I was wondering about using the prima guide to help with looking for shortcuts. I know I have used the guide in the past with the Dreamcast version of SA1.
Not that there's any guide out there that'll help you here with anything more than giving out the maps...
I have seen the "demo" pages of the prima guide but it doesnt look as if you can gain any info about major cuts.
I haven't even played SH, but I'm going to say "true" to that anyway.
Its been quite sometime since I have played a sonic title seeing I also owned SA2 on Dreamcast as well. I recall getting the job done in a certain time mattered more than it does with heros for I dont see how time even plays into this game exept for the sonic teams extras. Thats why I like this site account of I like the fact of trying to get to the goal as fast as you can !!
You can always submit times for those older games...Anyway, on this site, at least for now, getting the job done quickly is the thing that matters 100%.
Another question I had seeing I am here... I also remember that reaching the gates with a certain number of rings gave you bonuses (shoes) for SA1. I noticed in heroes that you get power ups... I havent noticed getting anything differant. anyone got the info on this and if its still based on the number of rings you have when you reach the gate?
SA1 gave NO bonuses for checkpoints...only #2 did. The SA2 schedule is: 20-39 rings = ring +5, 40-59 rings = ring +10, 60-79 rings = ring +20, 80-89 rings = speed shoes, 90+ rings = Shield, or Lightning Shield if you already have a Shield. Again, I don't have SH, but there's some test data to possibly compare it to.