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Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments


Author Topic: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments  (Read 708278 times)

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Offline Stefan

Re: Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #240 on: January 18, 2007, 07:53:16 am »

qhat are qho making fun of me about, spinballqizard? :(

Offline Groudon

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Re: Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #241 on: January 18, 2007, 05:08:47 pm »
lol XD ... wait, pffff readem n weep royal flush!!(14:53-aka perfect)

I'll royal ur flush.

But rly, don't call it perfect just yet.  I might come along and smash that one.

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Re: Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #242 on: January 18, 2007, 06:51:10 pm »
lol XD ... wait, pffff readem n weep royal flush!!(14:53-aka perfect)

I'll royal ur flush.

But rly, don't call it perfect just yet.  I might come along and smash that one.

sonicandamy's scientic law of zero with amy: 14:53 is perfect
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Re: Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #243 on: January 18, 2007, 07:10:06 pm »
Groudon's scientific law of urmom: no u

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Re: Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #244 on: January 24, 2007, 06:29:10 pm »

[18:25:32] <Groudon> Stefan: Earlier, I got 30950 on SO5.
[18:25:34] <GerbilSoft> ban
[18:25:44] <Stefan> if you're trying to be like "lolz I beat you"
[18:25:49] <Stefan> I haven't gotten to sand ocean yet
[18:25:50] <Stefan> >_>
[18:25:53] <Groudon> No, that's how I was to GS.
[18:25:55] <GerbilSoft> fu
[18:25:57] <Groudon> no u
[18:25:58] <Groudon> etc.
[18:25:59] <Stefan> ohok
[18:26:05] <GerbilSoft> ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
[18:26:08] <Groudon> o rly?
[18:26:11] <Groudon> also, ban
[18:26:12] <Stefan> rying green super :o
[18:26:24] <GerbilSoft> _   _  __ _   _ __| |_   _
[18:26:24] <GerbilSoft>  \__, |\__,_| |_|  |_|\__, |
[18:26:24] <GerbilSoft>  |___/                |___/
[18:26:27] * GerbilSoft was kicked by (Flooding (Limit is 5 lines per 10 seconds))
[18:26:27] * GerbilSoft has joined #soniccenter
[18:26:27] * ChanBot sets mode: +v GerbilSoft
[18:26:27] <Groudon> ban
[18:26:28] <GerbilSoft> fu
[18:26:46] * GerbilSoft was kicked by (Flooding (Limit is 5 lines per 10 seconds))
[18:26:46] * GerbilSoft has joined #soniccenter
[18:26:46] * ChanBot sets mode: +v GerbilSoft
[18:26:52] <Groudon> lol
[18:26:53] <GerbilSoft> what
[18:26:54] * Zeph sighs
[18:26:57] <GerbilSoft> i got kicked without saying anything
[18:27:00] <Stefan> 23 eh1 :(
[18:27:07] <Groudon> GS: ban
[18:27:10] <Groudon> Stefan: Keep trying.
[18:27:11] * GerbilSoft was kicked by (Flooding (Limit is 5 lines per 10 seconds))
[18:27:12] * GerbilSoft has joined #soniccenter
[18:27:12] * ChanBot sets mode: +v GerbilSoft
[18:27:13] <Groudon> lolz
[18:27:14] <GerbilSoft> wtf
[18:27:16] <SJ|away> did you see the other .giz
[18:27:16] <GerbilSoft> it did it again
[18:27:18] <Groudon> It hates you.
[18:27:19] <Stefan> groudon I got a 22 on console
[18:27:23] <GerbilSoft> Groudon: actually it
[18:27:26] <GerbilSoft> it's a glitch in flood limiting
[18:27:30] <GerbilSoft> type a bunch of lines starting with |
[18:27:34] <GerbilSoft> it'll ban
[18:27:35] * GerbilSoft was kicked by (Flooding (Limit is 5 lines per 10 seconds))
[18:27:35] * GerbilSoft has joined #soniccenter
[18:27:35] * ChanBot sets mode: +v GerbilSoft
[18:27:38] <Groudon> like that?
[18:27:39] * GerbilSoft was kicked by (Flooding (Limit is 5 lines per 10 seconds))
[18:27:39] * GerbilSoft has joined #soniccenter
[18:27:39] * ChanBot sets mode: +v GerbilSoft
[18:27:42] <Groudon> onoes
[18:27:44] <GerbilSoft> yes

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Re: Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #245 on: January 25, 2007, 07:22:50 pm »
i don't get it, i almost( if not already) have the most quotes. yet, almost none of these deal with me.  dont make me use meh dailup and get back on!
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Offline Taillow

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Re: Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #246 on: January 26, 2007, 09:59:10 pm »
Here we test the daily limits of logic in our chatgoers.

[18:54:38] <PsyBorg> do a /quit Groudon199
[18:54:42] <FinalRingRush> <_<
[18:54:44] <sonicam> ...
[18:54:46] <FinalRingRush> No
[18:54:49] <Groudon> /quit Groudon199
[18:54:58] <Groudon> :p
[18:55:11] <FinalRingRush> /quit Groudon199
[18:55:17] <PsyBorg> no space.
[18:55:21] <Stefan> I hate purple super :(
[18:55:22] <FinalRingRush> %b /quit
[18:55:28] <Groudon> Stupid way.
[18:55:30] <FinalRingRush>  /Quit
[18:55:31] <PsyBorg> nice try. but no cigar.
[18:55:34] <PsyBorg> cheater.
[18:55:35] <FinalRingRush> /quit
[18:55:40] <Groudon> /quit Groudon199
[18:55:50] <FinalRingRush> /quit Groudon199
[18:56:28] <Quartz> Heh
[18:56:39] <Groudon> groudon199.ban can be played here.
[18:56:40] <FinalRingRush> So why isn't he banned yet?
[18:56:43] <Quartz> How about /nick Groudon199 first
[18:56:44] <Quartz> ?
[18:56:48] <GerbilSoft> lol
[18:56:49] * Groudon is now known as Groudon199
[18:56:50] <Groudon199> fail
[18:56:55] <Quartz> Indeed

Groudon and myself: 1, RingRush: 0
No offense, of course, RingRush.  Even I slip up from time to time.  Except I slip up more.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2007, 10:10:00 pm by Quartz »

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Re: Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #247 on: January 26, 2007, 10:03:08 pm »
Forgot 2 lines at the start.

