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Rough on the Diamonds


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Offline General Throatstomper

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Rough on the Diamonds
« on: December 06, 2007, 11:18:06 pm »
Are there any games (Sonic or otherwise) you really like, but that have one single aspect you really hate? If you've got any examples from media other than games that's fine too.

For me: I love Super Mario Galaxy as much as the next normal person, and find all the gameplay in the game very memorable...except Mario's speed/lack of aerial maneuverability. Holy hell those gameplay aspects are lackluster.

Also, as much as I find it to be great, and Paper Mario as a character to be equally win, I kinda dislike Super Paper Mario for reasons I can't explain.

(I know this thread doesn't have much scope and probably won't get many replies but well who cares, really? :P)

(Crowbar's original topic. I've been thinking of making a topic wherein we express things we don't like about popular games for a while, and when I saw his post I figured it would be a humorous rewrite that would make a point on how far too many topics are cookie-cutter, and the opposite of his idea is less likely to end in a flame war with someone defending their favorite games to the death in the face of criticisms. I'll post more later, I just couldn't pass up the chance for near perfect symmetry.)


Offline eggFL

Re: Rough on the Diamonds
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2007, 11:45:21 pm »
Indeed. Well done genus.

Anyway I love Sonic06 about as much as anyone can. But I hate the town missions, I hate the loading times, the snowboarding, the way action stage segments end far too soon, I hate finding silver medals, I hate light dashing, I hate that some ring trails inexplicably can't be light dashed, I hate playing as Tails, I hate that I can't jump with the shoulder button and no way to remap the buttons, I hate the gems they are a waste and break the gameplay, I hate the last story (excluding the ending) and I hate Solaris, and I hate the cliche of having a super epic mega mind blowing final boss which is takes place in LSD subworld and has you against an EMBLEM wow epic!! (*cough* FINAL FANTASY 10 *coughs blood*) godamn stupid.

I love Sonic Adventure 2 but I hate Chao raising, it's a waste of time and insulting to everyone's intelligence.

Sure I like Gears of War but I hate that it has you switch weapons with the d-pad and run with the A button and melee with the B button. I hate all shooters that do this, why, if a game uses both joysticks, does it use both the face buttons and the d-pad, it's so godamn stupid, and it ruins the game. And Gears is the worst because the LB button doesn't even do anything relevant to gameplay, they WASTED A BUTTON. I hate that there is no way to remap the buttons yourself.

I like Command & Conquer 3 but I hate that the control interface on the 360 is slower than even LotR: Battle for Middle Earth 2 for 360 when it comes to creating structures. A minor change in the interface would have been all it took to make it perfect but EA doesn't give a damn I guess, and that they only care about the PC version and PC C&C community, I guess to them anyone who gets the 360 version is a loser in the first place, I dunno. And I hate that.

Offline Crowbar

Re: Rough on the Diamonds
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2007, 02:58:36 pm »
lol nice thread.

Um, tbh I can't think of much that this applies to. When I like something I tend to like it whole-heartedly, and even if I acknowledge the faults I don't let them get to me.

That said, I love Devil May Cry (original) but Trish sucks. And her hair looks really bad. The dialogue is truly awful, too, but it's actually kind of funny ("YOU PUNY PATHETIC THING I'LL STEP ON YOU LIKE AN ANT AAAGJHGRHGJWHGUKHSULKGHSGL"). DMC3 fixed all that and more, but traded it in for memorable bosses (maybe it's just the fact that you only fight each one once, except Virgil).

Offline P.P.A.

Re: Rough on the Diamonds
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2007, 03:46:55 pm »
Quote from: eggFl
I love Sonic Adventure 2 but I hate Chao raising, it's a waste of time and insulting to everyone's intelligence.

I didn't like how tedious the surfing in Wind Waker was. :(

My YouTube profile. Lots of Sonic speedruns~

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Re: Rough on the Diamonds
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2007, 05:53:46 pm »
I love Panzer Dragoon Saga but I -detest- the Caves of Uru section on Disc 2.
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline X-5

Re: Rough on the Diamonds
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2007, 06:46:16 pm »
hmm, this'll be tough but i know there are some games.

oh, starfox adventures. its a cool game, I like adventuring games especially ones that take place in green grassy areas with cool graphics, but I HATE how i always get lost and dunno what to do, it ruined the whole game for me :(

thats all i can think of right now

rpg your lucky to have a saturn... I want one but I really fear buying one cause i can't see a 12 year old disk system working unless you somehow find it new in the box :(

do you play shining force 3? i've heard it is the best of the series and've always wanted to play it

Offline eggFL

Re: Rough on the Diamonds
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2007, 07:55:37 pm »
Paragod you basically described how I feel about 3D Zelda games. Except that Star Fox Adventures is way easier which is why I was able to beat it.

I believe I might have consider both SF Adventures and Ocarina of Time in Crowbar's topic... but what I like about isn't all that significant. They have a good atmosphere, and the dungeons Ocarina of Time tend to have some good gameplay when they're not so abstruse.

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Re: Rough on the Diamonds
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2007, 09:29:02 pm »
And more followed, and more was better! Symmetry be damned.

