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My Sonic and Knuckles DEZ Times


Author Topic: My Sonic and Knuckles DEZ Times  (Read 8127 times)

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My Sonic and Knuckles DEZ Times
« on: April 17, 2004, 06:11:35 am »
Just thought I'd mention this before someone else did. . .
    Believe me, or not. . .  But my times with Sonic(using Miles) and Knuckles on Death Egg Zone in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 are legitimate.  And as soon as I can get SnagIt 7 to cooperate with Gens, again. . .I can prove it.  I somehow doubt screenshots would be enough to prove such times, particularly in the case of Knuckles, somehow. . .
« Last Edit: April 17, 2004, 04:01:07 pm by Joseph Collins »

My Sonic and Knuckles DEZ Times
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2004, 11:39:21 pm »
I had the same problem convincing everyone that a time <1:17 (with Knuckles, DEZ in Son2) was possible. I emailed Rolken, then sent him a video through AIM. Things picked up after that.

If I may enquire, what times do you have? If you're saying something like 30 seconds, then of course there's reason for dispute, but if it's low 50's, then I don't see where the problem is.

My Sonic and Knuckles DEZ Times
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2004, 02:00:58 am »
Presently, I have 0:50 for Sonic(using Miles), and 0:51 for Knuckles.  I also have a video on my server for 0:51 for Sonic(again, using Miles), as apparently, my one single 0:50 victory was a fluke I can't seem to recreate when recording. . .  Which sucks.  As for 0:51 with Knuckles. . .same thing.  Something just. . .  Something inside me just kind of faulters, when I try to record my 0:51 record with Knuckles, and I end up biffing out.  Again, and again, and again. . .

Edit:  Well. . .  0:49 for Miles(Sonic?), now.  I do have a screenshot of that, however.  Now if I can just stop freezing and panicking when recording. . .
« Last Edit: April 18, 2004, 09:43:30 pm by Joseph Collins »

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My Sonic and Knuckles DEZ Times
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2004, 06:50:02 am »
How could nobody believe anything below 1:17? 55 was always on the cards, lower if people committed (as can be seen here).

And just out of interest, was that my time? Lol, that's like 7/8 now...

<3 Thorn.

My Sonic and Knuckles DEZ Times
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2004, 08:07:13 am »
How could nobody believe anything below 1:17? 55 was always on the cards, lower if people committed (as can be seen here).

And just out of interest, was that my time? Lol, that's like 7/8 now...
Mike, I'm not sure, but for some reason, nobody believed. My original topic may still be around somewhere.

Hehe, I'm pretty sure it was your time ;) Ah well, set a date to practice, and within 1/2 hour you should have a time <1:00, that's for sure.

When I first came, and I posted a :53, my times were all put to 9:59, and someone (Rusty, I'm looking at you) changed my comment to "No, I think not." Then I wasn't able to post or add anymore times until I AIM'd Rolken and sent in my video.

Rolken: 0:51 is definitely possible, and I've seen screenshots of 0:50. IIRC, I think Brian and Xebra had 0:50 before they took down all their times too. If you can get a 10-2 pattern on Robotnik, :51 is easy, making :50 a possibility. As for the :49, I'd go on an act of faith here, especially since Rusty said once that someone at Sonic Cult claimed an 11-1 run. I'd say that :49 is well within reach.

As a side note, it may be impossible to get a 12-0 run, but imagine the time you'd get if you actually got it! O_O

Offline Rolken

My Sonic and Knuckles DEZ Times
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2004, 11:40:57 am »
Rolken: 0:51 is definitely possible, and I've seen screenshots of 0:50. IIRC, I think Brian and Xebra had 0:50 before they took down all their times too. If you can get a 10-2 pattern on Robotnik, :51 is easy, making :50 a possibility. As for the :49, I'd go on an act of faith here, especially since Rusty said once that someone at Sonic Cult claimed an 11-1 run. I'd say that :49 is well within reach.
I believe it. I think it was... Boozer who claimed 11-1? Maybe? I don't remember.

Joseph's video thingy will be up whenever I finish downloading it... :x
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My Sonic and Knuckles DEZ Times
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2004, 07:48:29 am »
Rolken: 0:51 is definitely possible, and I've seen screenshots of 0:50. IIRC, I think Brian and Xebra had 0:50 before they took down all their times too. If you can get a 10-2 pattern on Robotnik, :51 is easy, making :50 a possibility. As for the :49, I'd go on an act of faith here, especially since Rusty said once that someone at Sonic Cult claimed an 11-1 run. I'd say that :49 is well within reach.

As a side note, it may be impossible to get a 12-0 run, but imagine the time you'd get if you actually got it! O_O
Working on that oh-so-sweet 12-0 off-and-on.  Got an 11-1, thanks to a pep talk with Nemesis.(I figured it out by myself, honestly, but Nemesis inspired me.)  Once I stop freaking out. . .  >_>  . . .I can make a video recording of that.  Until then, all I have is a luke-warm screenshot.  >_<;

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My Sonic and Knuckles DEZ Times
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2004, 08:49:45 am »
Brian and xebra had 0:52 - with Knuckles, anyhow. That's what we're talking about right? I know they had 50 with Sonic.

An 11-1 should be getting you about 48, since 10-2 got Brian and xebra 50...

<3 Thorn.

My Sonic and Knuckles DEZ Times
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2004, 08:34:20 am »
0:49, actually.  Maybe I'm not doing something right, but I usually end up shooting out of Death Egg Zone with Miles as the clock is around, at a guess, 0:49.50. . .  If I don't screw up further than safe.


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