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How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?


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Offline X-5

Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #480 on: October 04, 2009, 12:50:53 pm »
Wow, thanks Brian, FR7, talon :) The M5 run was cool, I never expected an improvement in just 20 minutes of playing. I taped the run, perhaps we'll see an upload. I had a great building and truck chase unlike my old 1:44 video, but the biggest mistake was missing the long rail before the building drop, but I corrected that pretty quick. My first check was also only 34.9 (I believe) with my best being around 34.4. The run was good, but overall it looks rusty compared to how good I used to be. 1:39 would still be a crazy time! About as perfect as 1:36 M1 as I said. Also, I am ashamed to admit it but my old 1:42.00 CE5 was done with restarting at the last checkpoint... I should of never even submitted it. Doesn't matter now though, because my new time is checkpoint free, of course!

For CE3, I used the 35 sec checkpoint only cause the stupid loop trick rarely works, so I am pretty ashamed of this time :( Plus I don't like the time cause it was not even close to being perfect and missing the chao...On the bright side though, I had a 35.74 first check, a new record for me! I have no idea how low it can go, maybe 35.5. Remember that my 1:36 CE1 has a 36 check, so there's some improvment there further proving 1:35 is possible, but totally insane.

Call me crazy, but I want to improve CE1... :P Most likely not 1:35, but if I nailed that I think I'd die of shock and no one would know I got it...maybe I can get 1:36.5, but I really doubt it. The best I have managed last night was 1:39 or so, its really hard to get everything right for 1:36.

Yeah, I can definitely smell a 1:45!!

I can too!! Go FR MASTA!!!!!!!

I shall try my PC1 time to be one of the fastest without the door glitch since i still can't get through it.

That would be 1:52.92, which kinda sucks because I know how to get 1:50 now with my new trick, but nonetheless it will be a challenge! Sub 2 would be really good too, 1:59 was the record for a long time til I came about. Goodluck with that, as well as Sub 1:08 CE3..or second place. Whichever you can manage.

« Last Edit: October 04, 2009, 12:58:32 pm by Paragod »

Offline Talon

Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #481 on: October 04, 2009, 01:16:29 pm »
1 52 92. Hmm, that seems like a far stretch from my 2:11, but your 1 35 video will help me get a sub 2 minutes. Can you see my SA2B times and see if there good, cause im not sure if they are.

I shall give CE a rest for now since 1 11 25 for CE3 and 1 44 52 for CE1 is good for now. My 2 11 on CE5 is pretty bad but i'll improve that after.

It looks like ur getting back to your old form rapidly, so you might beat your old record by the end of the year definetely. Never doubt yourself, you can do it.

Offline X-5

Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #482 on: October 04, 2009, 02:29:11 pm »
I checked out all your times, they're excellent for somebody that just started. CE is exceptionally good for a newcomer, 1:44 and 1:11 are top times! 3rd and 4th place.. I think that is quite good, you shouldn't need me to assure you of that :P

You have plenty of potential, I gladly look forward to see what kind of times you can obtain. Skillful players are always good to have around! :) That makes 4 of us now.. Brian, FR7, Me, and you! And to think that back when I was crazily good there was nobody else to challenge me.. too bad you guys weren't around back then, maybe i'd of been more competitive in taking the records back. For example I haven't had much interest in taking radical highway back, but back then I'd of probably been good enough to nail a 1:41 with Brian's great tricks.

thanks for the encouragement, I am definitely getting better but I played so much back then, it would take a few weeks of playing a hour or two everyday to regain all of my lost skill. As it is I've just been playing about a half an hour every few days, so for that I have been doing quite well for being rusty.

Offline Talon

Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #483 on: October 04, 2009, 04:07:38 pm »
Thanks. It's just i need to be assured by an elite player. I wouldn't exactly say your rusty, but rather something like your almost in your best shape.

I'm glad you think of me as a challenging player, i'm probably the worst out of brian PoT and you (Lol), but with a bit of practice i'll get there. When you were good, wasn't there yoshifan to compete with.