Metroid Prime 3 is stunning...and formulaic, linear, grandiose, on, on, on. There were no surprises in MP3-you're never ambushed by intimidating bosses like in the original, and to a lesser extent Echoes (whose common enemies were scary as hell, but really only had a few 'ahhhhhh' moments, like the troopers in the beginning resurrecting and random moments with Dark Samus). To face a key boss, you need to fly to a separate location and navigate your way through a few rooms which are identical from region to region. There's nothing nearly so petrifying as, say, the Omega Pirate busting out of its stasis tank from nowhere as you walked down an innocuous corridor in the first Metroid Prime with Prime 3, and it hurts the presentation value some. There are also some over-the-top segments that just feel overdone (there's a spiderball track in a room that you need to cross at least twice per game, probably more, as there's an upgrade in the room on the otherside that's hard to notice, which takes a solid 5 minutes to traverse...let's not forget either how many bosses have high health and all the multiphase battles you'll fight)

I have more to rant about! Much, much more! But for now I must reflect.


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Re: Rough on the Diamonds
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2007, 09:41:45 pm »
I'm just going to go through every game on my shelf here...

Donkey Kong Country, you're cool and all, but you just love to repeat bosses, dontcha?!
Donkey Kong Country 2... I love you.
Donkey Kong Country 3, you piss me off. Where the hell is Rambi? If it's because he's from a jungle and this game is closer to a northern foresty type land, then how is it that an elephant would fare any better?
Super Mario All-stars, I have never actually played you that much because you contain too much.
Yoshi's Island, you're awesome, but your level design can be just cruel at times.
Super Mario Kart, I don't really see why you would be so much better than one of the newer ones, especially Super Circut.

Sonic 1, you're cool and all, but Labyrinth zone just sucks.
Sonic 2, I will say that you are a much better Sonic achievement than Sonic 1 is, but your zones just don't interest me enough.
Sonic 3, you're simply too short.
Sonic & Knuckles, I love you, but you're a pain in the ass to ring attack.
Sonic 3D Blast, you can just go away ok.
Roadrunner & Wile E. Coyote in: Desert Demolition, I love you, but you're so absurdly short.
Vectorman, I need to actually finish you one of these days before I say anything about you.
Vectorman 2, same thing.
Aladdin, you're awesome, but the carpet ride segment pissed me off every time I got to it.

Zelda: Majora's Mask, you're pretty awesome.
Banjo Tooie, you're awesome, but Grunty Industries can go the hell away.
Pokemon Puzzle League, I don't even remember playing you.
Paperboy, you're good at just being a hilarious game. There is no reason to poke at your shortcomings as a result.
Pokemon Stadium, I don't know whether or not it was worth it raking 6 yards just to battle the same pokemon over and over again.
Pokemon Stadium 2, you saved my three favorite pokemon from being eaten by Crystal. I love you.
Pokemon Snap, you're awesome, but I just need more pokemon to snap and you need to realize that there are more pokemon than just pikachu sometimes.
Donkey Kong 64, you're cool and all, but it would have been nice to get to the last boss before losing my mind collecting 5 billion things.
Ogre Battle 64, if you ever quit on me, my purpose in life will be for naught.
Star Fox 64, I love you.

Super Mario 64 DS, you should have brought a joystick and left Wario behind, as he is relatively good at doing nothing.
Advance Wars DS, thanks a lot. You made it impossible to make a sequel using the current character roster with all of your broken mechanics.
Metroid Prime Hunters, you piss me off. You're called Metroid Prime Hunters yet there's not a single metroid in the entire game. You have absolutely nothing to do with metroid. Go away.
Mario Kart DS, being the first honestly online Nintendo game, you piss me off for letting noobs quit on me when I'm amazingly far ahead of them.
Yoshi's Island DS, you bore the crap out of me. You're so insanely easy compared to the original and barely rewarding. Not to mention your music makes me sleep.
New Super Mario Bros, what the hell are you going to be called when you're old?
Yoshi Touch and Go, you're not even a game.
Sonic Rush, I love you, but your boss stages piss me off to time attack with all the random elements in it.
Sonic Rush Adventure, ditto you but to a lesser extent plus distaste at how much simpler and shorter the levels are.
Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time, you piss me off. What kind of RPG only lets me explore one area at a time?
Nanostray, you're so reliant on the touch screen when there's clearly other unused buttons to let me select my weapon.
Meteos, you're cool and all, but why the hell is Lumines going all out and you're just sticking with disney characters?
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, I see no reason as to why I couldn't have just one of you these days.
Viewtiful Joe: Double Trouble, why can't you just be a god damn asskickery beatemup instead of a gimmicky game?!
Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, youuuuu areeeeeeeee tooooooooooooo damnnnnnnnnnnnnn eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeasyyyyyyyyyy.

