Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

About Sonic Unleashed PS3/360 night scores...

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uh people HAVE score scalped in Hill Top zone, just look at the top scores.  90k in HT1? and 60k in HT2, with out a perfect bonus?  those scores arn't possible with out score scalping. (in addition to grabbing and killing most/all of the rings and enemies of course)

^ they have.

Okay, I don't know what's legal and what's not, and have submitted 3000+ stats. Banned.

Since it seems scalping issues have come up a lot at TSC... if we're not in a rush to get the SU360 issue resolved, can we try to develop some consistent policies for scalping issues in general?  Maybe list all of the past and present scalping issues, and then do a compare/contrast from there.

Are we going to come a conclusion to this one way or another anytime soon? There's been two people with 9999999 sitting on the top of the CE1N chart for a few weeks now. :(


--- Quote from: Paraxade on June 30, 2009, 06:27:09 am ---Are we going to come a conclusion to this one way or another anytime soon? There's been two people with 9999999 sitting on the top of the CE1N chart for a few weeks now. :(

--- End quote ---

Paraxade's getting jealous that he can't do it X)


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