hyper will kick some major ass and manage to annoy everyone as he does it (A)
-FF will finally trump over S&I.
-Infer will get top 20th sitewide.
-Everyone else will effortlessly get WRs in fucking everything serIOUSLY HOW DOES THAT WORK

-A non-TSC related prediction for myself...I will hopefully become better at Smash this year, I'm trying to get into it competitively. Wish me luck :P


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