Animal Crossing, there's no point to you other than NES games.
Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee, who the hell thought it was a good idea to release the sequel on any platform but the Gamecube?
Splinter Cell, there is no splintering about these cells. There's too much crap you can do and not enough crap you can use that crap with.
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, you are the epitome of a formula game. Beat enemies, solve puzzle, unlock door, go through it, repeat.
Timesplitters 2, I forgot why I don't play you these days. Perhaps its because I care less about FPS games these days.
Lord of the Rings: Two Towers, why the hell is your unlockable character Isildor, who is an exact copy of Aragorn? Who the hell wants to play as that guy?!
Crazy Taxi, all I want to do is take people random places while ramming into everything possible. I dont need a time limit to tell me I can't do this.
Luigi's Mansion, I found you under the christmas tree instead of Super Smash Brothers Melee. For that, you piss me off.
Starfox Assault, you piss me off. I thought I was going to get an authentic Starfox experience finally, but that was just the first level. Then you douse any hope I had of any possible awesomeness with an insanely horrendous plotline in which everyone sacrifices themselves during the game and then at the end they all come back to life miraculously. What the hell is this?!
Starfox Adventures, you piss me off. Your entire concept is largely dumb, as in why the hell would Fox save a planet by collecting everything imaginable? That and your stages are small and I can beat you in relatively 4-6 hours.
Mario Kart: Double Dash, you piss me off. Maybe this was just because the first time I played you was immediately after I finished F-Zero GX, but you are too god damn slow. Mario could run faster if he just ditched the buggy.
Star Wars: Clone Wars.. I don't remember anything I hated about playing you actually. Your multiplayer was pretty good, but I'm sure there's something that pissed me off about the single player.
Star Wars: Rogue Leader, your training mission required me to turn off my Gamecube and set the clock to some other point of the day at least three times in order to get the unlockable Naboo Fighter.
007: Nightfire, you piss me off. Your credits are litterally 10 MINUTES LONG. That, and the thing you unlock before the credits is unable to be used after the credits are over, because you never get a chance to save and it unloads the file after the credits are over.
007: Everything or Nothing, you're third person. For that alone, you piss me off.
007: Agent Under Fire, I had some good times with you and your multiplayer, but I don't remember anything memorable about single player. That, and you were made by EA.
Super Smash Brothers Melee, you broke.
Phantasy Star Online I & II, you can't be played online on the Wii. For that, you piss me off.
Smugglers Run, you bore the crap out of me. The only reason anyone would play you is to play tag multiplayer.
Pikmin, you're nice and all, but the Pikmins need a brain of their own sometimes. I can't be everywhere while some giant swamp toad is eating all of my pikmin at my base alive in a matter of seconds.
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, you piss me off. You require that I have a Gamecube, 4 link cables, and 4 gameboy advances to get any fun whatsoever out of the game. That, and the bucket.
Phantasy Star Online Episode III, you're a card game. Just for that, you piss me off.
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, you piss me off. For every Mario RPG I've ever played, I always get to the last boss and have no motivation to beat it at all.
Pokemon Box... why do I have you again?
Pokemon Colosseum, you piss me off. You were supposed to be Stadium II plus an RPG, not a "play-through-once-ever" RPG with no rewards for beating like the 2 stadiums included.
Metroid Prime, your ending pisses me off because it lead to one of the lamest plot devices ever being used throught the other two games.
Metroid Prime 2, there is no fun to be found in the dark world. I should at least feel like I want to go there, not feel like quitting immediately before going in.
Legend of Zelda: Windwaker, you piss me off. Why? Tingle and his absurd price for translating the Triforce maps.
Ocarina of Time, you're cool and all, but you leave me relatively nothing to do in my favorite place in the game: Hyrule Field.
Viewtiful Joe... I love you.
Viewtiful Joe 2, you piss me off. You completely forgot what made the first game awesome.
Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble, you REALLY piss me off. How could you make a Viewtiful Joe game and turn it into a collect-a-thon instead of an ass-kickery fest!?
F-Zero GX... I love you. But your 7th Story mission pisses me off on the difficult modes.
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, you're cool and all, but there's no reason why you couldn't have been a Gameboy Advance game.
Sonic Adventure, you piss me off. I can't play as Tikal.
Sonic Adventure 2, I barely feel like I'm playing Sonic here. I don't need any emerald hunting and while the shooting stages are good, they should have just been a different game.
Sonic Heroes, you are too god damn cheesy.
Sonic Riders, you piss me off. You give me barely any control over my character and even before the game was even released, you go ahead and announce a sequel to it. Oh, and you can't play as Tikal.
Shadow the Hedgehog, you piss me off because apparently you can't come to grips with the fact that Shadow is supposed to play exactly like Sonic, but somehow felt the need to tack on as much crap as possible to try and make him different, thus killing his soul. That, and you sold your soul to 4Kids. For that, I can never forgive you.
Resident Evil 4... I love you.
Soul Calibur II, you're cool and all, but you keep letting my mindless button mashing friends beat me in multiplayer.

Halo, you're cool and all, but really the flood are just not fun at all. Leave them out of future games.
Halo 2, you piss me off. You put the flood in the third mission and they were there for the rest of the game.
Mechassault, you're cool and all, but you're too clunky for my tastes.
Fable, you piss me off. You hype yourself up to be some supreme genre-redefining RPG, and then you come out with your 2 hour quest. GTFO

Perfect Dark Zero, you piss me off. Not even having a south american jungle tikal-eque stage can save you from me thinking your a total waste of my time.
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, you're cool and all, but you can beat the game while you're still level 1.
Gears of War, you're too damn short and you're not releasing the PC content to the Xbox 360. For that, you piss me off.
Halo 3, while you were nice enough to keep the flood off until the end of the game and let me kill the monitor once and for all, you killed Johnson. For that, you can never be forgiven.
Sonic the Hedgehog, you piss me off because you neglected to do too many little things in order to make it a decent game. Infact, it felt like the game should have been called Silver the Hedgehog because that's the only character that was actually playable. That, and I can't play as Tikal. For that, I can never forgive you.