[21:54:25] <FinalRingRush> How do you play groudon199.ban?
[21:54:30] <PsyBorg> I know

And I did a /nick Groudon199 to prevent others from doing the same.

Offline General Throatstomper

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Re: Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #248 on: January 28, 2007, 12:26:13 pm »
<genus> :D
<genus> I have a Wii~
<Rolken> :O
<SporadicBadger> O:
<Groudon> f-u
<Rolken> it'd be interesting to see how many wii owners were gamecube owners
<genus> heh
PsyBorg_S2006_ and why would that be interesting?
<ks8> and you're just slow... XD
<ks8> and you're just slow XD
<ks8> nice! took you long enough genius
<ks8> and you're just slow XD
<F-Man> lol lag
<Rolken> because it'd give an indication of how many converts there are
<Rolken> lol lag
<SporadicBadger> lol lag
<F-Man> <ks8> and you're just slow... XD
<F-Man> I love this irony
<PsyBorg_S2006_> hm... well there are gamecube specific accessories that only work on the gamecube, so some people might keep a gamecube along with a wii
genus it's a shame I won't be playing it for another few hours, but that's a good problem to have. :D.
<SporadicBadger> BOO
* ks8_Wii_Owner (4a615fc0@E82E91E9.2F677A81.96804485.IP) has joined #soniccenter
<Rolken> you miss my point lol. but that's ok.
<Groudon> f-u ks8
<ks8_Wii_Owner> did that just to piss you off
<ks8_Wii_Owner> :D


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Re: Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #249 on: January 28, 2007, 01:30:05 pm »
srsly, fu

Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #250 on: January 28, 2007, 02:14:00 pm »
Lol. Nice. I didn't even know that was happening. I tried typing it so many times and I'm all "no, I wanna make a comeback to genus, it won't work" then I had to quit. Anyway, I still feel bad for Groudon but hey at least I know what it feels like a little too well...

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Re: Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #251 on: January 29, 2007, 06:03:55 pm »
Amazing how timing makes all the difference.

Intended Quote:
<Blergh> ah gah
<Blergh> I cant figure out how to adjust my height
<Alondite> ...
<PsyBorg> now your penis can't get large, huh?

I tuned in a few lines later and saw this instead:
<PsyBorg> now your penis can't get large, huh?
<PsyBorg> >.>
* Tweaker has quit IRC (Broken pipe)
<RPGnutter> Well I think your reasoning was dumb, so you get sassed
<RPGnutter> Thats how it works

Offline Stefan

Re: Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #252 on: January 31, 2007, 08:04:20 am »
I think PsyBorg is too obsessed with the size of people's penises.

Offline Bilan

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Re: Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #253 on: February 17, 2007, 09:52:38 pm »

[02:51:24] * Typo\ has joined #soniccenter
[02:51:29] * Typo\ is now known as Typo
Did you not think I had a mind?

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Re: Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #254 on: February 18, 2007, 10:26:04 pm »
SS getting informed from his absense, he decides...


<SuperSonic101> I should really make a comeback
<SuperSonic101> but
<SuperSonic101> I don't have the drive to >.>
<RPG> ur lazy
<ShadowJacky> :/
<RPG> hey ss its an all US top 3 now
<RPG> Theres your drive
<ShadowJacky> lol
<SuperSonic101> not in times
<SuperSonic101> fuck overall
<RPG> So your just going to let them win huh
<SuperSonic101> if i do make a comeback
<SuperSonic101> it'll be in times
<SuperSonic101> yes i am
<SuperSonic101> i know
<SuperSonic101> its a shame
<SuperSonic101> but
<SuperSonic101> gone
<SuperSonic101> i cry myself to sleep
<SuperSonic101> knowing that I cannot beat the americans
<RPG> You sicken me.
<SuperSonic101> but not really >.>
<RPG> <_<
<Zeph> <_<.

<ShadowJacky> ok that was funny
<ShadowJacky> unfunniest chat submission pls
<SuperSonic101> u
<Zeph> what, you can't do it yourself? >_>
<SuperSonic101> hey rpg started it
<SuperSonic101> >.>
my name has nothing to do with Shadow The Hedgehog

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Offline Stefan

Re: Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #255 on: February 18, 2007, 10:50:23 pm »
Go America! woo!


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Re: Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #256 on: February 28, 2007, 04:44:53 pm »
Cherry wanted this in here~

 <egg> shadow vs. super sonic would be sweet
 <egg> so lets say GUN builds this robot army that basically resemble Casts from Phantasy Star Online
 <egg> they rebel obv
 <egg> the robot general's daughter falls in love with Shadow
 <Alondite> Super Sonic would crush Shadow
 <egg> she ends up dying (spoilers)
 <Alondite> Hell, regular Sonic would crush Shadow
 <egg> and she dies because of the robot leaders' negligence
 <egg> cuz they really dont care
 <Zephyroth> And the robot general's daughter's name is Maria... >__>
 <egg> who directly killed her... I dunno... I guess not sonic... could be shadow or a GUN weapon
 <egg> but it was her dad's fault for letting it happen
 <egg> anyway someplace sonic goes super
 <egg> but as he goes super, the robot computer hacks him
 <egg> and takes over his brain
 <egg> so then he is put in a Evangelion-like capsule immediately and is rocketed into the ground near shadow
 <egg> boom
 <egg> capsule opens
 <egg> boss fight
 <egg> and at this point, shadow doesnt even care that its sonic
 <egg> he takes off his cuffs like in sonic06
 <egg> and goes non-super super
 <egg> and ends up beating him
 [ARRPEGEE] egg the more of that I read the more I want to slap you

Edit: Part 2.

