Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

About Sonic Unleashed PS3/360 night scores...

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--- Quote from: Groudon on June 12, 2009, 02:51:18 pm ---On a more serious note...

All of these levels have either Big Mothers or Healing Wizards in them, and thus will require nuking of their score charts:

Savannah Citadel 2
Cool Edge 1
Dragon Road 1
Dragon Road 2
Rooftop Run 1
Arid Sands 1
Jungle Joyride 1
Jungle Joyride 2

Dragon Road 1-2
Dragon Road 3
Rooftop Run 2
Cool Edge 2
Cool Edge 3
Savannah Citadel 3
Windmill Isle 1-2
Windmill Isle 1-3
Arid Sands 2

--- End quote ---

Eggmanland has those Healing Wizards as well.

It also has respawning rings.

who's bright idea was it to add that chart anyway?

flying fox:

--- Quote from: Groudon on June 12, 2009, 10:01:29 pm ---It also has respawning rings.

who's bright idea was it to add that chart anyway?

--- End quote ---

EML shouldn't have been added to the score chart due to the respawning rings. Look at DR5D and one of the CE stages (both DLC) that has respawning rings in it and they don't have a score chart, so neither should EML >_>

Also I agree with DsS that the night scores should be removed or just specific ones.

eml has healing wizards + infinite health (you get it all back when you hit hourglasses and i'm betting you can easily just gtw back to where the enemies are from there) + respawning rings. the chart never should've been put up to begin with, but rpg and thorn insisted because it was too awesome not to have one or something. >_> in any case, it's broken in a number of ways now.

i'm also inclined to say remove all night scores, just because this makes it all seem so ridiculous, but i guess as long as they're not infinite... :/

Once again those darn black folk have ruined it all!

Come Thorn, let us scheme some more in the HindenPG


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