I found these funny
<RPGnutter> I had an interesting conversation earlier
<RPGnutter> with djmat
<RPGnutter> as shocking as that is
<RPGnutter> along with GIBBO
<NintenDan> nooo
<NintenDan> 1:01
<NintenDan> noooo
<RPGnutter> which is more shocking
<NintenDan> damn it
<RPGnutter> they seem to have the idea that their gonna make a fangame too
<RPGnutter> -_-
* DaleG|Advance3 has quit IRC (Quit: )
<RPGnutter> but with level names like 'Orange Mountain Zone' and 'Hell Zone', I really dont think it'll get far
<RPGnutter> thats if they can make it
<NintenDan> lol
<NintenDan> are their levels any better then ours?
<RPGnutter> I can remember a few more
<NintenDan> or do ours pwn
<RPGnutter> the names?
<NintenDan> like design acyally
<RPGnutter> or the actual designs?
<NintenDan> *actually
<RPGnutter> oh
<NintenDan> lol
<NintenDan> most fan games have crappy level design
<RPGnutter> djmat's are boring, there's nothing in them
<NintenDan> hehe
<NintenDan> we shall suceed!
<RPGnutter> GIBBO's levels are impossible
<NintenDan> I got a new idea
<NintenDan> remember that spiral thing we were talking about?
<RPGnutter> practically 1 big void
<NintenDan> well
<NintenDan> it could be the level before egg fleet
<NintenDan> like
<NintenDan> sonic is running on this spiral thing right
<NintenDan> and
<RPGnutter> and MILLIONS of instant death floating plasma mines o_0
<RPGnutter> *Egg Armada
<RPGnutter> =P
<NintenDan> he passes one of the egg armada's ships
http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_951189.html<SuperSonic101> used mushroom
* _ has joined #soniccenter
<NintenDan> with other ships visible in the background
<NintenDan> and you pass it up
<NintenDan> until its to your left
<NintenDan> then
<NintenDan> you reach the end of the spiral
<NintenDan> and some ledge
<NintenDan> fight the boss of the zone
<NintenDan> and then
<NintenDan> the ship you passed up
<NintenDan> comes in from the left
<SuperSonic101> I beat it
<SuperSonic101> it's SO EASY!
<NintenDan> and you grab on
<RPGnutter> that would work
<NintenDan> and goto eff armada!
<NintenDan> yay ss101
<RPGnutter> I'd need to change 2 of the bosses round though
<SprintGod> heh, i like chaos angel 3
<NintenDan> :)
<NintenDan> whats your time sprinty?
<SprintGod> haven't set one yet
<RPGnutter> The boss I had planned for Mecha Base 3 (the level before Egg Armada) is stationary and inside a room
<NintenDan> oh
<SprintGod> not been time attacking
<SprintGod> heh
<NintenDan> cool
<SuperSonic101> LMFAO
<SuperSonic101> that was so easy
<NintenDan> told you ss101
<RPGnutter> the 1 I had planned for Toxic Ocean was a 'running battle' with Silver Sonic
<RPGnutter> so they can be switched around
<SuperSonic101> I only lost like 10 HP in the whole battle
<NintenDan> whoa
<NintenDan> thats a good idea though
<NintenDan> damnit
<NintenDan> so close
<SuperSonic101> this is scarily similar to pokemon
<SuperSonic101> level up and learn moves
<NintenDan> er
<RPGnutter> speaking of Toxic Ocean, 2 of GIBBO's level names that stick out in my mind are 'Septic Lake Zone' and 'Hopital Zone'
<NintenDan> all rpgs are like that
<NintenDan> well
<NintenDan> most of em
<RPGnutter> 0_o
<NintenDan> lol
<NintenDan> hospital?
<RPGnutter> I'm not sure on that 1 either
<NintenDan> we were comming up with bad zone names the other day
<NintenDan> some ideas were
<SprintGod> yay, got the last chao
<NintenDan> leaking battery zone
<RPGnutter> we should post these examples of GIBBO's stupidity in that topic
<NintenDan> elementary school zone
<NintenDan> lol sure
<NintenDan> and then
<NintenDan> post our genious ideas!
<RPGnutter> and some more stupid 1's if we can think of them
<NintenDan> only problem is programming :(
<RPGnutter> yea
<SuperSonic101> whats with the shy guy
<RPGnutter> 'Fluffy Cloud Zone'
<NintenDan> they are evil
<NintenDan> under
<NintenDan> macks power!
