<GerbilSoft> silvermetal18: want to make him stop being so good?
<DsS> I wish I could.
<GerbilSoft> type /quit making dss good
<DsS> But there's an elephant in the way.
*** silvermetal18 ( has quit IRC [Quit: making dss good]
*** silvermetal19 ( has joined #soniccenter
<silvermetal19> do not talk to me gerbilsoft
[Campy] hey silvermetal
<GerbilSoft> what?
[Campy] Sorry about Gerbil
<GerbilSoft> >_>
[Campy] If you want to ban him
[Campy] From the channel
<Douglas> I'm sorry about GerbilSoft too
[Campy] You have to type "/part #soniccenter GerbilSoft"
<GerbilSoft> ..
<GerbilSoft> no don't do that
<GerbilSoft> :(
[Campy] And thatll kick him out of the channel
<Douglas> For the next Top Ten, I'm doing Top Ten Noobs, and he fills all the rankings
<genus> *we're? :D
<Rick> Campy: why do you hate gs
* Campy put PW musics on phone
<Rick> :O
[Campy] Rick because
*** silvermetal19 ( has left #soniccenter [GerbilSoft]