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Crazy Idea: The TSClympics.


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Offline The T

Re: Crazy Idea: The TSClympics.
« Reply #30 on: September 28, 2008, 07:49:01 pm »
I most definitely do not prefer newer games to older ones. What on Earth does that have to do with this topic, though? This is talking about the TSClympics. Not about what games people like to play.

So please, if you have no intentions of competing, then please stop posting in this topic. You're driving it off topic enough.

Thank you.

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Re: Crazy Idea: The TSClympics.
« Reply #31 on: September 28, 2008, 08:04:18 pm »
@Genus:  EVERYONE has 0->Death combos...  and fox is better than ness... so is CF, for that matter... but the degree of "better" isn't important...

A good Renku can beat a decent/good pika in SSB, however even the lamest c-stick-only Marth can kill a Pichu who isn't handled by the gods themselves...

A character matchup in SSB is based on number of starters against said character, with the exception of Renku/Fox and Purin/Ness (Fox annihilates Renku due to DB and combo abilities, about 80% of the time (4 starts vs. 2 starts)

Purin and Ness are dead-even, and both have strict insta-kill conditions (If Purin shields an SBJ, she dies, but if she grabs ness, it's game over for him) as well as both having 3 starters against the other...
Year 33 — The Malkavians claim that their greatest practical joke happened during this year, when they perform a bit of graverobbing  in Jerusalem.
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Re: Crazy Idea: The TSClympics.
« Reply #32 on: September 28, 2008, 09:58:23 pm »
I know how Magic (and likely PTCG) can be run.

Preliminaries will be a number of rounds of the Modified Swiss format. (First round pairings are random. Afterward, pairings are based on players who are closest in their current standing who haven't played each other. I could run that.) Number of rounds depends on the number participating. (1-8: just do single elimination. 9-16: 4 rounds. 16-32: 5 rounds, though this is unlikely.) Top 8 players advance to the single-elimination finals, with tiebreakers being (in order) opponents' match win percentage, player's game win percentage, opponents' total game win percentage. (Matches being best of three.)

Format might have to be regulated though, as anything-goes formats tend to be best decided by a flip of a coin. (To paraphrase someone on, vintage/type 1 games of magic, which are generally anything goes with very few exceptions, come in 3 phases: the early game is the opening die roll, the midgame is the mulligan decision, and the endgame is the first player's first turn, where he'll do his best to fuck over his opponent's first play.)

I personally like restricted card pools anyways. Less to think about.

I would vote for Modified and Standard myself. (Modified is currently everything from Diamond/Pearl on based on my googling, which would be D/P, Mysterious Treasures, Secret Wonders, Great Encounters, Majestic Dawn, and Legends Awakened. And Stormfront if it comes out before we do this. Standard, starting this Friday, will be 10th Edition, Lorwyn, Morningtide, Shadowmoor, Eventide, and Shards of Alara. Conflux is legal as soon as it comes out, but that's not until next year.)

Also stuff I would do:
-MtG (of course)
-A Genesis Sonic Game Race if we do it. Or GBA.

Stuff I might do but stuff might prevent me from doing it:
-MKDS (if I manage to get wifi at some point, currently unlikely)
-Pokemon D/P (see MKDS. If we could go over Shoddy Battle, I'd definitely be game.)
-Sonic 2 (Gens netplay has failed in the past though oddly I can do zsnes netplay as I found out once.)
-TF2 (I could probably play over Hamachi, but that's it. Goddamn firewall.)

Also I'd suggest playing Warmachine/Hordes online through the Vassal engine, but I'm betting I'm the only one here who plays Warmachine so I'll dismiss that. Though if anyone's interested I'd probably just stick to 500 points, random maps/rolling for terrain, and just using the Assassins scenario. Keep it easy.
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

<Achlys> wat ave you done!
<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key

Offline The T

Re: Crazy Idea: The TSClympics.
« Reply #33 on: September 28, 2008, 11:06:47 pm »
Gosh, Swiss, I feel stupid for not thinking of that. I think Swiss could be used in most of the tournaments over Round Robin. Do you agree?

I know nothing about Magic but from my understanding [and your explanation] I definetly agree it should be modified.

For Pokémon, I'm not sure. I don't play Modified much [ever] but I worry that if it was Unlimited, the tournament would be dominated by "archetype"-type decks, which I never find fun. So I'm not sure. Alternately we could try running one of each?

The reason I'm not so fond of ShoddyBattle is I prefer the game to include people working towards making their team--which is moot if people used hacked teams anyway, but... Meh. The original intention stands, I suppose.

In the mean time, I would totally suggest you try to invest in a cheap router or dongle or something. The more people in this, the better. =)

Offline The T

Re: Crazy Idea: The TSClympics.
« Reply #34 on: September 30, 2008, 08:08:31 pm »
I've been messing around with math, and I think I found a way for games with more than two players in a round to work.

Basically the first round will be random.

The 2nd round, each group will be split into groups based on how they did [So all the 1st placers together, all the 2nd placers together, etc.]. If there are more person in a group than can go into a game, they're randomly divided.

For the 3rd round on, you go up a group if you get in 1st, you go down a group if you get in last. If you're in the lowest current group and you lose, you're out. If you're ever in a group where you're the only one in it, you go down a group.

The only problem with this is it can cause there to be a lot of games, and it's totally untested outside of an unrealistic example I tried where the best player wins every round. Does anyone have any thoughts on it? Any other methods you'd like to see tried?


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