SA2 race between me, stef, and sj.
Me and stef were posting in the channel, sj was being secluded in a dark room with his wii.
[22:11:00] <Stefan> 10
[22:11:02] <Stefan> 9
[22:11:03] <Stefan> 8
[22:11:04] <Stefan> 7
[22:11:05] <Stefan> 6
[22:11:06] <Stefan> 5
[22:11:08] <Stefan> 4
[22:11:09] <Stefan> 3
[22:11:10] <Stefan> 2
[22:11:11] <Stefan> 1
[22:11:12] <Stefan> GO
[22:11:18] <RingRush> ce loading
[22:11:23] <Stefan> ce loading, beginning
[22:12:54] <RingRush> running down building
[22:13:56] <RingRush> 2.30 ce
[22:14:00] <RingRush> I got raped without bounce
[22:14:13] <Stefan> 2:43 ce
[22:14:22] <Stefan> haven't played sa2 in forever
[22:14:24] <Stefan> i'll catch up with myself
[22:14:38] <Stefan> i forgot to spindash like
[22:14:39] <Stefan> always
[22:14:43] <Stefan> bigfoot is being a noob
[22:15:28] <Stefan> terrible bigfoot.. 40.24
[22:15:30] <Stefan> ick ick ick
[22:15:43] <RingRush> 1.08 bigfoot
[22:15:44] <RingRush> >_>
[22:15:49] <Stefan> wc fun time
[22:15:52] <Stefan> i used to have wc down easy
[22:17:12] <Stefan> 1:16 wc
[22:17:21] <Stefan> took me a minute to find the first emerald
[22:17:26] <Stefan> last two were swift
[22:17:27] <RingRush> 1.16 wc
[22:17:36] <Stefan> also lol i did a 1:16 too rr
[22:17:38] <RingRush> lol stef
[22:17:39] <Stefan> and i thought it was terrible
[22:17:46] <Stefan> in fact
[22:17:50] <Stefan> all these times are terrible
[22:17:53] <RingRush> they are
[22:17:58] <RingRush> but you crushed me on big foot
[22:18:15] <Stefan> took 20 to down eggy
[22:18:18] <RingRush> 17 eg
[22:18:25] <Stefan> bah
[22:19:24] <Stefan> at the riser in pl
[22:19:29] <Stefan> good pl run actually
[22:19:30] <RingRush> elevator ride
[22:19:34] <RingRush> pl hoverless :(
[22:20:37] <Stefan> 2:03.19
[22:20:44] <Stefan> pretty good for not playing a mech level in months i'd say
[22:20:49] <RingRush> 2.10 pl
[22:20:53] <Stefan> i forgot the route at one point, that was a good 8 seconds
[22:21:16] <RingRush> oh god
[22:21:18] <RingRush> I'll be raped here
[22:21:55] <Stefan> die
[22:21:56] <Stefan> fail
[22:21:58] <Stefan> =-.
[22:22:48] <Stefan> mha rocket
[22:22:50] <RingRush> missile
[22:23:15] <Stefan> 1:47 mha.. ICK ICK ICK
[22:23:21] <RingRush> 1.56 mh
[22:23:26] <Stefan> i had a death
[22:23:32] <Stefan> lost time
[22:23:34] <Stefan> =.