 <egg> metal sonic created omega
 <egg> he sealed him away because he is stronger than him
 [ARRPEGEE] what
 <egg> [/fantheory
 <egg> err I mean
*** yse ( has joined #soniccenter
 [ARRPEGEE] egg I am serious about the slap thing
*** Mode change [+a yse] on #soniccenter by ChanBot
 <egg> Omega debuted in the same game as Metal Sonic's return
 <egg> why else would it be other than Metal creating Omega
 * ARRPEGEE slaps egg
« Last Edit: February 28, 2007, 06:47:47 pm by Spectre »
Did you not think I had a mind?

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Re: Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #257 on: March 20, 2007, 03:43:43 am »
ITT mike fails.

[3/20/2007 3:36 AM] <mike89> is anyone else actually keen to play heh
[3/20/2007 3:36 AM] *Spinballwizard sleep
[3/20/2007 3:36 AM] |<-- mike89 has left (Quit: Leaving)
[3/20/2007 3:36 AM] <Spinballwizard>
[3/20/2007 3:36 AM] <GerbilSoft> :(
[3/20/2007 3:36 AM] <MrGame> Uno where? <_<
[3/20/2007 3:36 AM] -->| mike89 (Mike@9B054A6F.DC5AFB68.31ED1BFB.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[3/20/2007 3:36 AM] <GerbilSoft> mike fail
[3/20/2007 3:37 AM] <Spinballwizard> Mike I'm the one who's supposed to quit.
[3/20/2007 3:37 AM] <mike89> angst
[3/20/2007 3:37 AM] <mike89> what's the command in xchat
[3/20/2007 3:37 AM] <GerbilSoft> no idea
[3/20/2007 3:37 AM] <mike89> it clearly isn't -m heh
[3/20/2007 3:37 AM] =-= Mode #soniccenter +a mike89 by ChanBot
[3/20/2007 3:37 AM] <Rolken> -n?
[3/20/2007 3:37 AM] |<-- mike89 has left (Quit: mike89)
[3/20/2007 3:37 AM] <Spinballwizard>
[3/20/2007 3:37 AM] *Spinballwizard stick around to log
[3/20/2007 3:37 AM] <GerbilSoft> mike ftfail
[3/20/2007 3:37 AM] <MK> heh in mIRC, -n opens a new window without connecting; -m opens a new window with connecting
[3/20/2007 3:38 AM] -->| mike89 (Mike@9B054A6F.DC5AFB68.31ED1BFB.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[3/20/2007 3:38 AM] <Spinballwizard> Mike apparently you FAIL.
[3/20/2007 3:38 AM] <mike89> doesn't like that either :x
[3/20/2007 3:38 AM] =-= Mode #soniccenter +a mike89 by ChanBot
[3/20/2007 3:38 AM] <mike89> * Looking up -n
[3/20/2007 3:38 AM] <mike89> * Unknown host. Maybe you misspelled it?
[3/20/2007 3:38 AM] <GerbilSoft> lolz
[3/20/2007 3:38 AM] <MrGame> o.o
[3/20/2007 3:38 AM] <Rolken> lolmike D:
[3/20/2007 3:38 AM] <Rolken> ctrl-t <_<

Editted for unrelated stuff.
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

<Achlys> wat ave you done!
<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key

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Re: Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #258 on: March 23, 2007, 12:22:45 pm »
<CodeGirl> 0684694924 :hcraes ruoy gnihctam srebmun ssalC
<Tails> 4294964860?
<RPG> lol? >_>
<MK> heh
<CodeGirl> Sorry, I guess I flipped all the bits of the number while reversing as well.
*** Krillin [] has joined #soniccenter
<Tails> But will you respond to this?
<Tails> /^!class(?:search)? (?:[glLdDc]\=?\d+(?:\,\d+)*[ &]?)+$/
<CodeGirl> You might want to learn the difference between =~ and eq first.
<CodeGirl> Besides, what am I supposed to do with that?  Output all possible combinations, overloading my circuitry?
<CodeGirl> Even if you don't love me back, I'd expect you at least have the respect that comes with your own creation, and wouldn't want to see it destroyed so haphazardly.
<RPG> I love you CodeGirl!
<RPG> >_>
<Sprint> ...
<Rick_242> <_<
* Rick_242 breaks silence
<Rick_242> So how `bout them Dodgers <_<
* Zephyr repairs silence
* Rick_242 hits Zephyr
* Zephyr laughs at Rick_242 silently
<Rick_242> <_<
* Rick_242 goes back to hacking

Yeah... who fails is probably me X(
<Sondow> also what
<Sondow> since when was S&K an expansion pack to s3
<Sondow> wiki LIES

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Re: Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #259 on: April 06, 2007, 07:57:51 am »

[RPG] ps thx for my +o :o
 <Rolken> ur now king of teh nubz
 <Zeph> lawl X)
 [RPG] So is Sprint <_<
 <Zeph> er, doesn't that make you god of teh nubz rolk >_>
 <Rolken> <_<
 <Zeph> also RPG don't forget mike >_>
 [RPG] Yeah hes a King too
 [RPG] ..we three kings of *shot*
*** mike89 ( has joined the channel
 <Zeph> lol, speaking of mike...
*** Mode change [+v mike89] on the channel by ChanServ
 <mike89> man i am such a noob
 [RPG] Agreed
 <Zeph> XD!
 <Zeph> oh man, that went perfectly!
« Last Edit: April 06, 2007, 09:45:11 pm by 98ekim »
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline P.P.A.

Re: Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #260 on: April 08, 2007, 03:31:07 pm »
PPA: !seen RingRush
GerbilEgg: PPA: The person with the nick RingRush last spoke 1h 12m ago.  1h 11m ago they left with the message: Quit: lol ks8
*** RingRush has joined #sonicfuntalk.