So, i'll start to play PC1 and FR1 for a little bit. Good luck with CE and the rest of your SA2B times

Offline X-5

Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #484 on: October 04, 2009, 05:23:40 pm »
I'm definitely rusty, but slowly I am starting to shine once again.

You're not the worst of us, just the least experienced. You said it yourself, "with practice i'll get there." The only way I would consider you worse than us is if once you're experienced with lots of practice, you still cannot perform as well as us. :P Based on that theory, Brian is definitely the best of all of us at the moment. He's been here for barely a year, and already he has beaten a lot of my times and has come up with more shortcuts and tricks than we'd of ever thought of.

Brian = SA2 times GOD

In my opinion, our elite 4:

1. Brian
2. Paragod
3. FR7
4. talon

FR7 could be #2, but he only puts full effort into the final levels which holds him back. And talon, is well on his way to moving up if he continues to improve himself at such a fast rate!


Oh, yeah yoshifan was around back then, but he was more of an all-round player, while I was all about sonic and shadow levels so he wasn't really able to compete with me there since I was focusing so much time on just those. If he played them as much as me, he would have been great competition.

Offline Talon

Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #485 on: October 04, 2009, 06:34:24 pm »
Wow, i'm glad you think i'm in the elite group of players. I'm not fully experienced. Before i came to the site, i wasn't really good. My times would have barely been yellow apart from city escape and crazy gadget which i was pretty good at. I didn't even know how to do the most basic tricks until i watched yoshifan's videos. I always thought of him as my idol and i still do. I think he is awesome at anything that he tries. Not to down you and brian. You guys are a really close 2nd and 3rd and the tricks you guys find are awesome. I don't really find tricks, but i usually perform then really well like the loop trick, i can perform almost every single time or at the end of crazy gadget, i get to the goal 100% of the time, but i can never find a new trick.

I've seen that brian is really good. His GF1 time is awesome. How he did that is beyond me. I found it really close to call who is better. PoT's final rush time will be the best until the end of time (Until someone finds a glitch to demolish FR).

I think i am improving at a good pace, but i have trouble being consistent. Like it took me around 50 lives to get between 1:11-1:13 runs on CE3, but i'm sure that will come eventually. At the end of the year, I shall hold records for sonic and shadow. I have a few that i have spotted that i could possibly snatch eventually, but i can't really say before you guys improve it and basically leave me looking like a dick.

I have to start making videos, but my screen is messed up and my wii has some glitches on it which makes it useless. I think i'll start with a proof video showing my times so you actually know that i'm not BSing. But after that, i think i'll start with CE once i submit all my times. And get in the top 10 in the rankings for SA2B.

Anyways, I got a 2:02 on my PC1 run after around 30 minutes of playing it which i think is ok, but i made some horrible mistakes. Still cant get the door glitch to work, but i think i'll stick with just playing through it normally.

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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #486 on: October 04, 2009, 09:22:46 pm »
I've been trying to get better lately. I've mainly been doing Hidden base and PC. I'm not that good, but I've been trying out different things and just using my basic knowledge.
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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #487 on: October 04, 2009, 11:42:35 pm »
Thank you very much Paragod, but I don't think I'm a times GOD, you(at least in Sonic/Shadow stages) and yoshifan does, and you Talon surely is one of the players with better potential in SA2B, you're getting so great times, even though you're just a newcomer :D. And I agree with Talon Para, you're not rusty, if you can nail a 1:39 on CE, then you probably aren't rusty xD.

You're getting so good times in CE Talon, I think you should put all of your effort on it first, you try other stages later. Also, Paragod, I'm really excited too see your video, man... you simply OWNS at getting to the first check fast, in M1 I got a 36:22 check once, which is my best so far. I simply don't understand why you can't get the loop trick to work, maybe with a detailed video you'll get the knack easy :)
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Offline finalrush7_

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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #488 on: October 05, 2009, 04:47:25 am »
Lol Para, didn't you also get the 2:13 or 2:12 in FR with only playing for a new minutes? And some other records as well? I think you should do more sessions like that XD

Yeah, imagine us 4 being here in 2006-2007, we would of smashed the records so hard, 99% of the people here wouldn't even dare to try themselves at it!!! Oh well, better we have met now (late 2008 onwards) than never, right? I'm happy with how it is now anyways.

