Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

SA(DX) Gamma Hot Shelter Freestyle

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There's a Freestyle chart for SA(DX)'s Hot Shelter -- Gamma Times, but in the rules, it doesn't state why. And I don't know why.

There's a way to stop the timer on GC.  On both platforms, you can shoot a switch over and over to keep adding 1 second to your time.  There's not really a good way to ban switch scalping, plus the old rule of "you may not shoot a switch more than once" was a pain to try to enforce, so the entire chart was obsoleted and moved to Freestyle.

I've never had a dreamcast, but I think in the DC version the timer doesn't stop, but the enemies always reappear or something. I could be wrong.

There's no way to keep the timer stopped on DC, but the switch scalping still applies.

Not only that, but on DC the timer isn't limited to 99:59 (rather to 127:59). The display is really quirky for times of 100 minutes or more, to the point that you can never actually view the full time, and that led to the previous discussion on the matter.


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