Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

S&K: Lava Reef 1 - Respawning Badniks

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^ Protip: sarcastic remarks at people on your side will not aid your argument.

Strong Bad:
so you mean I can't be satirical about the arguments of those against me?

Oh, you can, but don't expect the other side to cave due to that sort of talk, and don't expect it to make your side seem stronger. I'm looking for the most popular opinion because it's been decided that there will always be an argument for each side, so you'd be better off trying to solicit responses than take potshots at other people.

I might not have a particularly strong opinion on this, and I might be way behind on the debate, but I guess I might as well try and post anyway.

It really depends on the players' unanimity of whether the charts are "boring" or "pointless".  One way to look at it is that the rankings are made as a service to our competitors, since the competitors are the ones who are using the rankings.  Therefore, we should try to form the charts/rules to make the playing experience better, whenever reasonable (while maintaining reasonable integrity of the rankings).  In our case, I think all the cases (S1,2,3,&K and SAdva2) seem similar enough to lump into one decision; one would expect about 5-8 minutes of repetitive point scalping.  So it's just up to the preference of those who are really playing the games.

If we decide to do something, then as for the options:

Make a rule - Making a rule against point scalping tricks generally seems too difficult, because repeatedly gaining points a few times (say 2 to 5) tends to be a natural part of gameplay, and making a cap is too arbitrary.

Delete charts - I agree with Zeupar that this seems better than the rule option.  But sometimes people still enjoy playing with the point scalping option (or enjoy getting very high scores for the sake of it).  Also, sometimes non-point scalpers may want to show their scores out of pride, even if it doesn't earn them the highest rank.  I think these are legitimate concerns that a ranking charts system should address.  Deleting the charts doesn't really satisfy these concerns.

Freestyle charts - For the reasons stated above, this would be my preference.

My only issue with freestyle is that it's not worth anything, and I think that all aspects of a game should be included when considering who the dedicated master of a game is.  As has been seen, freestyle charts don't often get competition because they aren't worth points (and a fair deal of people compete in games just for sitewide, or just for game%, they play levels they don't enjoy). If we want our charts to look at human maximums and minimums, shouldn't all of these be charted?  I know that running the level and sonic/supersonic/hypersonic for three times seems lame to most people (and worse in S2/S2&K, surely), but... hmm... I guess it's similar to the considerations of adding new Times charts for SCD?

I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense... I've been ill all day, and I'm trying to put my ideas here while I'm having them, since I'm not sure who's heard what in the chatroom.


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