I can too!! Go FR MASTA!!!!!!!

I agree with talon that Paragod is on his way back to the glory days of destroying everything that got in his hands, and hes's about 70-80% there?
Consistency in playing is the most important thing I believe... it is better for me to play half an hour daily than to play 3 hours straight during the weekend.

Thanks. It's just i need to be assured by an elite player.
I'm not exactly the elite player here, but I can definitely tell you that your times are very good for a newcomer.

1. Brian
2. Paragod
3. FR7
4. talon
While I agree with this list, I think it should be said that there's drastical niveau difference between me and Paragod. <_<
Para and I are both Sonic/Shadow players, and when you compare our stats and times, he has a huge advantage.

Yoshifan is great anyways. There's no doubt about it. He's got the natural talent that enables him to get awesome times while most probably trying less than we have to. He's just recently proven that he can compete with us when he got some awesome times in Final Chase and I had to go back and reclaim my record. Now just imagine if he gave it his all....
Though yoshi's in the position of the champion of SA2 (something brian should go for at some point, paragod too, but I think he dislikes the hunting/shooting stages) so whether he is first or second place is a stat doesn't matter as much to him as it does to us, because it's just one point he's losing... And he's got a lot of records anyways.

I've been trying to get better lately. I've mainly been doing Hidden base and PC. I'm not that good, but I've been trying out different things and just using my basic knowledge.
Lol. Well, that came sorta out of nowhere, but competition is always kindly welcomed!

you simply OWNS at getting to the first check fast,
Not just that. He simply owns everyone and everything when it comes to City Escape. It's his trademark level, so he should be invincible there.
Just like Brian's Green forest. But I wonder why he still doesn't have the M5 record. If Paragod easily lost 5 seconds in his 1:37 run, and the record is at 1:34, then Brian should be able to get that.
I'd like to say that Final Rush is my trademark level, but I only have the M1 record. I'll give it my all this week to at least get the M3 one!!!

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- Paragod is the best Sonic/Shadow SA2:B player ever.

Offline Talon

Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #489 on: October 05, 2009, 08:21:58 am »
Thanks PoT. It's been my gaming dream to compete with the best of the best at these games. So after school, i am going to go for CE1 and CE1 sub 1:40 and Sub 1:10. Then i need to get all orange times at least and hold at least 1 record. Most of my times i want to be in the top 10 but i really don't like the shooting levels since i think there too slow and boring IMO. The hunting stages are pretty fun and i shall try to get in the top 10 for them unless its a DC only glitch then i shall try to get in the red. The sonic and shadow levels i hope to be in the top 5 and maybe even get a record. I shall try to get all avadiable rings in the game and get ok scores. The bosses will be slightly annoying but i shall try.

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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #490 on: October 05, 2009, 12:21:08 pm »
Yeah, imagine us 4 being here in 2006-2007, we would of smashed the records so hard, 99% of the people here wouldn't even dare to try themselves at it!!! Oh well, better we have met now (late 2008 onwards) than never, right? I'm happy with how it is now anyways.
Sure, it would be really awesome if we have met in 2007, most of the records would be ours xD.

Thanks. It's just i need to be assured by an elite player.
I'm not exactly the elite player here, but I can definitely tell you that your times are very good for a newcomer.
I agree with PoT, when you said you wanted to get sub 1:40 in CE, you made me come back to the first post of this topic, you are acting like PoT when he got here his first time :), you're already a great player dude :D.

