The Lounge > Wikkity!

IM convo with Rolken and Green Hill.

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So this guy had been disallowed from posting times on the main site without proof since the site began because he lied repeatedly on GameFAQs. read on~

(22:07:40) Green Hill: :P
(22:07:51) Rolken137: sup
(22:08:02) Green Hill: :P :P
(22:08:19) Rolken137: :o!
(22:08:29) Green Hill: CRAZY GADGET
(22:09:57) Green Hill: sigh
(22:10:52) Green Hill: ?????

(referring to a time he'd submitted without proof, against repeated explicit instruction - I had deleted it and prevented his account from accessing the submission screen a few days ago)

(22:11:20) Rolken137: no proof
(22:11:41) Rolken137: believe it or not, you're still banned from submissions until the community deems otherwise
(22:12:21) Green Hill: that would be forever
(22:12:34) Rolken137: then so be it
(22:12:59) Green Hill: *swears like hell*
(22:13:45) Green Hill: im bored
(22:14:01) Green Hill: oh btw
(22:14:07) Green Hill: do u have hosting yet
(22:14:18) Rolken137: well, the site's up...
(22:14:24) Green Hill: ?
(22:14:34) Rolken137: what do you mean?
(22:15:03) Green Hill: hosting like on parashift
(22:15:09) Green Hill: do i get a web account

(I had given him email and webspace on the old server, in spite of the trouble he causes me)

(22:15:16) Rolken137: oh, I'm not dealing with it at the moment

(I sign onto TSC and notice that he's reregistered twice and started submitting more times)

(22:15:32) Rolken137: okay, sir, you are pissing me off
(22:15:42) Rolken137: ban evasion is disallowed
(22:15:54) Green Hill: whats ban envasion
(22:16:08) Rolken137: I disallowed you from submitting
(22:16:10) Rolken137: you registered again
(22:16:16) Rolken137: do I have to ban your IP?
(22:16:31) Green Hill: cause no one would change my user name to Green Hill
(22:16:45) Green Hill: and the i submitted a time for sky rail cause i have a pic
(22:16:56) Rolken137: you are banned from automatic submissions

(this isn't new, but I guess some things just don't sink in the first ...second... third time around)

(22:16:57) Rolken137: BANNED
(22:16:59) Rolken137: IS THAT CLEAR?
(22:17:13) Green Hill: nope
(22:17:24) Rolken137: then you are banned from submissions with proof as well.
(22:17:41) Green Hill: heh whatever u think i have the record

Man, two bans in one day (though Green Hill's not banned from the forum). I feel like a Nazi. Anyone else, if you want to get banned, antagonizing me repeatedly over AIM or email and disregarding repeated instructions is a good way to do it. :/

Never piss of Rolken. EVER.

That guy IMs me sometimes, it's completely fucked up. I wanted to save the chat and post it, but I forgot. :(

Basically, he once told me that someone used his account to post fake times, and then that HE used someone else's account to post fake times, and then that nothing of that happened, that guy's confusing as hell.

I say his times should be deleted, same thing for prcorby.

Green Hill seems a lot like Shade.

As for me, I concur: people like Green Hill and prcorby89 do not need to have their times honored by this site.


--- Quote --- Never piss of Rolken. EVER.
--- End quote ---
What blows me away is that I'm probably the most goodnatured admin I know of - it takes a lot to piss me off. I mean, I give all kinds of free stuff that they'd have essentially no chance of getting with any other site, and people still push the limits. And even when people do push my buttons, I don't ban them until they've proved that they contribute nothing but annoyance to the community. And with these two, it really is literally nothing.

It seems banning is an inevitable part of the Internet, and no amount of lenience will prevent that.


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