Wii Sports, I can't actually complain about anything you piss me off about because you were free.
Zelda: Twilight Princess, your bosses piss me off. They're too easy. They're nothing. They have no soul, other than three hits to beat.
Sonic and the Secret Rings, you annoy the crap out of me with all these missions. Seriously, theres too many. You could have made like 3 more bosses in the time it took you to come up with all those missions.
Resident Evil 4, I am not sure why I bought you again. Perhaps it was because I love you.
Metroid Prime 3, your final boss was so not the Mother Brain I was expecting.
Super Mario Galaxy, you haven't done anything to annoy me... yet.
Gunstar Heroes... I love you.
Super Metroid, you're awesome, but relatively cheap at times, like the first miniboss has no clear safe zone for some of its attacks.

And I don't really feel like pulling my Gameboy games out, so I'm done here.

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Re: Rough on the Diamonds
« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2007, 09:52:04 pm »
I have to do this when I get free time.
my name has nothing to do with Shadow The Hedgehog

Completed Runs:
Sonic Heroes: Team Sonic: SS
Rocket Knight Adventures: Easy (US): SS

In the Future:
Aero The Acrobat (Genesis) | More...

Offline eggFL

Re: Rough on the Diamonds
« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2007, 10:36:22 pm »
A lot of games I don't particularly love or hate enough for me to feel that they are worth mentioning in either of these topics. As this topic is concerned, in some cases the aspects that I hate about a game is what keeps me from liking the game at all.. so I don't even mention that game. And notice how I didn't mention Sonic Adventure either.. even though it had Chao raising as well. But I have a lot of complaints about it and I am really not a big fan of the game at all anymore.

Pokemon Puzzle League, I don't even remember playing you.

oh that game!

Pokemon Puzzle League.. liked it a lot... buut... it's Pokemon... ehh. The license does a lot for the game.. it really does... but it's also annoying at times as a result.

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Re: Rough on the Diamonds
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2007, 11:09:25 pm »
Sonic and the Secret Rings. I really like that game, and I'll always remember it as my first Sonic that took me less than 3 years to beat, but there are several things about it that are serious crap. :(

1. The lack of game clock and score counter. This really sucks because, if I want to improve a time for submissions, I must write down the current best time/score for the mission, go through the mission, and compare that time/score to the one I wrote down!
2. Because of the on-rails control system, I'm always thinking that any future Sonic games for Wii might have rather limited controls. (I don't like the sliding move, it irks me, and you need to charge it almost way before you actually get to jump)
3. Shahra seems to be an Arabian copy of Tikal. This is NOT cool. Tikal IS the only and the original. [Navi from Zelda I consider to be different]
« Last Edit: December 08, 2007, 12:07:54 am by Cutiefox »

Offline Stefan

Re: Rough on the Diamonds
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2007, 12:14:00 pm »

1. The lack of game clock and score counter. This really sucks because, if I want to improve a time for submissions, I must write down the current best time/score for the mission, go through the mission, and compare that time/score to the one I wrote down!

problem solved.

Offline JBertolli

Re: Rough on the Diamonds
« Reply #13 on: December 08, 2007, 01:11:17 pm »
I'll do this SL-style-like:

Sonic Adventure (DX): I seem to always get glitched by this game when playing. Time attack it and you are thrown into the death plane, ring attack it and you will be hit by a stationary Kiki in homming attack form.
Sonic Adventure 2 (Battle): Loved hunting and shooting stages and the speed stages are alright.
Sonic Heroes: Love the game despite all of its flaws and critics.
Shadow the Hedgehog: Hated this game >_> All of Shadows physics besides running seemed slow to me and why does he have guns? If he were the ultimate lifeform, he wouldn't need those.
Sonic Riders: Hated the levels. I think it was SEGA Illusion that reminded me of a mix of a few lasts levels from other racing games; Rainbow Road, Spaceport Alpha. And they had to make duplicates of the levels...
Mario Kart: Double Dash!!: This game is great but I didn't like Rainbow Road too much.
Kirby Air Ride: I <3 this game. I just wish they would have created more races for all the modes and that they'd make a sequel.
Crash Nitro Kart: No where near Crash Team Racing. This game is probably only fun if you are to time attack it. The story and level design sucked.
Super Smash Bros. Melee: SonicTeam needs to do what the SSB creators do. Spend a long time on a game to make it good and not make so many all at once. How many Sonic games came out in 2007? Twenty? And how many of them were mentionable?
Donkey Konga 2: I'm a fan of rhythm games and this is something a bit different. I only wish I could get the first one.
DDR Mario Mix: Good idea to make a DDR with Mario songs but they were all WAAAYY too easy. I mean, the hardest song was only equal to a seven footer.
Super Monkey Ball: Monkey Ball rocks but unlocking all of the levels is way too hard :/
Super Monkey Ball 2: Good sequel here, but same problem.
Animal Crossing: Fun and long lasting. If only they had made the DS version first, I would have played the DS version longer.

