Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

Repeating town missions in Sonic Next-gen (Free Roam)

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Okay, so the rule I was thinking of is something like this for Ring Divisions and Score Divisions:  "In town missions, you may not complete the same mission more than once in a run."

Good wording. As a side note for our site rules, we should have an appendix that explains the various banned tricks, how they work, and why they are banned so that new competitors can better understand the rules and the reason they're there.

I'd rather see the whole free roam thing banned... just seems really cheap that you can get extra points while the timer's not running and the game doesn't even think you're doing the mission.


--- Quote from: Paraxade on April 28, 2008, 02:32:37 pm ---I'd rather see the whole free roam thing banned... just seems really cheap that you can get extra points while the timer's not running and the game doesn't even think you're doing the mission.

--- End quote ---

Ice Cap much? >_>

More the last part.


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