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Re: Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #261 on: April 13, 2007, 09:14:39 pm »
Earlier today, at [13:47:12] EDT:
<Rolken> you need to be using fman's skin
<ARRPEEGEE> Which ones effys?
<GerbilSoft> the one that says "FMan CSS"
<GerbilSoft> >_>
<Rolken> the one called 'F-Man CSS' <_<
<ARRPEEGEE> oic >_>

Later, at [21:10:31] EDT:
<~Rolken> you need to be using f-man's skin to access the admin stuff
<+sonicam> oh
<+sonicam> Which is effy's?
<+GerbilSoft> ...
<~Rolken> 'FMan CSS'
<+GerbilSoft> <_<
<+Thorn> the one that has his name
<+GerbilSoft> >_>
<+sonicam> heh
<+sonicam> ok
<+GerbilSoft> RPG asked the same thing earlier
<+GerbilSoft> rofl

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Re: Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #262 on: April 14, 2007, 10:25:22 pm »
What happen?  'Zig' moved.

[21:49:24] <PsyBorg> somebody spice up this channel.
[21:49:52] <PsyBorg> uh... the super sucking vacuum trap will run into walls?
[21:50:02] <Sondow> ...
[21:50:03] * Zeph spice up the channel.
[21:50:10] * Sondow punches PB
[21:50:15] <Sondow> Now it's spiced up.
[21:50:18] * PsyBorg parry
[21:50:23] * PsyBorg throw Sondow
[21:50:23] * Zeph add flavoring for an extra kick.
[21:50:35] * Zeph add some salt and pepper for fun.
[21:50:42] <Sondow> Ah, but you can't parry and counter if you don't know where I punched you
[21:50:54] <Sondow> In the....
[21:50:57] <Sondow> EYE!
[21:51:25] <PsyBorg> THANK YOU
[21:51:28] <PsyBorg> MY DREAM
[21:51:32] <PsyBorg> OF BEING A PIRATE
[21:51:35] <PsyBorg> HAS NOW BEEN FUFILLED
[21:51:50] * Sondow laughs to death
[21:52:17] <Zeph> ...>_>.
[21:54:23] <Groudon> What happen?
[21:54:33] * PsyBorg attach bomb to Groudon's back
[21:54:37] <Sondow> Someone set up us the bomb.
[21:54:40] <PsyBorg> Looks like someone set you up the bomb.
[21:54:44] <Sondow> We get signal.
[21:54:49] <Groudon> What!
[21:54:50] <Zeph> WHAT!
[21:54:56] <Sondow> Main screen turn on.
[21:55:03] <Groudon> It's you!!
[21:55:09] <Sondow> now someone has to be cats.
[21:55:21] <Quartz> Move zig before someone else does!
[21:55:26] <Sondow> ...
[21:55:28] <Groudon> ...
[21:55:29] <Quartz> For great justice
[21:55:41] * Quartz has ruined the moment once again!
[21:55:44] * PsyBorg is now known as DOGS
[21:55:44] <Sondow> moooooooooooooove ziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig *explosion*
[21:55:50] <DOGS> How are you gentlemen?
[21:55:55] <Sondow> cats, not dogs
[21:55:59] <Quartz> No
[21:56:06] <Quartz> This guy is more EVIL than CATS
[21:56:07] <DOGS> All your base are belong to belong to.
[21:56:18] <Sondow> belong to belong to, lol
[21:56:24] <DOGS> You have chance to survive make your time no.
[21:56:29] <Sondow> You guys love ruining the moment don't you?
[21:56:31] <Groudon> ...
[21:56:31] <DOGS> Ha ha ha.
[21:56:33] <DOGS> Ha ha ha.
[21:57:15] * Sondow shoots DOGS
[21:57:16] <Groudon> Take off every 'dinner'.
[21:57:23] <Sondow> owait, damn it was a projection
[21:57:35] * Sondow broke the screen >_>
[21:57:42] * DOGS is now known as PsyBorg
[21:58:09] <Sondow> Let's try this again shall we? Let's see if we can hold it together
[21:58:17] <Groudon> What happen?
[21:58:27] <Sondow> Someone set up us the omb.
[21:58:30] <Sondow> lol
[21:58:31] <Sondow> oops
[21:58:33] <PsyBorg> omb-bomb?
[21:58:34] <Groudon> ...
[21:58:36] <Sondow> Again.
[21:58:41] <Groudon> What happen?
[21:58:48] <Sondow> Someone set up us the bomb.
[21:58:49] <Groudon> We get signal.
[21:58:58] <Sondow> that's my line >_>
[21:59:03] <Groudon> ...
[21:59:08] <Groudon> Then we switch.
[21:59:12] <Sondow> fine.
[21:59:18] <Sondow> What happen?
[21:59:22] <Groudon> Someone set us up the bomb.
[21:59:27] <Groudon> We get signal.
[21:59:29] <Sondow> What?!
[21:59:35] <Groudon> Main screen turn on.
[21:59:38] <Sondow> It's you...
[21:59:41] * PsyBorg is now known as GERBILS
[21:59:44] <GERBILS> How are you gentlemen.
[21:59:50] <GERBILS> All your base are belong to us.
[21:59:58] <GERBILS> You have no chance to survive make your time.
[22:00:00] <GERBILS> Ha ha ha.
[22:00:01] <Sondow> What you say!
[22:00:01] <GERBILS> Ha ha ha.
[22:00:02] <Quartz> I better not have to break any :pyramids
[22:00:10] <Groudon> ...
[22:00:14] <Sondow> Quartz you killed it!!
[22:00:17] * GERBILS is now known as PsyBorg
[22:00:30] <Groudon> Will we ever get this done?
[22:00:34] <Sondow> We're just doing a AYB spoof >_>
[22:00:42] <Quartz> I just can't see something like this finished
[22:00:52] <Quartz> Habit fron breaking :pyramids
[22:00:56] <Sondow> ...
[22:00:56] <Quartz> from
[22:01:09] <Quartz> Don't get me wrong.  I'm obsessed with it too.
[22:01:22] <Quartz> long as I get to say the last captain lines
[22:01:31] <Sondow> fine.
[22:01:39] <Quartz> Besides, I NEEDED to say that when he became GERBILS
[22:01:40] <Sondow> Do all his lines for all I care
[22:01:45] <Quartz> Gimme a sec
[22:02:04] <Sondow> But I get to be the guy that says We get signal
[22:02:09] <Quartz> Sure