Spyro the Dragon: first and best Spyro game. Easy and quick but makes for a great speedrunning game.
Spyro 2: Second Spyro game and second best.
Spyro 3: Third Spyro game and third best. Though others would say this is best because it is harder and longer than the first two.
Crash 3: I just hate relic racing.
Crash Team Racing: crazy good game.

Super Monkey Ball DS: one of my favorite Monkey Ball games.
Mario Kart DS: Didn't like this game much. Same type of mini turbo again, a lot of levels were almost copies of past levels (new ones that is) and the retro track choices sucked. Who liked Mushroom Bridge? And just about everyone was pissed with no Rainbow Cup.
Super Mario 64 DS: Just a not so good version of Super Mario 64.
Sonic Rush: Too fast like the advance series.
Animal Crossing DS: Got bored of this because I got bored of Animal Crossing for GC.
Diddy Kong Racing DS: Alright, but none of the extras interested me very much.

Sonic Advance 1-2: too fast
Mario Kart Super Circuit: Actually one of my favorite Mario Kart games. These retro tracks were better chosen than MKDS's
Pokemon R/S: pretty good and I liked this gen of pokemon more than the 2nd gen.
Pokemon LG/FR: This was better than R/S in design and it is good to play a better looking version of the classics.

Super Mario 64: Great game
Mario Kart 64: Probably the best Mario Kart so far, even if I don't care for it too much.
Kirby 64: I don't know how it compares to older Kirby games because I've never played them.
Diddy Kong Racing: Very fun and lots of tracks. The different vehicles was a good idea, too. It separates it from Mario Kart a good bit.

Sonic Secret Rings: Too many missions and are somewhat hard.
Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz: Horrible level design. Too much wasted objects that were meant to be for the design in the levels that gets in the way. The jumping is fun at first but then just gets annoying.

Missing games but I don't feel like writing about them.

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Re: Rough on the Diamonds
« Reply #14 on: December 08, 2007, 02:42:50 pm »
got the idea from SkyLights

also some of these games I dont own anymore, but I'll put them in anyway

Dr. Mario/Tetris-I dont really like Dr. Mario

Monopoly-too slow for me

Super Mario All-Stars-this was pure win for me

Super Mario World-epic win

Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island-kinda wish there were more stages

Sega Genesis

Aero The Acrobat-I never had any gripes with this, unless you count that hardly no one has played this game

Bubsy-its too difficult for some people >_>

Bubsy 2-completely crapped all over what made me like Bubsy 1.  Controls sucked ass.
Comix Zone-game can get buggy sometimes

Kid Chameleon-I never finished it in all of these years ;_;

Mickey Mania: The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse-some time periods could have been longer.

Mortal Kombat 3-playing as Smoke is impossible

NBA Jam-rubberband AI

Rocket Knight Adventures-I suck at the last stage

Sonic Spinball-underrated

Sonic & Knuckles-by itself it isn't complete

Sonic The Hedgehog-labyrinth :/

Sonic The Hedgehog 2-metropolis' cheap deaths (i.e. crabs and mantises...ok just mantises having those damn homing blades of death)

Sonic The Hedgehog 3-carnival night act 2

Sparkster: Rocket Knight Adventures 2-fighting Axel can be a bitch...thats all I can think of

Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster's Hidden Treasure-been a while, but I remember a lot of the stages were bland

Triple Score: 3 Games In 1-the soccer game AI can be unforgiving when it wants to


World of Illusion Starring Disney's Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck-game speed was lacking

Playstation ONE

2Xtreme-AI can be a bitch

Blast Chamber-this was just awesome

Crash Bandicoot-easy

Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back-...

Crash Bandicoot 3: WARPED-the 2 hidden stages...ok not really because they are hidden :/

Croc-very easy...but fun none the less

CTR: Crash Team Racing-omg...what could go wrong with this?

Ehrgeiz-AI was supremely unbalanced, counters were difficult to time, timing in general was a problem for certain moves.

Hot Shots Golf 2-sprite models sucked

Jet Moto-cant remember too as hell though

Jet Moto 2-this was better than 1

Jumping Flash 2-too short

Madden NFL 98-what is this doing in here?  oh yeah, my mother tried to get me into sports almost worked.  I actually did have fun with this game.

Mortal Kombat 4-not enough content, most of the endings were just rehashes

Mortal Kombat Trilogy-some bugs, 1 button fatalities wouldn't work sometimes

Namco Museum Vol. 1-needed more games

Resident Evil 2-the requirements for certain unlockables were tedious (Tofu requirement was lolwtf).  Also I lost both discs :/  wasn't mine to begin with, but wtf happened to it?

Spider-short (lol, how many people knew about this game?)

Spyro The Dragon-too short

Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage-last world had some bland stages

Spyro: Year of the Dragon-perfect to me

Street Fighter Alpha 3-apparently this wasn't a good port compared to the DC version or later enstallments

Street Fighter EX 2-took out some characters, stages felt tacked on at the last minute.

Street Fighter EX plus Alpha-because its the first game?  some endings were crap

Tekken 3-um....

Tomba 2: The Evil Swine Return-I needed the first game to get the special missions >_<

Tomb Raider Chronicles-stealth in a none stealth good.  also tightrope walking.

Tomb Raider 2-pfft

Tomb Raider 3-see Tomb Raider 2

Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation-this game was confusing and easy to get lost some actions needed work (like rope swinging and jumping off), and the ending BLEW ASS.

