you mean reviving?
seriously, by the time the DDR craze struck, 90% of arcades were already dead...
I mean, when's the last time you heard about a local mom&pop arcade hosting a tourny?
used to be MASSIVE amounts of players and arcades that were pro-based 'cadies... now look at 'em...
most of 'em just play Halo...
on topic, I like the idea of a DDR tourny, because it would be a very different player line-up compared to TSC/GH playings...
On the other hand, yes, if all else fails, I'll bring SSB and SSBB w/ my 64, but I don't have a Wii (yes, I have SSBB and no Wii... I also have a release day copy, to boot... so there ^_^)
because they'll be able to win in SSBM/SSBB, I'm sure...