For those of you who know how to do the glitch, what is your best time to the capsule?
I got 0:58:45 on one occasion.
Has anyone done better?
If you don't know how to do it, here is my method (no action replay needed):
1. Once you are out of the entrance at the beginning, fly forward and right to the helicopter landing pad.
2. From there, fly ahead to the platform you see in front of you.
3. Run to the edge, staying to the right of the dash ring.
4. Hold a long jump and tap jump again to fly to the path in the air that you can't normally get to.
5. Once there, fly again to the big building where Sonic takes a rocket into. It may take practice to land in the right place.
6. You should be in Act 2 now. Press jump to fly and hold the action button to descend quickly. TIP: To avoid the bars which slow you down, just fly out of the building until the end, landing in front of the door.
7. Enter the door at the bottom, and you're in. Don't fly in, though, or you will die for no reason.
8. The camera glitches up here, which is why I don't have something like 55 seconds yet.
Have fun, and try to beat me!