I've been trying to get better lately. I've mainly been doing Hidden base and PC. I'm not that good, but I've been trying out different things and just using my basic knowledge.
That's how you'll become a great player, even if you think you cannot get the "X" record, as the time passes you'll notice that you are getting closer to it, then you'll look back and think about what you said xD

Not just that. He simply owns everyone and everything when it comes to City Escape. It's his trademark level, so he should be invincible there.
Just like Brian's Green forest. But I wonder why he still doesn't have the M5 record. If Paragod easily lost 5 seconds in his 1:37 run, and the record is at 1:34, then Brian should be able to get that.
I'd like to say that Final Rush is my trademark level, but I only have the M1 record. I'll give it my all this week to at least get the M3 one!!!
Yeah, CE really is his signature stage, as you in FR and me in GF, each of us have a great history with these stages, Paragod really got this stage really close to perfection, leaving a 8 seconds gap between him and the 2nd place, you came here and said: Hey bro this level will be mine got it? And after a really amazing competition you got it :D, me... well GF was my first record here, and it made me go to the LD xD, and more than that, it made me know Para and Jawzun :D. Talking about GF, I haven't tried the mission 5 :p, at least not in DC, if I could get a DC again, I would get this record, with some new tricks and a better overall gameplay :), I only play GF for fun now, my only goal in this stage is get sub 1:30 in GC(I have low 1:30), if I got it I'll tape the run and put here for you guys :)

Then i need to get all orange times at least and hold at least 1 record. Most of my times i want to be in the top 10 but i really don't like the shooting levels since i think there too slow and boring IMO. The hunting stages are pretty fun and i shall try to get in the top 10 for them unless its a DC only glitch then i shall try to get in the red. The sonic and shadow levels i hope to be in the top 5 and maybe even get a record. I shall try to get all avadiable rings in the game and get ok scores. The bosses will be slightly annoying but i shall try.
Hahahahahahaa you reminded myself when I got here xD, I though the better I would get was a 9th place or so. But don't let any DC only glitch intimidates you, keep this in mind: I have only 2 times done in DC: My GF M1 record and my Meteor Herd M3 time. And a better example is yoshifan, he never played the DC version and is the CHAMPION!!! You can get to the top without playing in DC :)
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Offline Talon

Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #491 on: October 05, 2009, 04:59:20 pm »
Wow, i've been improving today beating a few of my records. I decided to play MH for a while as well as WC. They're getting better and so am i.

What's the best way to provide proof since i don't want anyone to think that i'm cheating.

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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #492 on: October 05, 2009, 07:29:36 pm »
Great man :) keep improving them, this way you'll get to the top 10 very fast. Also you can take photos of your times, it's a good way to prove your stats, but you don't need to do this right now, since we trust you enough, but a proof video will keep people away from you xD
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Offline X-5

Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #493 on: October 05, 2009, 08:46:26 pm »
all proof can be faked (including videos) but video proof is the best way if somebody questions your ability. Pictures suck, not only are they easy for cheaters to fake, but if the person is legit we don't get the enjoyment of seeing their skill in action.. imagine if I only had a picture of 1:36 CE1, look at what you'd be missing! No awesome video to enjoy, and to use as a guide to improve yourself.

Personally, I trust you talon. I have great judgment and I can tell if a person is genuine or not just by reading what they have to say. From your posts on the forum and any other comments I've read from you, I have no problem believing all of the times you have claimed, and will claim in the future. If you want to make videos that is great, I highly suggest you do so. But do so for our enjoyment, not for the sake of proving yourself, because to me you have already proved yourself as a good guy.

 Great new records by the way :) you will be at the top in no time at this rate. I've said this before to Brian and others, but click on my stat history and look at where I started..pretty low!

Anyway to reply to what FR/Brian there's a lot to read and say!

Yeah it would be cool if we were all here in my best days.. but like FR said its okay that we were not, we're here now and we enjoy our little competition and our awesome topic!Plus my skill can definitely become again what it once was, to compete with Brian and maybe FR in the final levels :P. The 70-80% estimate is just about right, I am getting close!

Thank you very much Paragod, but I don't think I'm a times GOD, you(at least in Sonic/Shadow stages) and yoshifan does,

nah man you're as good as me at sonic/shadow, probably better. you just haven't put full effort into all the stages yet...once you do, you'll beat me in every one. and I still really think you're overall better than yoshifan at SA2B times, its just amazing how you're good at all 3 types of levels, and you've been here for so little time.. you've beaten yoshifan in lots of levels, and I know you could beat him in any that you pull full effort into. He may have more records than you now, but your potential allows you to have more than him once you put enough free time to put into it.

