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Sonic and the Secret Rins


Author Topic: Sonic and the Secret Rins  (Read 16319 times)

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Offline P.P.A.

Sonic and the Secret Rins
« on: July 07, 2008, 11:38:07 am »
So I saw it in a shop today, for 20€. I decided to give it a try and picked it up.
Skipping the Dutch & French manual, I played up until the... 5th mission of Sand Oasis now. And must say, I'm quite unimpressed to say the least. The music is awful, the controls bad and the constant running forward seems stupid too, just as the mission-based gameplay. I've nothing against bonus missions for replay value, but please not as a part of the main game.

But, I won't judge it until I've beaten it, maybe it gets better later on.

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Offline Bilan

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Re: Sonic and the Secret Rins
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2008, 11:40:35 am »
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline Ring Rush

Re: Sonic and the Secret Rins
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2008, 11:55:09 am »
I hated SSR for the first two months after I got it. It takes a long time to get uesd to, but after that, it is fun :D

Also, keep in mind your controls go up after you get more skills. Also, you start the game horrendously slow, your speed is almost tripled by the time you are lv 99 with all silver medals.
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Re: Sonic and the Secret Rins
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2008, 12:38:27 pm »
RR that's one of the things that's worst about it. Sonic is a platformer, not a JRPG.

Oh wait.
* Pidgey slapped by a copy of Sonic Chronicles
The moon is so red. Looks like it's going to be a fun night.

Offline Bilan

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Re: Sonic and the Secret Rins
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2008, 12:40:41 pm »
Chronicles is a WRPG! >_>
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline Selphos

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Re: Sonic and the Secret Rins
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2008, 12:42:33 pm »
Sue me, I'm up 3 hours before I should be
The moon is so red. Looks like it's going to be a fun night.

Offline Selphos

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Re: Sonic and the Secret Rins
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2008, 12:42:48 pm »
Actually don't we don't want that fad revived
The moon is so red. Looks like it's going to be a fun night.

Offline douglas

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Re: Sonic and the Secret Rins
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2008, 02:18:22 pm »
This topic has now been officially won by me.  Never mind, you might do better next time! - it's in the intarwebs, it must be true!

Offline Bilan

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Re: Sonic and the Secret Rins
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2008, 02:24:10 pm »
I see, I will take your tips to heart!
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline P.P.A.

Re: Sonic and the Secret Rins
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2008, 02:51:18 pm »
6 Chaos/Holy Rins > 7 World Rins

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Offline EngiNerd

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Re: Sonic and the Secret Rins
« Reply #10 on: July 07, 2008, 05:26:33 pm »
I say keep playing.  I enjoyed the game the moment I got myself out of Lost Prologue (which is still annoying).  I think the game is very good in general, improving with the progress you make, and has some very awesome parts.  I also still fail to understand why people don't like the music, I think it fits Sonic perfectly (if you remove the lyrics).

your speed is almost tripled by the time you are lv 99 with all silver medals.
  You kid, right?  I'm only at 60-something and it already feels like 4x speed.
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Offline Stefan

Re: Sonic and the Secret Rins
« Reply #11 on: July 07, 2008, 07:28:03 pm »
Half the music was pretty good (I liked levitated ruin, night palace, and sand oasis).

Also pirate storm. but they'd get more props if they didn't steal the music:

Offline P.P.A.

Re: Sonic and the Secret Rins
« Reply #12 on: July 08, 2008, 02:22:19 pm »
I just beatg Pirate Storm's 1st missions. How, how can you call this pile of utter shit good? I fucking muted the TV because the music (and crappy level design, controls and mechanics) were making me crazy! The only good song I've heard so far is the BGM of Levitated Ruin.

At this point, I already fucking hate the game. Everything's awful except for the graphics, especially the controls and the constant running forward. Sometimes when the camera flips around changing perspectives you don't even know if you're actually playing or not.
I'll still fight me to the end though, perhaps at one point it gets better.

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Offline Stefan

Re: Sonic and the Secret Rins
« Reply #13 on: July 08, 2008, 02:25:28 pm »
wow you suck at appreciating music.

Offline EngiNerd

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Re: Sonic and the Secret Rins
« Reply #14 on: July 08, 2008, 06:38:01 pm »
Again I'm struck by the fact that if there's one track in SSR that a person likes, it's High and Broken.  I mean, c'mon.  The lyrics aren't THAT bad.
Dinos, in the jungle, roamin' over, THE WICKED WILD!!!
Plus, the levels are original, the controls aren't bad (I occasionally have trouble with - of all things - the 2 button, but not often), and the game feels like pure sonic.  Though, if you're still waiting for it to get better, you're probably going to be disappointed - you really expect yourself to like the game more than halfway through it?  If you're not convinced by now, you probably won't be ever.
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Offline GerbilSoft

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Re: Sonic and the Secret Rins
« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2008, 06:41:13 pm »

the wicked wild!

Offline EngiNerd

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Re: Sonic and the Secret Rins
« Reply #16 on: July 08, 2008, 10:45:38 pm »
Im in ur TSCz, climin ur chartz!
My presssioussss....

Offline P.P.A.