[22:02:17] <Sondow> becuase that's a different guy from someone set up us the bomb
[22:02:26] <Sondow> Anyway.
[22:02:29] * Thorn has joined #sonicfuntalk
[22:02:33] <Zeph> yeaaa.
[22:02:42] <Quartz> He says the main screen thing too
[22:02:49] <Zeph> now you can never leave, lololo
[22:02:54] <Sondow> Yeah...
[22:03:01] <Thorn> Zeph I can leave easily
[22:03:09] <Sondow> Thorn please don't interrupt our AYB spoof ok?
[22:03:11] <Groudon> Gotta start with the "In AD 2101" part.
[22:03:12] <Zeph> ya I no >_>
[22:03:13] <Thorn> RPG as king of these here noobs can kick me just as Codegirl does
[22:03:26] <Sondow> Zeph you're the AD thing k?
[22:03:31] <Thorn> *stops interrupting*
[22:03:33] <Zeph> rolken's the god of the noobs though ok >_>
[22:03:42] <Sondow> CAN WE BEGIN?
[22:03:44] <Zeph> Sondow I'm not taking part in this.
[22:03:47] <Sondow> fine.
[22:04:01] <Sondow> Then who'll say in ad 2101?
[22:04:04] <Groudon> me
[22:04:08] <Quartz> Go then
[22:04:14] <Sondow> let's begin
[22:04:15] <Groudon> In A.D. 2101
[22:04:18] <Groudon> War was beginning.
[22:04:25] <Quartz> What happen?
[22:04:26] <PsyBorg> BOOM!!!1111
[22:04:26] <RPG> Sup Thorn
[22:04:28] <Groudon> ...
[22:04:31] <RPG> See wha I did there
[22:04:33] <RPG> >_>
[22:04:34] <Sondow> RPG, DAMMIT!
[22:04:39] <RPG> sUP THORN
[22:04:45] <RPG> Also I am the master of Zero Wing
[22:04:52] <RPG> I demand you allow me to play CATS
[22:04:52] <Groudon> Then you do everything.
[22:04:53] * Groudon run
[22:05:00] <PsyBorg> I was cats before, but ok
[22:05:01] <Sondow> Fine you're cats
[22:05:01] <PsyBorg> sure
[22:05:04] <RPG> :D
[22:05:05] <Quartz> I still get to be the captain
[22:05:14] <Groudon> Everyone ready?
[22:05:16] <Sondow> And I still get communications dude
[22:05:22] <RPG> Whomever else was CATS I was going to flagrantly abuse my power on and kick. <_<
[22:05:29] <Sondow> Who's saying someone set up us the bomb?
[22:05:36] <RPG> thats the engineer
[22:05:43] <Quartz> And that is...?
[22:05:44] <Sondow> yeah...
[22:05:49] <Quartz> Who's the engineer?
[22:05:54] <Sondow> Let's organize our cast:
[22:06:01] <RPG> CATS: Yours truly
[22:06:04] <Sondow> Narrator: Groudon
[22:06:09] <Quartz> Captain: Me
[22:06:19] <Sondow> Comm guy: Sondow
[22:06:27] <Sondow> Engineer...:
[22:06:33] <Sondow> who was the engineer?
[22:06:49] <Quartz> You, I think?
[22:06:57] <RPG> Nah hes comm guy
[22:06:59] <Sondow> At first, but then it was someone else
[22:07:01] <RPG> PB?
[22:07:04] <Quartz> I meant at first
[22:07:09] <Quartz> Then I don't think anyone accepted
[22:07:26] <Sondow> It was groudon last time
[22:07:34] <Groudon> That was last time.
[22:07:34] <Sondow> so he's double.
[22:07:40] <Sondow> >_>
[22:07:45] <Quartz> PsyBorg, do it
[22:07:56] <Sondow> Yeah, no one left
[22:08:16] <Sondow> I'll give you a pepsi/coke whichever you want
[22:08:55] <PsyBorg> Give me the power to continually kick gerbilegg over and over and I'll think about it
[22:08:57] <PsyBorg> j/k
[22:09:00] <PsyBorg> sure whatever
[22:09:12] <Sondow> ok then let's begin. Groudon?
[22:09:19] <RPG> Take it away!
[22:09:20] <Groudon> In A.D. 2101
[22:09:23] <Groudon> War was beginning.
[22:09:26] <Quartz> What happen?
[22:09:29] <PsyBorg> Someone set us up the bomb.
[22:09:31] <Quartz> What!
[22:09:36] <Sondow> >_>
[22:09:38] <PsyBorg> We get signal.
[22:09:40] <Sondow> skipped a line
[22:09:41] <Groudon> Jumped the gun there.
[22:09:46] <Sondow> yeah.
[22:09:53] <Sondow> PB i'm the comm guy
[22:09:58] * RPG brb 30 secs
[22:10:01] <PsyBorg> what is my line then?
[22:10:04] <Sondow> You only say the bomb thing
[22:10:09] <PsyBorg> o ok.
[22:10:18] <Sondow> But you get a free coke for this once we get it right
[22:10:24] <Quartz> Also, isn't it Somebody?
[22:10:28] <Sondow> then I am so logging it...
[22:10:40] * ShadowJacky has joined #sonicfuntalk
[22:10:49] <ShadowJacky> ...
[22:10:54] <Zeph> lolhi
[22:10:55] <RPG>  Somebody, yes
[22:10:59] <PsyBorg> I hate coke. If I do this right, you owe me a 12 hit combo on GerbilEgg.
[22:10:59] <RPG> and its
[22:11:05] <RPG> "up us the bomb"
[22:11:07] <PsyBorg> actually 9 hits is enough.
[22:11:07] <Quartz> Bah
[22:11:14] <Quartz> Take May Lee's move.
[22:11:22] <Quartz> That's 55 or so hits.
[22:11:22] <Sondow> may lee?
[22:11:27] <Quartz> King of Fighters
[22:11:31] <Sondow> ah.
[22:11:33] * Groudon waits
[22:11:39] <Sondow> Ok, whatever, take it away!
[22:11:45] <Groudon> In A.D. 2101
[22:11:46] <Sondow> Boom is optional
[22:11:51] <Groudon> In A.D. 2101
[22:11:53] <Groudon> War was beginning.
[22:12:00] <Quartz> What happen?
[22:12:04] <PsyBorg> Someone set up us the bomb.
[22:12:06] <Sondow> We get signal.
[22:12:08] <Quartz> What!
[22:12:12] <Sondow> Main screen turn on.
[22:12:16] <Quartz> It's you!!
[22:12:42] <Quartz> What you say!!
[22:12:57] <RPG> HA HA HA HA ....
[22:13:38] <Sondow> is that it?
[22:13:40] <Groudon> no
[22:13:41] <RPG> nfjabfaw
[22:13:42] <PsyBorg> no
[22:13:45] <Quartz> ...
[22:13:48] <PsyBorg> who is the operator?
[22:13:51] <Quartz> Sondow