I simply don't understand why you can't get the loop trick to work, maybe with a detailed video you'll get the knack easy :)
I don't know either, I watch jawzun's video but it takes me probably 30 minutes to get through the loop once. It is really irritating, because I could get 1:06 within MINUTES if it was not for the damn trick not working!! A video in depth would be great. Also, if you could make that pyramid cave video showing shortcuts I did not use would be great too, I have been putting off improving pyramid cave because why waste time playing if there's time savers I don't know about?

By the way I got 1:37.7 on CE1 last night... I don't know what to think of the run, but everything was pretty good. I think I landed from the building drop faster than my 1:36, but something happened at the end to lose time but I can't tell what. Still cool because...well... it's my first and only 1:37 run of the level! Now I have 1:36, 1:37, 1:38, 1:39, 1:40... 1:41.. 1:42...and so on :P


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P This must be true, or else I'd of never lost FR1.....

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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #494 on: October 05, 2009, 10:01:13 pm »
Thank you Para :)

Anyway to reply to what FR/Brian there's a lot to read and say!
Hahahahahaha now you know what happens every time I wake up and see lots of posts of you guys xD

I don't know either, I watch jawzun's video but it takes me probably 30 minutes to get through the loop once. It is really irritating, because I could get 1:06 within MINUTES if it was not for the damn trick not working!! A video in depth would be great. Also, if you could make that pyramid cave video showing shortcuts I did not use would be great too, I have been putting off improving pyramid cave because why waste time playing if there's time savers I don't know about?
I'll tape them tomorrow, it's a promise :D

By the way I got 1:37.7 on CE1 last night... I don't know what to think of the run, but everything was pretty good. I think I landed from the building drop faster than my 1:36, but something happened at the end to lose time but I can't tell what. Still cool because...well... it's my first and only 1:37 run of the level! Now I have 1:36, 1:37, 1:38, 1:39, 1:40... 1:41.. 1:42...and so on :P
That's a great thing! This means our living legend is getting close to his better shape again ;)
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Offline Talon

Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #495 on: October 06, 2009, 03:13:07 am »
That means more for a challenge for us. Well, for me anyways. So i'll make a proof video of all my times, even though i know that it's just the screen. I haven't faked any of my times. I do have an action replay, but it broke and i put it in my attic.

I'm also thinking off making videos that aren't as fast as my times, but just good enough to stop people doubting my times. Is that good enough for the admins on the site?

Offline finalrush7_

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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #496 on: October 06, 2009, 03:22:47 am »
Hey bro this level will be mine got it? And after a really amazing competition you got it :D
I didn't say it exactly like that, but that's one of the best quotes I've ever heard!!

I agree with PoT, when you said you wanted to get sub 1:40 in CE, you made me come back to the first post of this topic, you are acting like PoT when he got here his first time
Yes, setting a goal, believing in it, and practicing like mad gets you said record/goal.
~~Never gonna give you up...~~ Why did rickroll come to my mind when I typed the sentence above? <_<

Sure, it would be really awesome if we have met in 2007, most of the records would be ours xD.
There's 121 single records in total in the time division, and out of these 121
Para has 14 records atm
Brian has 28 records atm
and I have 4

so we already have 46 together.

15 more and we (no, more accurately you two) will RULE!!

Anyway to reply to what FR/Brian there's a lot to read and say!
That's actually really awesome. The first thing I think of when I turn on the PC at work is if and what you guys have been talking about while I was asleep!

That's a great thing! This means our living legend is getting close to his better shape again ;)
Yes! I'm smelling unstoppable-ness!

I'm also thinking off making videos that aren't as fast as my times, but just good enough to stop people doubting my times. Is that good enough for the admins on the site?
Not sure, but I think so.
Paragod is longtime very well known player here, and Brian's just so awesome, and I'm also known very slightly, so if these 3 people can tell them that you are not cheating, there's no way they're gonna doubt you. (Y)

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- Paragod is the best Sonic/Shadow SA2:B player ever.

