The Lounge > Wikkity!

Predictions for 2015!!!

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I'll randomly come back to improve on some random games/times.

I predict for 2014...

- I will remain champion of SA2B for another year :P
- Fill, and get majority red stats in times for SADX, Heroes and colors
- Improve some SA2B scores and bosses (rings is a maybe to get the most overall)
- Start streaming (May be too busy with school and everything, but it would be nice)
- Earn 300 subs on YouTube :D
- Get on Skype sometime considering I haven't been on in about six months :O
- And actually sub 1.00 in Sonic's Twinkle Park to get the fastest, GC only SADX times!

I'm pretty optimistic about next year for some reason and I wish everybody luck with their predictions. Let's hope they come true! :D

I'll start using an avatar :D

I predict that:
I will get the Sonic Generations 3ds Boss leadership. (Just in general in the future, not too sure if i will do it in the next month or next year)       This was completed before 2013 was out
Zip will try to take the leadership back, and probably will succeed.        Well, i KNEW IT. I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN.
I will get the championship for Sonic Generations 3ds.        heyyyyyyy, i did it
I will get at least 10 non-shared #1 times.
I will get red for Sonic Advance.

Don will get red in Sonic Colors Wii.

Oh, by the way, i'm pretty new to the site on an account. Hi.

Eh. I guess I'll make actual predictions, then.
I can't really make any personal predictions about myself on TSC, as, well, you should know by now why.
Well, I do have one, but it's not related to competition in any way.
- Continue to be called "Top Lel" by HyperSonic7701 That's the Hyper I know.
But I do have some predictions for other people :P
- Hyper or FF will someday try to break the tie in S4EM (I just have a feeling one of you will try sometime in the future) Wasn't too surprised by this happening.
- SB737 getting Top 10 sitewide Happened in 2013, I predicted it to happen in 2014 lol
- Don will get at least orange in SCWii
- Infer will get orange in S06
- TuKeZu will get 2nd, if not 1st, in SRA
- SonicSpeedRuner will get orange or red in Heroes
There. That's pretty much the predictions I have :p


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