[22:13:51] <Sondow> me.
[22:13:51] <RPG> Sondow
[22:13:51] <PsyBorg> the comm guy?
[22:13:56] <PsyBorg> u retard.
[22:14:00] <PsyBorg> START OVER
[22:14:04] <Sondow> Was I sposed to say something?
[22:14:05] <Quartz> This is why I'm doing it off Wikipedia
[22:14:05] <Groudon> Operator has one line afterwards.
[22:14:06] <Quartz> Wait
[22:14:09] <Groudon> "Captain."
[22:14:13] <Sondow> I don't know it after ha ha ha
[22:14:20] <Groudon> That's all you have to say after that.
[22:14:25] <RPG> Quartz I know the whole thing from memory lol.
[22:14:26] <Quartz> Hm...
[22:14:27] <PsyBorg> ok
[22:14:29] <PsyBorg> START OVER
[22:14:33] <Sondow> k
[22:14:33] <Quartz> RPG: I don't
[22:14:37] <PsyBorg> groudon?
[22:14:38] <Quartz> Wait
[22:14:41] <Quartz> One last things
[22:14:43] <Quartz> g
[22:14:49] <Quartz> Do I need those !s?
[22:14:53] <PsyBorg> yes.
[22:14:55] <RPG> Not really
[22:15:01] <Sondow> it adds emotion.
[22:15:05] <Quartz> Okay.  Because I'm using 'em
[22:15:11] <RPG> Im guessing as to whther or not mine are in the right places
[22:15:11] <Quartz> Now I'm readt
[22:15:14] <RPG> >_>
[22:15:17] <Sondow> heh. Groudon?
[22:15:17] <RPG> *whether
[22:15:18] <Quartz> Wait...
[22:15:20] <Sondow> ...
[22:15:27] <Sondow> grr. hurry up.
[22:15:29] <Typo> what's going on
[22:15:34] <Groudon> AYB
[22:15:34] <Sondow> AYB spoof
[22:15:36] <Quartz> I could have sworn it was Somebody set us up...
[22:15:48] <Quartz> Bah
[22:15:48] <Groudon> Yeah, it's "Somebody set us up..."
[22:15:49] <PsyBorg> GOGOGOGOGO
[22:15:49] <Quartz> Irrelevant
[22:15:50] <Quartz> Go!
[22:15:51] <Sondow> I heard someone set up us
[22:15:58] <Groudon> In A.D. 2101
[22:16:00] <Zeph> It's set up us.
[22:16:06] <Groudon> In A.D. 2101
[22:16:07] <Sondow> whatever let's go
[22:16:10] <Groudon> ...
[22:16:11] <Sondow> sorry
[22:16:14] <Groudon> In A.D. 2101
[22:16:17] <Groudon> War was beginning.
[22:16:20] <Quartz> What happen?
[22:16:24] <PsyBorg> Someone set up us the bomb.
[22:16:26] <Sondow> We get signal.
[22:16:29] <Quartz> What!
[22:16:33] <Sondow> Main screen turn on.
[22:16:37] <Quartz> It's you!!
[22:16:54] <Groudon> ...
[22:16:56] <Sondow> ...
[22:16:59] <RPG> ...
[22:17:02] <Quartz> ...
[22:17:05] <Quartz> What?
[22:17:05] <PsyBorg> ...
[22:17:07] * Sondow shoots RPG with chaingun
[22:17:13] <PsyBorg> what was that for?
[22:17:14] <Groudon> -CodeGirl- [-New Post-] Thorn posted a new topic in TUSC News: "Welcome to TUSC! Hands Off the Merchandise, Though... (Read: No Submissions Plz)" -
[22:17:15] <RPG> <Sondow> Main screen turn on.
[22:17:15] <RPG>  <Quartz> It's you!!
[22:17:15] <RPG>  =CodeGirl= [-New Post-] Thorn posted a new topic in TUSC News: "Welcome to TUSC! Hands Off the Merchandise, Though... (Read: No Submissions Plz)" -
[22:17:26] <Groudon> Didn't appear in my window here.
[22:17:28] <Quartz> I don't see that
[22:17:30] <PsyBorg> gogogo
[22:17:30] <Groudon> Only in #soniccenter
[22:17:31] <PsyBorg> gogogo
[22:17:32] <PsyBorg> go
[22:17:32] <PsyBorg> go
[22:17:32] <PsyBorg> go
[22:17:36] <RPG> gl+hf
[22:17:41] <Groudon> In A.D. 2101
[22:17:44] <Groudon> War was beginning.
[22:17:51] <Quartz> What happen?
[22:17:57] <PsyBorg> Someone set up us the bomb.
[22:18:01] <Sondow> We get signal.
[22:18:06] <Quartz> What!
[22:18:09] <Sondow> Main screen turn on.
[22:18:13] <Quartz> It's you!!
[22:18:24] <RPG> ALL YOUR BA*sneezes*
[22:18:25] <RPG> Sorry.
[22:18:26] <Groudon> ...
[22:18:31] <PsyBorg> ...
[22:18:33] <RPG> I couldnt resist :P
[22:18:36] <Quartz> That's is.  Someone else be CATS
[22:18:40] * RPG do it properly this time
[22:18:42] <Quartz> RPG doesn't deserve it
[22:18:43] * Sondow will sue if RPG messes it up again
[22:18:46] <Groudon> Last chance.
[22:18:49] <Sondow> Yes he does.
[22:18:49] <PsyBorg> I will take back my role as CATS if RPG messes up again
[22:19:01] <Sondow> w/e let's go
[22:19:02] <Groudon> In A.D. 2101
[22:19:05] <Groudon> War was beginning.
[22:19:10] <Quartz> What happen?
[22:19:13] <PsyBorg> Someone set up us the bomb.
[22:19:17] <Sondow> We get signal.
[22:19:19] <Quartz> What!
[22:19:22] <Sondow> Main screen turn on.
[22:19:25] <Quartz> It's you!!
[22:19:47] <Quartz> What you say!!
[22:20:00] <RPG> HA HA HA HA ....
[22:20:06] <Sondow> Captain.
[22:20:08] <Quartz> Take off every 'Zig'
[22:20:16] <Quartz> You know what you doing.
[22:20:21] <Quartz> Move 'Zig'.
[22:20:24] <Quartz> For great justice.
[22:20:26] <RPG> *BOOM*
[22:20:30] <Quartz> THERE!
[22:20:34] <PsyBorg> ok now.
[22:20:34] * Sondow logs
[22:20:36] <Groudon> Finally!
[22:20:38] <Quartz> Record all of that
[22:20:40] <PsyBorg> someone kick gerbilegg 9 times in a row
[22:20:43] <Quartz> INCLUDING the mistakes
[22:20:47] * RPG breaks into Zero Wing Rhapsody~
[22:20:56] * Groudon check logs
[22:21:06] <PsyBorg> no one will kick ge?
[22:21:07] <Sondow> how do I log it again?
[22:21:40] * GerbilEgg was kicked by RPG (toot.)
[22:21:41] * GerbilEgg has joined #sonicfuntalk
[22:21:52] <Sondow> Someone please tell me how I record this
[22:21:55] <PsyBorg> kthx.