[22:23:42] <RingRush> wonder how sj is doing
[22:23:57] <RingRush> lol dialogue
[22:24:01] <RingRush> unskippable
[22:24:11] <Stefan> this boss i had down before
[22:24:29] <Stefan> 19.19
[22:24:34] <Stefan> not too bad for forgetting how to do it :P
[22:24:39] <RingRush> 18 shadow
[22:24:44] <Stefan> gf.. ew i'll die here i bet
[22:24:54] <RingRush> DIALOGUE
[22:24:55] <RingRush> >:O
[22:25:02] <RingRush> BLOW UP OMFG :O :O :O
[22:27:24] <RingRush> 2.03 gf
[22:27:25] <Stefan> 2:09 =/
[22:27:32] <Stefan> tried a shortcut, failed it
[22:27:34] <Stefan> and thus lost time
[22:27:54] <RingRush> oh god
[22:28:01] <Stefan> gl stef at ph
[22:29:37] <Stefan> 1:18 ph yeah~
[22:29:44] <Stefan> ph almost as fast as wc
[22:29:47] <Stefan> that is not supposed to happen
[22:30:06] <Stefan> mission street
[22:30:10] <Stefan> i forget how to do this one bleh
[22:30:47] <RingRush> 2.36 ph
[22:30:50] <RingRush> omfg
[22:30:53] <RingRush> stefan got such a lead there
[22:30:59] <RingRush> >:(
[22:31:06] <RingRush> bleh
[22:31:12] <RingRush> It'll take til another hunting level for met o catch up
[22:31:28] <Stefan> fuck
[22:31:29] <Stefan> died
[22:32:00] <Stefan> again
[22:32:01] <Stefan> died twice
[22:32:41] <Stefan> fail...
[22:34:02] <Stefan> 2:56 mstr
[22:34:04] <Stefan> after two deaths
[22:34:08] <Stefan> and shortcut misses
[22:34:12] <Stefan> worst performance.. ever
[22:34:21] <Stefan> man
[22:34:27] <RingRush> 2.58 mstr
[22:34:28] <Stefan> i was ever good at this game?
[22:34:36] <RingRush> you're still beating me'
[22:34:42] <RingRush> because of sdfhdskfjdsh pumpkin hill
[22:37:19] <Stefan> 2:32
[22:37:19] <Stefan> on am
[22:37:21] <Stefan> again, terrible
[22:37:23] <RingRush> 2.11 AM
[22:37:28] <RingRush> that last emerald took FROEVER
[22:37:30] <Stefan> i had one piece
[22:37:33] <Stefan> that took me a minute and a half
[22:37:37] <Stefan> box on steel beam
[22:37:38] <RingRush> I failede that last emerald so badly
[22:37:41] <Stefan> found it, but could -not- get it
[22:37:45] <RingRush> it was circling around a spring on a wall
[22:37:48] <Stefan> i'd have a minute total had i not failed it
[22:37:51] <RingRush> nd the meter was confusing me to no end
[22:37:57] <RingRush> oh graet r101
[22:38:25] <RingRush> DEATH IN ROUTE 101
[22:40:04] <werster> i do in speedruns though
[22:40:22] <Stefan> mine as in a bad camera
[22:40:26] <Stefan> anyway a 2:28 on r101
[22:40:42] <Stefan> bad r101, hit lots of walls
[22:41:01] <RingRush> 2.32 r101
[22:41:02] <Stefan> sj is probablyt owning us both
[22:41:06] <Stefan> time for hb
[22:41:07] <Stefan> ick
[22:41:29] <RingRush> I don't care a minig game is available
[22:41:38] <RingRush> I need to catch up >:
[22:43:20] <Stefan> omg
[22:43:21] <Stefan> two deaths
[22:44:11] <Stefan> 2:@1
[22:44:14] <Stefan> 2:21 hb
[22:44:16] <RingRush> 2.26
[22:44:20] <Stefan> rr you're lucky i'm failing so hard
[22:44:21] <Stefan> i had two deaths
[22:44:27] <RingRush> I died on r101
[22:44:28] <RingRush> >_>
[22:44:33] <RingRush> which is beyond fail
[22:44:34] <Stefan> pc
[22:44:37] <Stefan> time to regain my lead
[22:47:29] <RingRush> 2.42 pc
[22:47:31] <Stefan> 2:48 pc
[22:47:33] <Stefan> why
[22:47:34] <Stefan> am i failing
[22:47:36] <Stefan> so much
[22:47:38] <Stefan> seriously
[22:47:40] <Stefan> why
[22:47:41] <RingRush> tryed to take a super bounce shortcut without superbounce
[22:47:41] <RingRush> >_>
[22:47:42] <Stefan> am i failing
[22:47:56] <RingRush> dc
[22:47:57] <RingRush> oh god
[22:47:59] <Stefan> dc
[22:48:02] <Stefan> this will be the end of me
[22:50:55] <Stefan> 2:44 dc
[22:51:04] <Stefan> probably as good as it will get
[22:51:20] <Stefan> sj probably beat ht egame by now
[22:51:23] <Stefan> time for boom boo
[22:51:24] <Stefan> :X
[22:52:24] <Stefan> got a quad hit on boom boo
[22:52:27] <Stefan> that's good.
