Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

Wallzipping/Route Switching (S1, 2, 3&K)

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Well then, all this wallzipping has broken about half of all the games combined, and I'm getting sick of it (Although I don't compete in them, I may soon).

I am proposing something like this: "Exploiting any glitch that skips part of a level is disallowed".

Also, although this pertains specifically to S3&K, many times people have glithed their way through a "Knuckles barrier", usually to get more rings, or because that route is shorter.
I say that each character has their own route (Tails mostly sharing Sonic's), and they should stick to it.

The rule in this case would be similar to this: "Exploiting any glitch to get into another character's section is disallowed". (This could also pertain to other games, like Heroes)

Anyways, so I set up a poll. My idea is that a new category is made, similar to Freestyle, but designed specifically for glitch abuse. (It wouldn't count for points, of course)

Besides, we are meant to be Time Attacking the levels, not breaking them with glitches >_>

Exploiting glitches is part of competition, get used to it.

Can we NOT go over this again.


--- Quote from: Emerl on December 21, 2008, 03:35:21 am ---all this wallzipping has broken about half of all the games combined, and I'm getting sick of it
--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Emerl on December 21, 2008, 03:35:21 am ---I don't compete in them
--- End quote ---

...What? Why would you want to ban a trick from something you don't participate in?


--- Quote from: Emerl on December 21, 2008, 03:35:21 am ---I am proposing something like this: "Exploiting any glitch that skips part of a level is disallowed".

--- End quote ---

Too vague. Where do you draw the line at what a glitch is?

Also it is a dumb proposal anyway <_<


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