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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #497 on: October 06, 2009, 08:13:28 am »
Hey bro this level will be mine got it? And after a really amazing competition you got it :D
I didn't say it exactly like that, but that's one of the best quotes I've ever heard!!
Yeah xD, I've putted it in Ghetto style

Sure, it would be really awesome if we have met in 2007, most of the records would be ours xD.
There's 121 single records in total in the time division, and out of these 121
Para has 14 records atm
Brian has 28 records atm
and I have 4

so we already have 46 together.

15 more and we (no, more accurately you two) will RULE!!
I haven't noticed this :O, it's a great amount of records in our hands :D, you have 4 'cause you don't stages other than the "final" ones xD

I'm also thinking off making videos that aren't as fast as my times, but just good enough to stop people doubting my times. Is that good enough for the admins on the site?
Not sure, but I think so.
Paragod is longtime very well known player here, and Brian's just so awesome, and I'm also known very slightly, so if these 3 people can tell them that you are not cheating, there's no way they're gonna doubt you. (Y)
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Offline finalrush7_

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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #498 on: October 06, 2009, 08:57:59 am »
you have 4 'cause you don't stages other than the "final" ones xD
Well I should actually have 8.. <_<

And yeah, I'd be the SA2:B time champion with 0 points if the stages were called:

Final Escape**
Final Canyon**
Final Lane**
Final Harbor
Final Forest**
Final Hill**
Final Street*
Final Mine
Final 101**
Final Base*
Final Cave
Final Chamber**
Final Engine*
Final Herd
Final Gadget
Final Rush*
Final Gate*
Final Lagoon**
Final Ocean
Final Highway*
Final Quarters*
Final Colony
Final Bed**
Final Hall*
Final Jungle
Final 280
Final Rail
Final Space
Final Wall*
Final Chase
Final Core*
Final Hill** (again <_<)

* sounds awesome
** sounds bad..

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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #499 on: October 06, 2009, 09:03:33 am »
LMAO, btw I've taped a CE M3 run, my time was exactly the same I submitted 6 months ago o.O

(Back to taping)

Edit: I did the PC video too, I'll upload both in a few hours :D

Edit2: Pyramid Cave video is UP:

Final Edit: City Escape Mission 3 is UP too:
« Last Edit: October 06, 2009, 11:39:33 am by Brian »
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Offline finalrush7_

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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #500 on: October 06, 2009, 03:13:37 pm »
Appears that talon is banned. <_<

Oh well, I'm responding to the posts later. Thanks for the video Brian!!


Oh man...
« Last Edit: October 06, 2009, 03:55:01 pm by PoT »

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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #501 on: October 06, 2009, 05:18:32 pm »
XD @ final

On "Final Escape" do you think you could get that perfect 1:35 that I cannot?

talon is banned? either they hastily banned him for stupid reasons(like how they deleted all of your SA2B stats) or my judgment really sucks after all.

There's 121 single records in total in the time division, and out of these 121
Para has 14 records atm
Brian has 28 records atm
and I have 4

so we already have 46 together.

that's really cool, if me and Brian push ourselves to the limit we could probably grab at least 80 or 100 of them! 46 is still really cool, we should go for at least over half (61)

Hahahahahaha now you know what happens every time I wake up and see lots of posts of you guys xD

hehe yeah, now I know exactly how you feel. its pretty intimidating trying to read everything and reply to it.

Brian, thank you very much for uploading the two videos! I tried something similar to the first cut you did, and I really don't know if that saves time or not. The rail thing would be a little faster if it works, and the final sideways-loop skip would definitely be a good time cut, I thought about bounceballing it but for some reason I never thought of just rolling right into the wall and bouncing like you did. I will practice that one for sure! I understand what you say to do on CE3, I really hope it starts to work more often.

Offline SonicAD

Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #502 on: October 06, 2009, 05:36:25 pm »
I assure you there was absolutely no mistake in banning talon, he's a BSer who's had about 20 accounts now. If you feel you need more explanation, come in the chat and talk to me, or PM me, I'm sure I can prove this to your satisfaction.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2009, 05:44:05 pm by SonicAD »

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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #503 on: October 06, 2009, 05:42:22 pm »
either they hastily banned him for stupid reasons(like how they deleted all of your SA2B stats) or my judgment really sucks after all.