[22:52:32] <Stefan> 56, it was a horrible quad hit
[22:52:33] <Stefan> but it was a quad hit
[22:52:36] <RingRush> 4.24 death chamber
[22:52:50] <RingRush> boom boo...;_;
[22:52:55] <RingRush> I hat elife
[22:54:57] <Stefan> 2:09 egg golem
[22:54:59] <Stefan> how do i sleep at night
[22:55:02] <RingRush> 1.49.97 boom boo
[22:55:14] <Stefan> ee
[22:55:15] <Stefan> =/
[22:56:30] <Stefan> CRAP
[22:57:08] <RingRush> 1.48 egg golem
[22:57:23] <RingRush> ee
[22:59:35] <Stefan> 3:25 EE
[22:59:51] <Stefan> had a death when i forgot to stand on the rocket shooter
[22:59:57] <Stefan> and thus hovered into crates, not realizing i couldn't go through
[23:00:04] <Stefan> did well@ powerup though
[23:00:12] <Stefan> mhe :x
[23:01:26] <RingRush> 3.31 ee with death
[23:01:44] <RingRush> so far behind
[23:01:45] <RingRush> :(
[23:03:08] <Stefan> 2:46 mhe
[23:03:13] <Stefan> first two emeralds in 30 seconds
[23:03:18] <Stefan> last one in 2:15
[23:03:20] <Stefan> :(
[23:03:38] <Stefan> rouge
[23:03:40] <Stefan> this will suck
[23:04:23] <Stefan> rouge killed me
[23:04:25] <Stefan> what a WHORE
[23:05:12] <Stefan> second try i got her in 43
[23:05:13] <Stefan> :(
[23:05:16] <Stefan> also like
[23:05:17] <Stefan> i'm out of lives
[23:05:19] <Stefan> this is a fail race
[23:05:25] <Stefan> i better not die here
[23:05:45] <RingRush> 3.36 meteor hard
[23:06:11] <RingRush> rouge
[23:06:13] <RingRush> dialogue
[23:06:14] <RingRush> i hate
[23:06:21] <RingRush> also stefan is crushing me
[23:07:25] <RingRush> 31 rouge
[23:07:28] <RingRush> 2 deaths
[23:07:54] <RingRush> yay crazy gadget
[23:08:50] <Stefan> DAMNIT
[23:08:51] <Stefan> BAD
[23:08:52] <Stefan> BAD
[23:08:53] <Stefan> BAD
[23:08:54] <Stefan> GAME OVERED
[23:09:03] <Stefan> i am now behind ringrush
[23:09:07] <RingRush> shuttle tube in cg
[23:10:26] <Stefan> shuttle tube
[23:10:28] <Stefan> man
[23:10:30] <Stefan> that game over ruine dme
[23:10:56] <RingRush> 2.28 cg
[23:10:57] <RingRush> 2 deaths
[23:11:12] <RingRush> that sucked
[23:11:16] <RingRush> it took me 7 seconds to leave the first room
[23:11:17] <RingRush> seriously
[23:11:26] <RingRush> oh god egg2
[23:11:28] <RingRush> hard fight
[23:12:10] <RingRush> 36 egg 2
[23:12:13] <RingRush> no deaths
[23:12:14] <RingRush> thank god
[23:12:29] <RingRush> final rush
[23:12:45] <Stefan> three deaths
[23:12:46] <Stefan> a game over
[23:12:48] <Stefan> at the end of the level
[23:12:50] <Stefan> and 2:#1
[23:12:52] <Stefan> omg
[23:12:54] <Stefan> i lose
[23:12:55] <Stefan> the race
[23:13:08] <Stefan> word of advice: don't game over at the end of a level
[23:13:16] <Stefan> i hope rr dies on fr
[23:13:21] <RingRush> stefan doesn't know how much I suck on shadow 2
[23:13:52] <Stefan> 19.87 eggy 2
[23:13:53] <Stefan> might be my pr
[23:14:07] <Stefan> rpg check for me
[23:14:08] <Stefan> >_>