<NintenDan> listen ss101
<NintenDan> deafeat all the ones that are in the houses
<NintenDan> or near a house
<NintenDan> or a person
<NintenDan> but not the ones coming out of the castles
<NintenDan> you get flowers if you beat the ones pestering people
<NintenDan> :)
<SuperSonic101> RPGnutter, did you find your gamecube?
<RPGnutter> yea
<RPGnutter> well
<RPGnutter> technically no
<SuperSonic101> meaning?
<RPGnutter> I was sitting down watching TV and my mom drops it into my lap
<NintenDan> lol
* Cybrax is now known as gone
<RPGnutter> that was.....painful
<RPGnutter> 'Pain City Zone'
<NintenDan> lol
<RPGnutter> 'Genital Excruciation Zone'
<Rolken> :o
<NintenDan> lol
<NintenDan> whatch out for de waterfall!
<NintenDan> ayeiiiii!
<RPGnutter> indeed
<Rolken> Death Bed Zone
<NintenDan> lol
<NintenDan> leaky faucet zone
<Rolken> Fungus Hill Zone
<RPGnutter> Broken Limbs Zone
<RPGnutter> Clay Aiken Zone
<NintenDan> lol
<Rolken> wait... that's what mushroom hill is XD
<NintenDan> corn maze zone 1
<RPGnutter> Crop Circle Zone Act 1
<Rolken> Belly Button Zone
<NintenDan> fish guts zone 1
<Rolken> Astro Turf Zone
<RPGnutter> Frozen Cola Zone
<RPGnutter> Sweaty Buffalo Zone Act 2
<Rolken> ahaha
<Rolken> Cess Pool Zone
<NintenDan> hehe
<RPGnutter> Hay Fever Zone Act 3- Boss- The Egg Field
<NintenDan> you guys are good at this
<RPGnutter> Mine Field Zone
<NintenDan> urine pool zone 1
<NintenDan> slippery pool zone
<NintenDan> refrigirator zone
<RPGnutter> Dark faeces Zone
<NintenDan> dirty sewer zone
<NintenDan> sex zone!
<RPGnutter> Chaotix's Apartment Zone
<NintenDan> teh elevators are dildos :o
<Rolken> Extreme Estrogen Zone
<NintenDan> lol
<SuperSonic101> Do I have to kill every Shy Guy in the city?
<RPGnutter> Awesome Adrenaline Zone
<NintenDan> no
<NintenDan> you dont have to
<NintenDan> but
<NintenDan> you'll get alot
<NintenDan> of points
<RPGnutter> Tasty Testosterone Zone
<NintenDan> the ones coming out of the castle will never stop
<NintenDan> you can kill all the other ones for good though
<NintenDan> and be rewarded
<NintenDan> but the ones bouncing out of the castle never stop
<RPGnutter> Rotten Egg Zone
<RPGnutter> Enough of the Piss Takes Zone?
<RPGnutter> Principles Office Zone
<NintenDan> YES
<NintenDan> OMG
<NintenDan> YES!!!
<NintenDan> 59:20!!!
<NintenDan> YES!!
<RPGnutter> Whos Bored of Piss Takes Yet Zone?
<NintenDan> Thank you GOD!!!
<RPGnutter> God Zone
<RPGnutter> lol
<NintenDan> heh
<RPGnutter> *posts in topic*
* DaleG has joined #soniccenter
<DaleG> hey hillbilly RPG
* RPGnutter is now known as hillbillyRPG
<hillbillyRPG> =P
<NintenDan> hehe
<SuperSonic101> FUCK THIS SHIT
<SuperSonic101> your evil
<NintenDan> lol
<DaleG> hey
<SuperSonic101> pick another number
<SuperSonic101> and I'll say yes or no
<hillbillyRPG> *raises pitchfork*
<hillbillyRPG> 97
<DaleG> ye dun eaten mah- stolen posseum piwe
<SuperSonic101> too lazy to work out
<SuperSonic101> next
<Rolken> uh oh ss101's going postal!
<Rolken> he's gonna blow!
