Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

S&K: Lava Reef 1 - Respawning Badniks

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Strong Bad:
revision is fucking stupid
Hooray, now I get to spindash for about 8.5 minutes 3 times. I would much rather simply soft-ban it on LB1, meaning you can do it but everyone will hate you and not respect your stat at all. Like I'm feeling @ Aitamen right now. Cuz it's lame.


--- Quote from: Strong Bad on March 23, 2010, 01:14:47 pm ---revision is fucking stupid
Hooray, now I get to spindash for about 8.5 minutes 3 times. I would much rather simply soft-ban it on LB2, meaning you can do it but everyone will hate you and not respect your stat at all. Like I'm feeling @ Aitamen right now. Cuz it's lame.

--- End quote ---

first off, LB1**

If you really hate me because I got a stat that requires a little patience, you have bigger problems...  you think it's any less boring to SD for eight minutes than it is to retry every 8 seconds on average for EH?  or for it to work in something else?

Then again, purists will be purists.

Strong Bad:
I was simply exaggerating. No, I don't hate you. I do not respect the score you obtained on LB1-STK, however.

The reason you would need to retry on EH is because of a player mistake. The boring part isn't a factor, either, or else all of the 3-D games would be banned too, amirite? The point is that it's not skillful. You sit there, spindash for 9 minutes (faster if you use an emulator and frame skip EDIT: apparently that's just wayy too good and unfair to those who don't use emulators, so nvm), and then use the zip for Sonic and Knuckles. For Tails, you do have to do some actual TAing, but it's still stupidness. Considering I'm ranked 3rd for Sonic, 2nd for Tails, and 2nd for Knuckles in Times, this really isn't a problem for me to do. In fact, I've gotten 2334200 with Knuckles and 2344200 with Sonic (he's faster against the boss with a higher jump & his insta-shield attack). I haven't even tried with Tails yet, but I'm pretty sure I can get over 2 million EDIT: 2043700 with Tails. 96 rings. I don't want to submit these stats because it's stupid and if competition really ends up being a matter of who can spindash for the longest while still finishing the level, then what kind of competition site is this?
Yes, you legitimately obtain that score in-game, but we don't let people hit the signpost infinitely, or finish at 9:59, do we? No, we don't. Why is this so special of a case?
I suppose I'm being all scrubby or something, but this is my view. Normally I really don't care about what's used (zips, the time-stop and various zips required for LB2R-T, etc.) to obtain stats, but this crosses the line in my opinion.

And I'm not going to "hold my peace" on this because I didn't beforehand, either.

EDIT: Btw, LB2 was a typo since I was typing on my iPod <__<

well, there's still some edge you're seeing, but not admitting to: it's still a contest of who can get to the end the fastest, and who has the most courage.

If you don't sub your superior stats, then you're saying I'm better than you, OF YOUR OWN CHOOSING.

be a moron all you want, but don't bitch because my scores are higher.

Strong Bad:
I don't really care if your scores are higher than mine. In fact, I don't care if 20 people's scores are higher than mine on that level due to spam. I'm still better than you and everyone else (sans Smizzla) at the entirety of S3. If I'm a moron, what does that make you?
hint: flaming doesn't help in a debate.

Yes, it's a contest of who can end the fastest. Interestingly, enough we track that one too! Redundant charts ftw!

If Thorn/the rest of the Rules Committee are just going to say "fuck you" to my post and previous posts in this topic, then I guess I'll just submit my scores. A post confirming this inference would be nice.


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