The Lounge > Wikkity!

Predictions for 2015!!!

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Now you are confirming DarkAura x Danieldude

Anyways, I have specific goals I want to reach by the end of next year.

Orange 06
65% Rivals
70% Rivals 2
Yellow SR:ZG
SG challenges ring records (A total of 30)
Spam leaderboards with other random good stats in games I don't want to compete in (rush and the like)
Top 50 sitewide. I'm extending Hyper's prediction.

These are in no way reasonable... Might as well try though.

Did somebody say DarkAura x Danieldude? they did?
This confirms DArkAura is a liar. you don't hate Dan. LIAR. (rail)

Also, so going to prove Hyper wrong.

There's going to be a 2013?

Kirby... please tell me you don't think the 2012 thing is real ._.

Well, what danieldude said, thanks to a few Sonic games I got over the past few months I think I might get that goal. But there's other non Sonic games I want to play first.


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