Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

About Sonic Unleashed PS3/360 night scores...

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I could do it if I wanted to, but having scores like that up doesn't do much for convincing people of the legitimacy of the charts, not to mention it'd be a total waste of time when the scores get wiped anyway.

At the very least DsS and Groudon, can you guys revert your stats?

ban them! they never got that score! X)

^actually they did not get -that- stat. they must be bannedlawl


--- Quote from: yoshifan on June 18, 2009, 06:14:54 pm ---Since it seems scalping issues have come up a lot at TSC...  [...] Maybe list all of the past and present scalping issues, and then do a compare/contrast from there.

--- End quote ---

So far as I know them, with the ones that break precedent bolded, and in italics if I'm not sure about any part of it.

S1 - Marble 2 blocks - time-capped - allowed
S2 - Hill Top Rocks - time-capped - allowed
S3 - Launch Base - can max - disallowed (I've never tried it, but I assume there's more than enough time to max the counter)
S&K - Lava Reef respawn - time capped - disallowed
S&K - sign post - can max - disallowed
SA - Hot Shelter (Time) - can max - disallowed
SA - minigame infinite - can max - disallowed (Just taking this from the competition rules page)
SA2 - Cosmic Wall - can max - disallowed
SAdva 2 - all - time-capped - allowed
Rush - trick/death "abuse" - capped w/ bonus, and the scores are still technically granted to a single life - allowed

This explains the precedent argument I had prior: I thought there was a fairly solid standpoint.  Also, there may be more, or I may be mis-citing some of these, so if someone is well-versed in these or other games, please correct this list ^_^

Ring Rush:
Heroes scores - All score charts removed, as it was impossible to determine if current stats were scalped or not (you could get the bonus without realizing how)
SSR scores - All effected score charts removed, as it was impossible to determine if current stats were scalped or not (you could get the bonus without realizing how)

Just thought I'd add those two that you forgot, since they also set a different kind of precedent.


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