Tony Hawk Pro Skater-stages too small

Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2-holy crap this offered a lot, I'd say that 1 unlockable was a hassle in that you had to do every scoring gap in the game excluding the one's from skater's island

Twisted Metal 2-I sucked...thats what was wrong with this game

Twisted Metal 3-so not TW anymore...fucking lame

Wild 9-I LOST MY FUCKING COPY >_<  got the damn manual with me, but where the fuck is my game?  I miss this so much :/

Wipeout XL-needed more courses

X-Men VS. Street Fighter-PS1 lameness because Capcom figures the PS1 cant handle any tag team...and it wasn't just for this game either.  This carried all the way to MVC1

Gameboy Color

Game and Watch Gallery 2-the only game I had for it

Playstation 2

Burnout 3: Takedown-rubberband AI, doing head to head challenges with a slower car sucked as well.

Burnout: Revenge-took out free mode, most courses didn't have the same feeling to me anymore...dont know why, maybe it was the inclusion of shortcuts :/

Capcom vs SNK 2-I had no one to play with, sprites were too big

Crazy Taxi-some lagginess, also the only CT to be ported.  If anything, they could have done a arcade port, but nope.

Devil May Cry-camera...

Devil May Cry 2-super lame compared to DMC1

Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening-most enemies I hated fighting, camera

Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition-never fixed the camera!

Dynasty Warriors 2-got too repetitive (due to most characters were clones, not too many stages to fool around on)

Dynasty Warriors 3-oh man this was THE best

Dynasty Warriors 3: Xtreme Legends-some 5th weapons were too much trouble to get for what little they offered (basically going through a stage dying a lot of times spending hours doing it only to get a weapon with shitty stats)

Dynasty Warriors 4-AI sucked, easy, story mode blew

Dynasty Warriors 4: Xtreme Legends-this saved me from trading DW4 for something else, but this game has to be the worst of the bunch I've played.  AI fucking cheated (yes cheated and I dont toss this around either), AI was predictable, but with fast reflexes on some things you would do. 

Dynasty Warriors 5-Chaos mode was lame, overall though great game.

Gauntlet: Dark Legacy-got repetitive after awhile of playing by yourself

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas-aside from the usual bigs of the 3-D GTA series, Las Venturas was meh to me.  I hardly wanted to go to that city.

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City-city was too small, able to mess up your game if you did certain things wrong

Katamari Damacy-iono...short?

Marvel vs. Capcom 2-used a CD-Rom format which was stupid, only added in a gallery, sprites were too big, would slow down on certain super combos (i.e. Kobun/Servbot's Dinner Rush)

Mega Man X Collection-oh man...could have added in the GB X games, more content, both versions of MMX3...bah, I'm not going to get super picky with this.

Midnight Club-short...buggy...  :/

Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams-most of the enemies I didn't like and Deak Realm was too fucking long (took me like 5-8 hours going through 100 floors...WITH 1 PERSON)

Onimusha: Warlords-really short...also Capcom made Genma Onimusha for X-Box >_<

Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny-it still used the d-pad to move around, otherwise this is my favorite of the series

Onimusha 3: Demon Siege-fucking silly storyline and not using Tekeshi Keneshiro's VOICE for english but his face.  Same with Jean Capcom?

Ridge Racer 5-not enough to do especially after finding out you dont need to play all the cups to get every car.  too little amount of tracks.

Samurai Warriors-once you reached lvl 20 with a character, you were screwed.

Samurai Warriors: Xtreme Legends-it fixed everything about this gets nothing.

Samurai Warriors 2-gimped some characters because of the Special type of movesets introduced, most special types had crappy specials.

Silent Scope-just a port with some additions...I'm still surprised how my copy worked (it was stolen, but I didn't find that out till later and now its gone anyway so...), but too short as well.
Smuggler's Run-repetitive.  fun to just drive around though.

Spy Hunter-short and easy...took it back once I beat it twice.

SSX-oh man...I guess it was that doing the trick book was annoying to do.  I had to write down all the tricks they demanded.

SSX Tricky-if I had to pick that the characters talked too much.

SSX3-not enough crazy courses

Street Fighter Anniversary Collection-SF2's AI is super tough to get by...I dont even think picking a difficulty even matters as I would get my ass handed to me either way.

Street Fighter EX3-character edit wasn't what you'd think it be...

Tekken Tag Tournament-too little content?  bowling was fun at least.

Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3-trying to get every character and maxing them out got tiring.

Unreal Tournament-playing by yourself sucks :/

Virtua Fighter 4-getting to champion in kumite mode wasn't so great

Viruta Fighter 4: me at least

Warriors Orochi-after awhile, got tiring doing the same stuff over and over.  gimped a bunch of characters, difficulty was shit (enemies didn't get harder, the damage they did was just really high)

We Love Katamari-1 million rose level :/


F-Zero GX-really hard at first

Mario Party 4-lame boards

Mario Party 5-too much luck

Mega Man Anniversary Collection-could have included Rockman and Forte

Metroid Prime-lol...

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes-the dark areas...but not really

Nintendo Gamecube Preview Disc (Summer 2003)->_>

Resident Evil 4-its RE4...its awesome

Shadow The Hedgehog-where to start...

