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Predictions for 2015!!!

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My prediction: I'll continue to be too lazy to compete.


My Predictions:

-Being able to make Awesome Score Attack Strats for all Act 1(Act 2 for Windmill isle) stages of Sonic Unleashed(PS3/Xbox360)
-Be Finally be able to get the Sky Sanctuary Act 2 Speedrun with the tower skip
-Learn to the Sonic Adventure 2 Speedrun Techniques
-Me and Werey Competing and Sonic and Sega Allstars Transformed.
-Top 5 in 5 sonic games on TSC

Well that's me.

My predictions:
-Get top 20 for SADX
-Get a red overall for 1 game
-Don getting in the top 3 for colours wii overall
-SonicBoom737 gets in top 10 sitewide
-Sonicspeedruner getting in the top 10 for heroes
-Gamepro011 getting at least 3rd in heroes

My predictions:
1. Get my PS2 fixed to play SRZG and SU (in both of them I'll get yellow rankin overall)
2. Buy a X360 to play more SU to reach the max of Sonic speed( my times can be in at least orange ranks)
3. Get a better PC to play really more SA2B and get at least top 20(I believe I'll not get this prediction T-T)
Discarted one: Ban the zipping through stages in S1, S2 and S3&K(what's the matter? I hate zipping through stages as I hate Knuckles. Can't I have this dream? Just kidding. :P)
5. Get more subscribers in my channel by beating Cannon's Core Freestyle with 5.14 sec( Nulldc trainning)
6. Beat a record from Sonicspeedruner in SH or SADX. (utopic, but not impossible :])
Edit: These predictions are idiot, but I can't give up.

1. Possibly get a next gen console (PS4 and/or Wii U)
2. I'll hopefully get a better computer
3. I may possibly try speedrunning more games


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