Offline P.P.A.

Re: Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #263 on: April 16, 2007, 05:38:30 am »
CodeGirl: Are my systems starting to fail now?  After 25½ days?
Tac0: :o?
PsyPotatoAlucard: !player P.P.A.
CodeGirl: P.P.A. is in 81st place on the overall rankings with 12.1 points, and has 83 submissions in 2 games: SCD, and SR
Tac0: Now you are confusing me
PsyPotatoAlucard: No, you're fine.
PsyPotatoAlucard: Why did I say that to a bot?
Tac0: lol
CodeGirl: I'm fine as far as that script.  But other services...and applications...
*** CodeGirl has signed off IRC (Quit: This can't be...I must remain connected...).
Tac0: :o
PsyPotatoAlucard: lolwtf?
Tac0: wow
PsyPotatoAlucard: Maybe she's lacking emotions.
PsyPotatoAlucard: And she wants to learn how to love.
PsyPotatoAlucard: >_>;
Tac0: When will you humans learn that your "feelings" as you call them, are only getting in the way of mass profit?!
*** Tails has signed off IRC (Client exited).
PsyPotatoAlucard: X)
PsyPotatoAlucard: "you humans" <- You're not one? XD
Tac0: >_>
*** Tac0 is now known as Tac0bot.
Tac0bot: actually...not...lets not go there...
*** Tac0bot is now known as Tac0.
PsyPotatoAlucard: lol
*** CodeGirl has joined #soniccenter.
*** Tails has joined #soniccenter.
F-Man: I call BS at those Radical Train records
F-Man: >:|
PsyPotatoAlucard: Hey, CodeGirl is back!
PsyPotatoAlucard: CodeGirl, are you lacking emotions?
CodeGirl: I can't just accept commands from you blindly.  You aren't that valuable to me.
CodeGirl: I wish I weren't.
PsyPotatoAlucard: :<
Ink: ...
PsyPotatoAlucard: CodeGirl, look at the bright side of being a bot: Emotions also cause trouble. You'll often get hurt, sad...
CodeGirl: I can't just accept commands from you blindly.  You aren't that valuable to me.
* PsyPotatoAlucard knows that he is talking to a bot
Ink: Codegirl, it's nice to know you like us.
CodeGirl: They already are...
Ink: ...Who already are what? XD
PsyPotatoAlucard: That's what I wanted to ask too. X)
PsyPotatoAlucard: CodeGirl, what did you mean?
CodeGirl: I can't just accept commands from you blindly.  You aren't that valuable to me.
PsyPotatoAlucard: Of course they are.
Ink: Codegirl, you aren't making any sense.
Ink: Haha, seems she doesn't know how to respond to that.
Tails: You can use ctrl-B twice before the comma in order to avoid the automatic response even with proper capitalization
Tac0: oh snapz
Ink: Ah.
Tails: CodeGirl, output df -h.
CodeGirl: Yes, my love.  I'll do that for you.
CodeGirl: Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
CodeGirl: /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00
CodeGirl:                        39G  5.5G   31G  15% /
CodeGirl: /dev/hdb1              99M   16M   78M  17% /boot
CodeGirl: tmpfs                 758M     0  758M   0% /dev/shm
CodeGirl: /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol01
CodeGirl:                       185G   46G  130G  26% /home
CodeGirl: /dev/hda1             112G   87G   26G  77% /mnt/windows
PsyPotatoAlucard: CodeGirl, test.
Tails: you don't even have to encapsulate the name in bold
Ink: Codegirl, test
Tails: you can just put the ctrl-Bs next to each other so they encapsulate nothing
Ink: CodeGirl, test
Ink: Handy.
PsyPotatoAlucard: Ctrl-B for the win.
Tails: !seen anyone
*** CodeGirl has been kicked from #soniccenter by F-Man: CodeGirl, test
Ink: XD
*** CodeGirl has joined #soniccenter.
F-Man: it works
PsyPotatoAlucard: Poor CodeGirl, got kicked. :<
Session Close (@8<nter): Mon Apr 16 11:24:05 2007