<hillbillyRPG> 83
<SuperSonic101> too lazy
<SuperSonic101> next
<Rolken> me run
<Rolken> er
* Rolken run
<SuperSonic101> make it close to 1
<hillbillyRPG> 1
* DaleG is now known as hillbilly1
<hillbillyRPG> lol
<SuperSonic101> city escape 1
<SuperSonic101> no
<hillbilly1> 2
<hillbilly1> 4
<SuperSonic101> that level sucks
<hillbilly1> 5
<hillbillyRPG> 3
<hillbilly1> ok
<SuperSonic101> wild canyon 1
<SuperSonic101> no
<hillbilly1> how about
<SuperSonic101> SCREW IT
<hillbillyRPG> I done gotten me a follower
<SuperSonic101> i'll play my one
<hillbillyRPG> 26?
<SuperSonic101> own
<hillbilly1> Cosmic Wall 1?
<SuperSonic101> HELL NO
<hillbilly1> um
<SuperSonic101> wb3
<SuperSonic101> final
<hillbilly1> Final Chase 3?
<SuperSonic101> NO!!!!!!!!!
<hillbilly1> SS
<hillbillyRPG> Final Chase 1?
<SuperSonic101> grr
<hillbilly1> you need one of dem der anger pilliels
<hillbillyRPG> indeed he do Elmer
<hillbilly1> hey
<hillbilly1> youm like meh pet badger, Riddleskins
<hillbillyRPG> Riddleskinds be a cutie name fur a pet badger
<hillbilly1> Hes be bitin' and eatin' things long as youse be lookin
<hillbillyRPG> He be soundin' loike a narsty little bugger
<hillbilly1> thats why I done went and poked out hes little eyes
<hillbilly1> now
<hillbilly1> We had possum stew and mashed badger taters
<hillbillyRPG> Maybe poked out their eyeses is the meaning of loife?
<hillbilly1> no
<SuperSonic101> fucking hell
<hillbilly1> me think meanin' o life is the liverybone
<hillbilly1> or the heart muscle
* Rolken sets mode: +b *hillbilly*!*@*.*
<Rolken> B)
<hillbillyRPG> well me be of the onion that the meaning of loife be the green grass
#soniccenter Cannot send to channel (you are banned from this channel)
* Rolken sets mode: -b *hillbilly*!*@*.*
<hillbilly1> yaya
<hillbillyRPG> the green grass and the blue sky over yonder
<hillbilly1> RPG
<hillbilly1> Rolken says hillbillies aren't allowed in Soniccenter
<SuperSonic101> NO!!
<SuperSonic101> GRr
<SuperSonic101> asjdhgtoauierh
<hillbillyRPG> and a sharpened pitchfork for any loitering bastards
<SuperSonic101> and a STFU
<hillbillyRPG> *breathes*
<hillbilly1> and a tranquilizer
* hillbilly1 is now known as Hipee
<Hipee> Like, dude....nature is us
<Rolken> hippie
<Hipee> and if we,like,are in touch with nature
<Hipee> we're ourselves
<SuperSonic101> OH THATS HOW!
<SuperSonic101> WEEEEEEEE
<Hipee> like, chill
* hillbillyRPG is now known as Hipee2
<Rolken> hey hippee wanna screw?
<SuperSonic101> PH34R IT
<Hipee2> Like, take a chill pill dudes
<Rolken> like, for nature and stuff
<Hipee> Naturen is the only important thing
<Hipee> um
<Hipee> sorry
<Hipee2> in our lives
<Hipee> but, I'm a dude
<Hipee> wee
<Rolken> dude y'all so are imitation hippies
* Rolken is now known as Hippie
<Hipee> hands are multi-colored
<Hipee2> with flowery vehicles
<Hipee> dude, POT is nature
<Hipee> and nature is pot
<Hipee> and life
<Hipee> get this
<Hippie> it's all about free love, man!
<Hipee> is the flower
<Hipee2> POT=life
<Hipee> yeah
<Hippie> don't be holdin it to yaself!
