Now is the perfect time to get back into the game. Orks got a new codex last January (with a whole bunch of new units, some much better looking plastic models and powers such as furious charge as a standard ability along with a point reduction). 5th Edition just came out and has a whole bunch of new balance changes that are hugely welcome to most players (rending got nerfed, skimmers are not as unkillable as they used to be, assauts now auto attack rear armor unless against a walker, no more getting destroyed on a glancing hit, no consolidation into another assault, etc). Blood Angels got a new codex (death company lose upgraded melee weapons but now have rending which makes comboing with a jump pack Chaplain evil). Foundation paints got released last year, which add some new colors for shading, don't need to be watered down, and make red/yellow paints on black primer MUCH less painful to deal with. The inks got rotated out for washes that just got released. They're way more consistent than inks and leave the matte finish the paints do. Chestnut ink and flesh wash are replaced with Ogryn Flesh (also real good with gold colors). Devlan Brown is a brown wash that goes great with any color (good for dirty finishes). My only beef with them is that magenta ink is gone, but thats solved by mixing 1:1 Baal Red with Leviathan Purple (good for people who play Word Bearers). Special rules for games over 3000 points got released last fall including the release of a plastic Bane Blade (I have two, including a conversion project designed to look like a C&C Mammoth Tank. Space Marines are getting a new codex this fall, then Dark Eldar and Space Wolves possibly by the end of the year.
My GK Termies are played as a close combat screen for my Guardsmen. The ones not on the ground arrive via the drop troops doctrine, including 3 assasination squads consisting of 2 mini HQ plasma death squads (with medics) and a team of harderned vets with meltas. My color scheme is inspired by swat team garb with Chaos Black->Battleadaptus Grey armor and Midnight Blue (shade)-> Regal Blue (base) -> Ultramarine blue cloth.