Sonic Adventure 2: Battle-I'm on the same page with the majority

Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut-finding out that this isn't such a great port

Sonic Gems Collection-GG games I already have off of SADX, THEY TOOK OUT THE SOR TRILOGY!, too many of the 3-D games in the gallery, remixed music sucked.

Sonic Heroes-XD...dont feel like it

Sonic Mega Collection-pretty damn good actually, could have used more extras and content

Sonic Riders-courses needed more work, cloned courses, not that many good boards, mission mode was so-so, story was lame.

Soul Calibur 2-this was pretty awesome

Super Mario Sunshine-dont know why people dont like this (I've heard the reasons, but still)

Super Monkey Ball-simplistic...and I love it

Super Monkey Ball 2-more of the same...which is awesome.  ok some floors I didn't like and about 4 of the 12 mini-games weren't fun.

Super Smash Bros. Melee-um...this is hard.  I guess I didn't like the very hard setting.

Viewtiful Joe-they could have diversified the unlockable playable characters some more

Viewtiful Joe 2-agrees with SkyLights


Cyberia-camera and lag.  lag was probably from my computer being lame though.

Endorfun-er...I didn't play this too much

Madden NFL 2001-I didn't play this at all

Need For Speed: Porche Unleashed-it

Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure-finding all of the letters to PITFALL

Tiger Woods 2001-never played

Triple Play 2001-same as above

Sim City 3000 Unlimited-hard to please everyone

Sonic CD-because its the PC version?


Wii Sports-golf was hard to do

Sonic and the Secret Rings-too many missions

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption-not what I was expecting towards the end.

Super Mario Galaxy:  could have used more extras/content.  Luigi being better than Mario, some galaxies were lame do to missions or just how it was handled.  repeating bosses.

my name has nothing to do with Shadow The Hedgehog

Completed Runs:
Sonic Heroes: Team Sonic: SS
Rocket Knight Adventures: Easy (US): SS

In the Future:
Aero The Acrobat (Genesis) | More...

Offline P.P.A.

Re: Rough on the Diamonds
« Reply #15 on: December 08, 2007, 04:06:15 pm »

My YouTube profile. Lots of Sonic speedruns~

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Re: Rough on the Diamonds
« Reply #16 on: December 08, 2007, 04:28:44 pm »
do you play shining force 3? i've heard it is the best of the series and've always wanted to play it

It is amazing.
Did you not think I had a mind?

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Re: Rough on the Diamonds
« Reply #17 on: December 08, 2007, 05:45:36 pm »
I'll do it like SL too.

Gameboy an GBColor games:

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (something), you suck, come back when you're not so easy.
Spider-Man The Sinister Six, ... too easy and your climbing sucks like crap.

Super Nintendo:

Maximum Carnage, Spider-Man with a beat em' up style, really good except the bosses are hard, especially Carnage whom you fight twice and each time he'll probably make you use a continue.
Tiny Toons Adventure, pretty cool, I plan a speedrun of it soon.
Donkey Kong Country, I love you.
Donkey Kong Country 2, I love you more.
Super Mario World, awesome.
Super Mario All-stars, awesome.

Gameboy Advance:

DBZ The Legacy of Goku, come back when you suck less and are not so short.

Fire Emblem, you are win and I love you.
Fire Emblem The Sacred Stones, zip character development and way too easy, get the hell away from me.
MegaMan Battle Network 3, you're cool but, your random battles and story kinda suck.
Mario and Luigi Super Star Saga, I love you and your good humor.
Pokemon Ruby, okay I guess, though your contests are boring.
Pokemon Fire Red, okay, I like how you keep me busy even after beating the Elite Four.
Spider-Man Mysterio's Menace, you suck and are too easy.
X-Games, you suck, half the time I have no idea what I'm doing.
Yoshi's Island, I love you except your level design gets a bit sadistic.
Sonic Advance 2, nothing liked, nothing disliked.

Nintendo DS:

MegaMan Battle Network DS, two wrongs don't make a right.
Animal Crossing Wild World, kind of crap, I might like you better if I could get my wifi to work.
Ultimate Spider-Man, this is just crap.
Mario Kart DS, pretty good, needs more wifi though.
Pokemon Pearl, cool, though needs more wifi.
Mario and Luigi Partners in Time, awesome, except leveling up becomes tedious.
Sonic Rush, better than most Sonic games.


Spider-Man, pretty good, though this started the "I want ground" syndrome.
Digimon World, this was pretty good except your digimon taking dumps at random.
Digimon World 2, this is awesome and I'm glad I have played it.
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2, this is the best Tony Hawk game out there.
Spyro the Dragon, this is awesome.
Spyro the Dragon Ripto's Rage, even moar awesome.
Spyro Year of the Dragon, still awesome.
Yu-gi-oh Forbidden Memories, cool except you go against wtf decks at times.

Nintendo 64:

Tony Hawk Pro Skater, pretty cool though pretty short.
Super Mario 64, awesome but, I hate your blocky butt.
Yoshi's Story, too easy.
Pokemon Puzzle League, when did I get this?
Pokemon Stadium, cool crap.
Jet Force Gemini, awesome though a bit wierd.
Super Smash Bros, awesome game that started the Smash series.
Star Fox 64, love it.
Mario Tennis, is there anything Mario can't do?