Re: Sonic and the Secret Rins
« Reply #17 on: July 09, 2008, 04:20:42 am »
Again I'm struck by the fact that if there's one track in SSR that a person likes, it's High and Broken.  I mean, c'mon.  The lyrics aren't THAT bad.
Dinos, in the jungle, roamin' over, THE WICKED WILD!!!
Dino Jungle? No, that sucked. Aside from Levitated Ruin the only song I somewhat liked was WHO'S GONNA ROCK THE HOUSE?.
and the game feels like pure sonic.
WHAT. Sonic is about platforming in surreal awesome levels with lots of crossing routes, not about constantly running forward through a linear path through some Arabian Nights setting.
Though, if you're still waiting for it to get better, you're probably going to be disappointed - you really expect yourself to like the game more than halfway through it?  If you're not convinced by now, you probably won't be ever.
Well in Sonic 06 the more I played (as Sonic and perhaps Shadow) the more I liked it, and only after I had beaten it and returned to play the levels alone I made my final judgement. However SSR doesn't have awful Adventure FIelds and abysmal loading times, so yeah I doubt much's gonna change. Still, I want to see the other levels too. I'M A MASOCHIST

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Offline EngiNerd

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Re: Sonic and the Secret Rins
« Reply #18 on: July 09, 2008, 08:31:13 am »
Dino Jungle? No, that sucked. Aside from Levitated Ruin the only song I somewhat liked was WHO'S GONNA ROCK THE HOUSE?.
LOL, I know.  I'm fairly sure I'm the only one on earth who actually likes Wicked Wild.  Though true, it could do without the lyrics.
And it's Who's Gonna Rock the Place (official title The Palace That Was Found).
WHAT. Sonic is about platforming in surreal awesome levels with lots of crossing routes, not about constantly running forward through a linear path through some Arabian Nights setting.
Surreal awesome?  Someone DOES need to finish the game.  Even though Levitated Ruin should have fulfilled that quota, you need to play Skeleton Dome and Night Palace before making a conclusion about that.  I also sense someone who's already disappointed by how Sonic Unleashed is looking....
Platforming?  You want platforming?  Wait until you finish the game and start unlocking the No Pearl missions.  Even before that; I think this game is mostly platforming anyways, just a much different brand of it than usual.  Traditional platforming isn't present, true.
Crossing routes?  OK, you have me there.  Multiple routes exist, though.  However, they're short like the Adventure series' shortcuts.
Well in Sonic 06 the more I played (as Sonic and perhaps Shadow) the more I liked it, and only after I had beaten it and returned to play the levels alone I made my final judgement. However SSR doesn't have awful Adventure FIelds and abysmal loading times, so yeah I doubt much's gonna change. Still, I want to see the other levels too. I'M A MASOCHIST
shrug.  Well, I suppose, there is still a very slight chance, especially as your skillset improves.  I fail to see how you equate change to the two most horrid parts of Sonic the Disaster.  Then again, what I played of 06, I did kinda enjoy....
Im in ur TSCz, climin ur chartz!
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Offline P.P.A.

Re: Sonic and the Secret Rins
« Reply #19 on: July 09, 2008, 08:58:03 am »
Dino Jungle? No, that sucked. Aside from Levitated Ruin the only song I somewhat liked was WHO'S GONNA ROCK THE HOUSE?.
LOL, I know.  I'm fairly sure I'm the only one on earth who actually likes Wicked Wild.  Though true, it could do without the lyrics.
And it's Who's Gonna Rock the Place (official title The Palace That Was Found).
Ahhh yes, sorry, I forgot what the last word was. I knew "house" sounds totally out of pace there!
WHAT. Sonic is about platforming in surreal awesome levels with lots of crossing routes, not about constantly running forward through a linear path through some Arabian Nights setting.
Surreal awesome?  Someone DOES need to finish the game.  Even though Levitated Ruin should have fulfilled that quota, you need to play Skeleton Dome and Night Palace before making a conclusion about that.  I also sense someone who's already disappointed by how Sonic Unleashed is looking....
Indeed. All my hope in Unleashed died the second I saw the first real gameplay trailer. It looks like it'll play fucking awful, like a mix of Rush and Secret Rings, two of my now most detested Sonic games.
Platforming?  You want platforming?  Wait until you finish the game and start unlocking the No Pearl missions.  Even before that; I think this game is mostly platforming anyways, just a much different brand of it than usual.  Traditional platforming isn't present, true.
Precisely hopping across platforms + constantly dashinf forward main character = silliest bullshit ever.
Well in Sonic 06 the more I played (as Sonic and perhaps Shadow) the more I liked it, and only after I had beaten it and returned to play the levels alone I made my final judgement. However SSR doesn't have awful Adventure FIelds and abysmal loading times, so yeah I doubt much's gonna change. Still, I want to see the other levels too. I'M A MASOCHIST
shrug.  Well, I suppose, there is still a very slight chance, especially as your skillset improves.  I fail to see how you equate change to the two most horrid parts of Sonic the Disaster.  Then again, what I played of 06, I did kinda enjoy....
I do not LIKE the AFs and loading times. I just mean that while I did enjoy S06's core, the levels, the loading and awful cities kept me from really enjoying it. But then I actually grew to like it after I had beaten it and ergo these two points that hampered the fun had therefore disappeared. But as SSR doesn't have these flaws and they ergo can't disappear, I don't see what exactly is going to improve.

Cursed be the Pirate Storm survival mission!

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