<Hipee> Life is the flower
<Hipee2> without pot, there would be no life
<Hipee2> so we should all smoke pot
<Hipee> without nature
<Hipee> there's be no pot
<Hipee2> and eat marashmallows round a campfire
<Hipee> so
<Hipee> Nature is life
<Hipee> Nature provides
* Hipee2 is now known as Scoutmaster
* Hipee is now known as Boyscout
* Scoutmaster is now known as ScoutmasterRPG
<Boyscout> please don't be gay, scoutmaster
<Boyscout> sir
<ScoutmasterRPG> Listen carefully young scouts, I'm going to give you all a free badge
<ScoutmasterRPG> if
<ScoutmasterRPG> IF
<ScoutmasterRPG> and thats a very big 'IF'
<SuperSonic101> EYE GAWT SEB 1
<Boyscout> yes
<Boyscout> yes
<ScoutmasterRPG> you can go into those bushes, strangle a VERY large, irate and angry bear
<Boyscout> what is it, scoutmaster?
<Boyscout> ok
<ScoutmasterRPG> do you get me?
<Boyscout> SIR!
<ScoutmasterRPG> GO MY SON
<Boyscout> I will strangle a bear, but I will not have sex with you
<Boyscout> pedefile
<ScoutmasterRPG> May the force be with you
* Boyscout is now known as Goodcop
<Goodcop> ok
<Goodcop> Goodcop, badcop, and suspect
<Goodcop> like
<ScoutmasterRPG> Who said I was a paedophile? hell, a guy cant help being partial to certain things
<Goodcop> yeah
* ScoutmasterRPG is now known as Suspect
<Goodcop> so
<Goodcop> You like children
<Goodcop> you get drunk
<Goodcop> you like their innocence
<Goodcop> they don't understand
<Goodcop> so
<Goodcop> now
<Goodcop> How many children have you helped?
<Suspect> 342
<Goodcop> names?
<Goodcop> hey
<Suspect> some of those multiple times
<Goodcop> we need a bad cop
<Suspect> so in all, about 5
<Goodcop> names?
<Suspect> Gerry Atric
<Suspect> Mike Hunt
<Suspect> Wayne King
<Suspect> Paul Skinback
<Suspect> Tom Ato
<SuperSonic101> YAy.
<Goodcop> Tomato?
<SuperSonic101> Tomato.
<Goodcop> Hunt Tomato
<Goodcop> BASTard!
<Goodcop> we need a bad cop
<Goodcop> to be a bastard
* Goodcop is now known as Badcop
<Suspect> SS101!
<Suspect> lol
<Badcop> FREAK
<Badcop> BASTARD!
<Suspect> because its easier
<Suspect> and i get caugh less
<Suspect> *caught
<Badcop> YES
<Badcop> SICKAT!
<SuperSonic101> whatcha gonna do when the cops come for you?
<Suspect> The children like my sexual expertise
<Suspect> which which?
<Suspect> sandwhich?
<Badcop> My son gets teased at school by George Clooney Jr.
<Suspect> (someone should post this when were done)
<Badcop> Can you screw with his head?
<Suspect> I can screw him
<Badcop> HAHA!
<Suspect> and he can give me head
<Badcop> BAIT
<Suspect> but i cant screw with his head
<Badcop> BAD
<SuperSonic101> zz
<Suspect> well darn
<Suspect> only 1 thing for it then
<Badcop> WHAT?
* Suspect pulls out the Light Blue Chaos Emerald
<Badcop> OH, PERFECT
<Badcop> IDIOT
* Suspect becomes a blue speck in the air
* Suspect is now known as Blue\spec\in\the\air
<SuperSonic101> son of a bitch
<Blue\spec\in\the\air> I kinda found that out
<Blue\spec\in\the\air> shit
<Blue\spec\in\the\air> I'm stuck
<Badcop> HAHA
* Badcop takes out vacumn
* Badcop vacumns
<Badcop> Sanitization
<Badcop> IS DEATH!
<Blue\spec\in\the\air> again, shit
<Badcop> hm
<Badcop> IT WON'T WORK!
