Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

About Sonic Unleashed PS3/360 night scores...

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I personally think they should put something in the rules about this,or atleast ban the stages that have those enemies.

i say we just nuke all night scores >_>


--- Quote from: Aitamen on June 30, 2009, 01:50:25 pm ---
--- Quote from: yoshifan on June 18, 2009, 06:14:54 pm ---Since it seems scalping issues have come up a lot at TSC...  [...] Maybe list all of the past and present scalping issues, and then do a compare/contrast from there.

--- End quote ---

So far as I know them, with the ones that break precedent bolded, and in italics if I'm not sure about any part of it.

S1 - Marble 2 blocks - time-capped - allowed
S2 - Hill Top Rocks - time-capped - allowed
S3 - Launch Base - can max - disallowed (I've never tried it, but I assume there's more than enough time to max the counter)
S&K - Lava Reef respawn - time capped - disallowed
S&K - sign post - can max - disallowed
SA - Hot Shelter (Time) - can max - disallowed
SA - minigame infinite - can max - disallowed (Just taking this from the competition rules page)
SA2 - Cosmic Wall - can max - disallowed
SAdva 2 - all - time-capped - allowed
Rush - trick/death "abuse" - capped w/ bonus, and the scores are still technically granted to a single life - allowed

--- End quote ---

Lava Reef's trick will be allowed because it doesn't ruin the competition; the fastest player would get the best score. Launch Base can't be maxed by comboing birds so it will be allowed as well because we need to be coherent with our principles.  If you disagree, speak now of forever hold your peace.

don't unban the LB1 trick! that would be retarded in my opinion.  as for the LR1 trick I don't really care if thats banned or not, at least it takes some skill to keep combo.

While I dread seeing that trick legalized, it's perfectly consistent with our other rulings to make it legal, and it doesn't cause infinite scores. It should be done, even if I don't want it. :(


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