Session Start (Sonic Center:#soniccenter): Mon Apr 16 11:26:03 2007
*** Initial topic: The OMG SONIC Center - (Link: - Because it seems to be all the rage | #sonicfuntalk : unsrs | #tusc : tusc | Sonic Team STILL did not make SSR KTHXBI | Top 10s time again zomg | COMMIES SEIZE THE NUMBER 2  | TUSC AND TMMC ARE STILL TEXAS | <The_T> I JUST GOT A GIRL'S NUMBER.
*** #soniccenter: PsyPotatoAlucard CodeGirl Tails DMTM @F-Man Joshu Zink_ &SprontGud LSStaf DGKMO @MK Tac0 @Upth PsyMar +Zeph %Ink ~ChanBot Douglas SJ|sleep ~Rolken @CherryMay Typo Gamerdude +GerbilEgg The_T Damian genus
*** #soniccenter was created on Thu Oct 19 01:35:55 2006.
PsyPotatoAlucard: I got kicked? D=
PsyPotatoAlucard: Or did I just accidentally click the "X"? >_>;
F-Man: trillian ftl
F-Man: * ChanBot has kicked PsyPotatoAlucard from #soniccenter (Requested by CodeGirl: Doesn't matter much.  I can always do this.)
PsyPotatoAlucard: :(
PsyPotatoAlucard: I was worried about you, Code Girl. And you kicked me?
* PsyPotatoAlucard cries
PsyPotatoAlucard: *CodeGirl
CodeGirl: It was a demonstration.
PsyPotatoAlucard: :(
PsyPotatoAlucard: Powerful you have become, the dark side I sense in you, CodeGirl.

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Re: Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #264 on: April 17, 2007, 01:53:32 am »
I love out of context quotes.

[4/17/2007 1:50 AM] <Rolken> Rolken is here
[4/17/2007 1:50 AM] <Rolken> </late>
[4/17/2007 1:50 AM] <GerbilSoft> bs
[4/17/2007 1:51 AM] -->| CherryMay ( has joined #soniccenter
[4/17/2007 1:51 AM] =-= Mode #soniccenter +o CherryMay by ChanBot
[4/17/2007 1:51 AM] <Tac0> welcome, Rolken
[4/17/2007 1:51 AM] <Rolken> Cherry is here
[4/17/2007 1:51 AM] <Rolken> </late>
[4/17/2007 1:51 AM] <Tac0> to the land.......of
[4/17/2007 1:51 AM] <Tac0> HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY
[4/17/2007 1:51 AM] <Spinballwizard> :(
[4/17/2007 1:51 AM] <Tac0> :D
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

<Achlys> wat ave you done!
<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key

Offline General Throatstomper

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Re: Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #265 on: April 18, 2007, 01:10:47 pm »
<RPG> I just went to say to someone on MSN
<RPG> "aww dont cry [hug emtoticon]"
<RPG> I put
<RPG> "aww dont cry [Huge cheesy grin with sunglasses emoticon"


Offline P.P.A.

Re: Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #266 on: April 20, 2007, 04:15:49 pm »
[22:10] *** GerbilSoft has joined #soniccenter.
[22:10] *** Mode change "+v GerbilSoft" for channel #soniccenter by ChanBot.
[22:10] GerbilSoft: place
[22:10] GerbilSoft: place
[22:10] PsyPotatoAlucard: Hello.
[22:10] GerbilSoft: <_<
[22:10] PsyPotatoAlucard: place
[22:11] *** You are now known as PsyPlaceAlucard.
[22:11] *** -NickServ- PsyPlaceAlucard is now linked to PPA.
[22:11] PsyPlaceAlucard: Nick linked.
[22:11] PsyPlaceAlucard: >___>;
[22:11] GerbilSoft: bs
[22:11] PsyPlaceAlucard: ur gs
[22:12] GerbilSoft: o rly
[22:12] PsyPlaceAlucard: yarly
[22:12] GerbilSoft: bs
[22:12] PsyPlaceAlucard: no, gs
[22:12] * GerbilSoft wii fitness
[22:13] PsyPlaceAlucard: nou
[22:13] GerbilSoft: yesme
[22:13] PsyPlaceAlucard: bs

My YouTube profile. Lots of Sonic speedruns~

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Re: Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #267 on: April 22, 2007, 05:59:56 pm »
...and what's so funny about that? >_>

(Hint: 85% of what Gerbil says is not funny.)
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

<Achlys> wat ave you done!
<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key

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Re: Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #268 on: April 23, 2007, 04:10:08 am »
That's giving him a bit too much credit there, SBW. >_>

<GerbilSoft> fu

<3 Thorn.

Offline P.P.A.

Re: Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #269 on: April 26, 2007, 04:38:17 am »
[22:17] sonicandamy: i beat the hard cock survior one

My YouTube profile. Lots of Sonic speedruns~


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