1024 prototypes from drx. My understanding is that these were internal Sega of America archives for testing purposes prior to release. The Sonic rundown is...
Game Gear:
7 Sonic Blast
21 Sonic Spinball
2 Triple Trouble (both near-final)
Mega Drive:
7 S&K
5 "S2&K" S&K chip
2 combined S3 + S&K
8 Sonic 3D Blast
8 Sonic 2
Sonic 3D Tech Demo
Sonic R
What will come out of this? Your guess is as good as mine, but a lot of these prototypes are within a week or two of final so stuff like the 8 Sonic 2 prototypes are probably mostly redundant. Here's the
Sonic Retro prototype forum, but note that the old S2Beta nazi registration rules apply.
edit: Gerbil put them up on
HTTP for those who are torrent-averse.
GerbilEdit: Also note that these prototype ROMs are not allowed for competition on TSC. However, minor revisions, such as Sonic 2 rev00 and Sonic 2 rev01, are allowed. (TUSC may add some of the new prototypes later on.)