<Blue\spec\in\the\air> THHANK GOD
<Badcop> AH, THERE WE GO
* Blue\spec\in\the\air tries to swim in the air but doesn't go anywhere
<Badcop> YA
<SuperSonic101> I'm leaving this chat, rolken do me a favor and tell me when they stop
* SuperSonic101 has quit IRC (Quit: )
* Badcop stops
* Badcop is now known as DaleG
* Blue\spec\in\the\air also stops
* Blue\spec\in\the\air is now known as RPGnutter
<RPGnutter> some people have ABSOLOUTELY NO sense of humour
<RPGnutter> =P
<DaleG> hey
<DaleG> let's switch names
<RPGnutter> sure
<DaleG> to confuser him
<RPGnutter> yea
* DaleG is now known as RPGnutter2
* RPGnutter lets out an evil laugh
<RPGnutter2> switch
* RPGnutter is now known as DaleG2
<DaleG2> i have
* RPGnutter2 is now known as RPGnutter
* DaleG2 is now known as DaleG
<RPGnutter> yay
<RPGnutter> evil death
<RPGnutter> of doom
<DaleG> sweet sweet evil death of doom
<RPGnutter> hm
<DaleG> i'll post this in the forum after, from where you joined
<RPGnutter> someone should invite SS101 back in
<DaleG> and the RPing started
<RPGnutter> I can't ping him
<RPGnutter> hm
<DaleG> i IMed him
* SuperSonic101 has joined #soniccenter
<RPGnutter> we stopped
* ChanServ sets mode: +o SuperSonic101
<DaleG> Hey there, my main man
<SuperSonic101> k
<RPGnutter> we pondered life
<RPGnutter> and realized
<DaleG> and deathy
<RPGnutter> thay
<RPGnutter> t
<DaleG> *death
<RPGnutter> Pickles are good
<RPGnutter> so
<SuperSonic101> in other news
<DaleG> and so is pie
<RPGnutter> we stopped and ate pickles
<RPGnutter> and stopped
<DaleG> and pie
<SuperSonic101> I recruited another good Sa2b player
<RPGnutter> yay
<RPGnutter> who?
<DaleG> who?
<SuperSonic101> FinalFlash
<SuperSonic101> he's subzero1287 on gamefaqs
<RPGnutter> oh
<SuperSonic101> the guy who's famous for sonic quizzes
<RPGnutter> Don't know him
<DaleG> I do
<DaleG> I think
<RPGnutter> Hm....
<DaleG> vaguely
<RPGnutter> I think I'll do some of my own recruiting
<RPGnutter> dunduna
<DaleG> I shall assist thee
<RPGnutter> let's see
<RPGnutter> Good players
<RPGnutter> hm...
<RPGnutter> I think I'll do some of my own recruiting
<RPGnutter> dunduna
<DaleG> I shall assist thee
<RPGnutter> let's see
<RPGnutter> Good players
<RPGnutter> hm...
<NintenDan> ?
<NintenDan> what are you doing?
<SuperSonic101> I've recruited many people
* Hippie is now known as Rolken
<SuperSonic101> including ybbun
<NintenDan> for what?
<SuperSonic101> starman deluxe
<SuperSonic101> doctorbob26
<NintenDan> oh
<NintenDan> old TA's
<RPGnutter> there's Josh, who I know personally
<SuperSonic101> and many others
<NintenDan> not Nyetsu though
<SuperSonic101> I know
<RPGnutter> he's pretty good
<NintenDan> he's moved on for good
<NintenDan> :(
<SuperSonic101> I've failed to get nyetsuu and firehawk.
<NintenDan> me andSM tried getting me
<NintenDan> well
<DaleG> I recruited the PWNERIFIC skills of djmat
<NintenDan> cybrax can maybe get firehawk
<SuperSonic101> 57:82 weapons bed lost chao
<SuperSonic101> no he can't
<RPGnutter> hm
<RPGnutter> I think I'll join #soniczone
<RPGnutter> and see if I can get people to join Soniccenter
<SuperSonic101> there's one person there
<DaleG> go crazy my apostle of darkness
<SuperSonic101> SonicBoom
<RPGnutter> oh
<RPGnutter> and you
* DaleG sings Linkin Park- In The End
<RPGnutter> where else....
<RPGnutter> PPT
<RPGnutter> wait
<RPGnutter> no
<RPGnutter> Mechatankasaurus perhaps...
<RPGnutter> although he's sort of mean
<RPGnutter> so
<RPGnutter> no
<SuperSonic101> I only care about people who are actually any good
<RPGnutter> yeah, Josh is good
<SuperSonic101> how good?
<RPGnutter> I'll get him to join
<SuperSonic101> do so
<NintenDan> what does josh specialize in?
<NintenDan> like which game?
<RPGnutter> Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
<NintenDan> ah
<RPGnutter> He's the brother of one of my friends
<RPGnutter> And he likes Sonic alot
<RPGnutter> He's pretty good
<DaleG> I know a Josh who lives next door to djmat
<RPGnutter> who else....