We had good reasons to delete PoT's SA2B statistics. Please, stop talking nonsense if you don't know what is going on.
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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #504 on: October 06, 2009, 05:45:23 pm »
talon is banned? either they hastily banned him for stupid reasons(like how they deleted all of your SA2B stats) or my judgment really sucks after all.

Man... I really didn't saw that coming, I never though about such thing, Talon banned...

There's 121 single records in total in the time division, and out of these 121
Para has 14 records atm
Brian has 28 records atm
and I have 4

so we already have 46 together.

that's really cool, if me and Brian push ourselves to the limit we could probably grab at least 80 or 100 of them! 46 is still really cool, we should go for at least over half (61)

Yeah, that's a great goal for us now :D

Brian, thank you very much for uploading the two videos! I tried something similar to the first cut you did, and I really don't know if that saves time or not. The rail thing would be a little faster if it works, and the final sideways-loop skip would definitely be a good time cut, I thought about bounceballing it but for some reason I never thought of just rolling right into the wall and bouncing like you did. I will practice that one for sure! I understand what you say to do on CE3, I really hope it starts to work more often.

No Problem, I really don't know if the first trick saves time, but the other 2 does :). Now I think it's time for me to tape a Tails/Eggman speedrun
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Offline finalrush7_

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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #505 on: October 06, 2009, 05:58:42 pm »
I assure you there was absolutely no mistake in banning talon, he's a BSer who's had about 20 accounts now. If you feel you need more explanation, come in the chat and talk to me, or PM me, I'm sure I can prove this to your satisfaction.
That's ok on my part. I trust your judgement, especially when you say there's no mistake.

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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #506 on: October 06, 2009, 06:02:22 pm »
They have enough proof of his actions as a BSer, so there's only the 3 of us again :/
My SA2 patents: Instant Spindash, Green Forest's invisible floor, Green Forest's spring technique, Radical Highway's flying homing attack, Gravity Control, Flying Scope   <- NEW


Offline X-5

Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #507 on: October 06, 2009, 06:10:27 pm »
I guess I'll take their word for it too.. but damn he sure did sound honest to me.

3 of us, yeah. oh well.. a new crazily skilled player will definitely pop up someday.

by the way FRM( FR masta) did you know according to the forum stats this is the 4th most replied to topic? at around 505 posts now.. the most popular topic is 795, so very soon you will have THE most replied to topic on the site. AWESOME man!!!!!

I sure do love this topic, we have such great discussions! this topic cannot EVER die!

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Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #508 on: October 06, 2009, 09:27:56 pm »
3 of us, yeah. oh well.. a new crazily skilled player will definitely pop up someday.
I hope so :P

by the way FRM( FR masta) did you know according to the forum stats this is the 4th most replied to topic? at around 505 posts now.. the most popular topic is 795, so very soon you will have THE most replied to topic on the site. AWESOME man!!!!!
Yeah! PoT Sa2B surely owe you a big one :D. If you don't started this topic how many records wouldn't be beaten :O

I sure do love this topic, we have such great discussions! this topic cannot EVER die!
We've made so great things just 'cause this topic was created, it's already an epic topic.
My SA2 patents: Instant Spindash, Green Forest's invisible floor, Green Forest's spring technique, Radical Highway's flying homing attack, Gravity Control, Flying Scope   <- NEW


Offline X-5

Re: How much time do you lose when you respawn from a checkpoint in SA2:B?
« Reply #509 on: October 06, 2009, 10:45:20 pm »
We had good reasons to delete PoT's SA2B statistics. Please, stop talking nonsense if you don't know what is going on.

I just saw this, and I say BS. Name me 1 good reason why it is a good idea to delete the stats from somebody that is not faking their times? If talon is a cheater, whatever..he seemed innocent to me, but I don't know him so well so it's not impossible that he cheats. But we all know PoT is the real deal, so how in the world can you say his stats justified being deleted??


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