[23:14:55] <Stefan> fr fail
[23:15:00] <Stefan> died, no checkpoint
[23:16:10] <RingRush> 3.23 fr with a death
[23:16:25] <RingRush> I suck at shadow 2
[23:16:30] <RingRush> has sj finished yet
[23:16:52] <Stefan> another death
[23:16:53] <Stefan> omg
[23:16:55] <Stefan> i hate this
[23:17:41] <Stefan> omg
[23:17:44] <Stefan> another game over
[23:17:52] <RingRush> died on shadow 2
[23:17:59] * Stefan restart final rush
[23:18:23] <Stefan> now i'm taking uber shortcuts
[23:18:24] <Stefan> and failing them
[23:18:29] <RingRush> 2nd death
[23:18:32] <Stefan> just fell through a rail
[23:19:03] <Stefan> spiral rail again
[23:19:22] <RingRush> 46 shadow
[23:19:43] <RingRush> DIALOGUE
[23:20:06] <RingRush> credits
[23:20:11] <RingRush> win~
[23:20:16] <RingRush> epic fun
[23:20:22] <RingRush> also stef: major hint
[23:20:23] <RingRush> get lives
[23:20:27] <RingRush> while going through easy stages
[23:20:32] <RingRush> it helps loads when you get to the later levels
[23:20:42] <RingRush> I'd do a dark run now, but I don't have enough time to finish one
[23:20:50] <RingRush> though actually
[23:20:54] <Stefan> you know what else helps lodas
[23:20:56] <Stefan> not dying
[23:20:56] <RingRush> I only had 6 deaths in the entire run (later found this to be a miscalculation)
[23:21:06] <RingRush> now where is sj
[23:21:08] <RingRush> stef keep going
[23:21:14] <RingRush> as long as sj hasn't returned you can still get secodn
[23:21:46] <RingRush> someone want to look through this garble
[23:21:50] <RingRush> and do a writeup for tonight on tsc?
[23:22:37] <Stefan> 3:17 fr
[23:22:57] <Stefan> i used to be good at hero story runs
[23:22:59] <Stefan> what happened
[23:23:00] <Starly> Sure
[23:23:01] <RingRush> credits over
[23:23:05] <RingRush> is this my official time
[23:23:17] <RingRush> stefan beat shadow
[23:23:19] <RingRush> before sj comes back
[23:23:20] <RingRush> go
[23:23:28] <RingRush> also you would have crushed me
[23:23:31] <RingRush> had you had a few more lives
[23:23:35] <RingRush> and didn't GO on cg
[23:24:19] <Stefan> 1:01 shadow
[23:24:21] <Stefan> no deaths
[23:27:42] <Stefan> credits ended :P
[23:28:48] <Stefan> emblem results says my run was 1:06.48
[23:28:51] <Stefan> what about yorus rr
[23:29:17] <RingRush> 1:02
[23:29:23] <RingRush> :31
[23:31:15] <ShadowJacky> did RR and stef finish?
[23:31:16] <RingRush> yeah
[23:31:18] <RingRush> did you just finish
[23:31:21] <ShadowJacky> just did
[23:31:26] <RingRush> not to bad
[23:31:27] <ShadowJacky> hunting sucks as
[23:31:28] <ShadowJacky> s
[23:31:30] <RingRush> go to yor emblem results
[23:31:33] <RingRush> and check your clear time
[23:31:43] <Stefan> i did horribly sj
[23:31:45] <Stefan> had two game overs
[23:31:59] <ShadowJacky> what
[23:32:04] <ShadowJacky> I had 12 lives and lost 11
<ShadowJacky> 1:17.18 (Don't know the timestamp for this