<RPGnutter> ah, I've got nothing
<RPGnutter> I've joined only 3 forums
<RPGnutter> so
<RPGnutter> I don't know that many people
<RPGnutter> online
<SuperSonic101> why did you guys trade names?
<DaleG> who?
<RPGnutter> because
<DaleG> and when?
<SuperSonic101> you and dale
<RPGnutter> we felt like it
* DaleG scratches himself in an unorthodox place
<SuperSonic101> I'm gonna be sonux
* SuperSonic101 is now known as Sonux
<DaleG> ya
* RPGnutter is now known as SuperSonic101
<Sonux> since his nick got eaten
<Sonux> oh eyah?
* Sonux is now known as RPGnutter
<SuperSonic101> I'm not RPGnutter
<SuperSonic101> :P
* DaleG is now known as Sonux
<Sonux> I'm not Dale
<RPGnutter> I'm not Sonux.
* RPGnutter is now known as DaleG
<SuperSonic101> I'm Not SS101
<DaleG> whee
<DaleG> I'm Not SS101
<Sonux> me neither
<DaleG> then who is o.O
* Sonux is now known as shadowgamer196
<SuperSonic101> I'm not Rolken
<shadowgamer196> i have no clue who I am
* SuperSonic101 is now known as mike89
<shadowgamer196> o_0
* mike89 is now known as Rolken2
* DaleG is now known as Sonux
* shadowgamer196 is now known as zac-a-maniac
* Sonux is now known as Rolken3
<Rolken2> XD
* zac-a-maniac is an idiot
<Rolken2> hm
<Rolken2> hm
<Rolken3> agrid
<zac-a-maniac> ya
* Rolken2 is now known as Rolken4
<Rolken3> change your name to Rolken4
<Rolken3> no
<Rolken3> not you
<Rolken4> Rolken 3
<zac-a-maniac> its not changing my name
<zac-a-maniac> o_0
* zac-a-maniac is now known as Rolken5
<Rolken3> OWNZD
<Rolken5> better
<Rolken4> change your name to Rolken2
<Rolken3> no
* Rolken3 is now known as Rolken2
* Rolken4 is now known as Rolken3
<Rolken2> now you be 3
<Rolken2> and 4
* Rolken5 is now known as Rolken4
<Rolken2> yay.
<Rolken4> YAY
<Rolken3> hm
<Rolken3> _,be Rolken 5
<Rolken4> Rolken got CLON'D
<Rolken2> real rolken, you there?
<Rolken3> Cherrymay
<Rolken2> if so let's do formation
<Rolken3> Rolken 6
<Rolken3> Gone
<Rolken4> yea
<Rolken3> R2
<Rolken4> R4
<Rolken2> frack
<Rolken3> kick everyone not named a Rolken
<Rolken2> :o
<Rolken2> no
<Rolken3> excep Sprintgod And Sonux
<Rolken2> that would be abusing my op powerz
<Rolken4> ya
<Rolken4> but good abusing
* Rolken2 is now known as SuperSonic101[away]
<Rolken4> go for it
<SuperSonic101[away]> I'm going
<SuperSonic101[away]> GOOT BAI
<Rolken3> ok
<Rolken4> c ya
<Rolken3> cy
<NintenDan> byr
* Rolken4 is now known as Rolken2
<NintenDan> *bye
<Rolken3> br
<Rolken3> chicken
<Rolken3> Nintendan
<Rolken3> ./nick Rolken4
<Rolken3> oy vay
* Rolken3 is now known as DaleG|Advance3
<DaleG|Advance3> doom
<DaleG|Advance3> to all
<DaleG|Advance3> except me
<DaleG|Advance3> doom I say
* Rolken2 is now known as RPGnutter
<DaleG|Advance3> except on me
<DaleG|Advance3> me
<DaleG|Advance3> em
<DaleG|Advance3> me
<DaleG|Advance3> me
<DaleG|Advance3> mem
<DaleG|Advance3> meme!
<RPGnutter> is there anyway to copy an entire mIRC convo?
<DaleG|Advance3> no
<DaleG|Advance3> you copy part
<RPGnutter> or does it have to be copied bit by bit?
<DaleG|Advance3> paste it in a topic
<RPGnutter> damn
<DaleG|Advance3> yes
* RPGnutter starts copying
<DaleG|Advance3> yeah
<RPGnutter> brb