Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

Repeating town missions in Sonic Next-gen (Free Roam)

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If the game not thinking you're doing the mission means you don't go back to the menu where your new record is registered, it doesn't count.

Issue has been brought back up in Leaderboard Disputes, so time to revive this topic.

Is ANYTHING going to be done about Free Roam?  What, do the mods just ignore anything Sonic06 just because it sucks?

flying fox:
I felt that I should post something in here since it was me who brought it back up in Leaderboard Disputes. I too vote yes for banning this glitch. Reading back on this topic I completely agree with the following people: magnum12, blueblazer_8 and Paraxade.

I don't know if this will make sense to people so I'll say it anyway, but it just doesn't feel like competing when you're doing it that way.

It was brought up in one of the rules committee meetings, but I don't think they ever came to a conclusion. (What happened to that, anyway? There hasn't been a meeting in months.)

also iirc RPG mentioned using scalping for his WA-Sonic record score.

Several things need to be added rule-wise for Sonic06.

-Banning or limiting of Free Roam
-If above is limited, ban on completing a mission objective more than once
-Limiting the number of times you can pass through a trick ring to once per trick ring


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