Playstation 2:

Ratchet and Clank, effing win.
Ratchet and Clank Going Commando, even more effing win.
Ratchet and Clank Up Your Arsenal, not as good but, still win.
Ratchet Deadlocked, cool but, not as good as the others.
Star Ocean Till The End of Time, pretty cool.
Dark Cloud 2, I love you.
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus, I love you too.
Prince of Persia the Sands of Time, too much repetition.
Jak and Daxter, I love you.
Jak 2, and you.
Jak 3, and you too though I've hardly played it due to bro being greedy.
Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty, my first Metal Gear game and Raiden killed it.
Naruto Uzumaki Chronicles, I HATE YOU TOO 4KIDS!
Naruto Ultimate Ninja, your average fighting game but with 4KIDS.


Ty the Tazmanian Tiger, how the hell did this fail get into my house?
Spider-Man, "I want ground" syndrome is still in effect.
Spider-Man 2, the best Spider-Man to have probably existed.
Ultimate Spider-Man, or is this the best Spider-Man game!?
Super Smash Bros. Melee, I love it.
Fire Emblem Path of Radiance, I love it.
Sonic Mega Collection, cool but, some games suck.
Marvel Nemesis, eh pretty good but, still your average fighting game.
Tales of Symphonia, probably the best RPG I have ever played.
The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker, cool but, the sailing gets tedious.
Viewtiful Joe, I love you.
Viewtiful Joe Red Hot Rumble, I hate you and your crap collect-a-thons.
Orcarina of Time, sweet but, have nothing to do after the game is done.
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland, you piss me off you disgrace to the Tony Hawk games, not even your classic mode will make me like you.
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, some stages are lol but, I still love you.
Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door, I love you except, your Twilit Town sucks.
Pokemon Colosseum, just a crap RPG and nothing to do after that except 100 pokecrap battles.
Sonic Adventure DX, I thought you could play as Tikal at first but no, so you suck.
Sonic Adventure 2, you broke.
The Sims, pretty good I guess, though the working hours suck.
Metroid Prime, haven't finished you yet but, you're pretty good.
MegaMan Battle Network Transmission, slow and easy.
Zatch Bell Mamodo Battles, okay I guess.
Die Hard Vendetta, run-of-the-mill 1st person shooter I got with my 2nd Gamecube.


The Legend of Zelda Twilit Princess, pretty good, wait why is it called, The Legend of Zelda?
Super Paper Mario, awesome and OMG LUIGI; losses points because he comes in late and he isn't played very long before he's taken away.
Sonic and the Secret Rings, needs more bosses and less crap missions.
Spider-Man 3, points for the Venom suit, points lost for it's blocky looks and glitches that make you fail a mission one second after you found out what it is.

I'm missing a lot of other games for the Gamecube and the older gaming consoles.
<Sondow> also what
<Sondow> since when was S&K an expansion pack to s3
<Sondow> wiki LIES

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Re: Rough on the Diamonds
« Reply #18 on: December 09, 2007, 03:07:25 am »
Naruto is not voiced by 4Kids. (If that was the case, the anime would have been horribly butchered by the first arc.) Now for the SL approach.
Gilligan's Island: censored horrible. That looping 1:00 tune not related to the show that plays throughout most of the game still drives me mad.
SMB3: Lovable classic
Chrono Trigger: So...awesome. Way better than FF7. Where's the Kingdom Hearts cameos for this game's characters?
FF6: See above.
FF4: One of my favorite Final Fantasy games. Memorable story, music, and characters.
Final Fight: Classic butt kicking.
FF7: Fine, but one of the most overrated games of all time. Also guilty of starting the rise of the "mainstream progatonist" aka the dark, edgy, emo anti-hero jerk with spiky hair and a big sword. I'd consider Laharl a parody of this kind of "hero".
RE3: Nemesis is the first video game character to give me nightmares, ever. I still hate those dang giant spiders.
Castlevania SOTN: The best Castlevania game ever and one of the best 2d games ever.
MVC2: Really fun but unbalanced fighting game.
Fatal Fury Mark of the Wolves: I searched for this game for nearly 2 years before finding it. It was worth the effort, even if one of Hotaru's attacks is often the but of perverted jokes. *snickers sarcastically (FYI, many chi mythologies place the center of a man's chi system in their stomach.)
LoZ OoT: A classic in 3d gaming.
Tales of the Abyss: Really awesome, fast paced, deep battle system, (like ToS but more refined) good voice acting, Jade's hilarious. Suffers from slow burn in terms of story and when the battle system starts to really shine (I'd say it really starts to open up and show you its true depth around level 15-20.) This is the combat system I envision when I talk about combat in a Sonic RPG.
God of War: Good old fashion brutality at its finest. Great for those moments when I want to unleash my inner Khorne Berserker after a real rough day.
Disgaea 2: Lovable cast of characters, hilarious dialogue with terrific voice acting, deep game play (have to dive real deeply to get everything out of this), vastly improved class balance, new class abilities (story characters get class abilities as well, often reallly good ones to boot), reworked Dark Assembly (political parties and only a simple majority needed). The AI is really stupid though. They're so greedy that they WILL ignore you to get treasure chests, don't hesitate to kill their own allies to get the treasure/kill you, and are bullies to a fault (they focus all their attention on the weakest person in range). I counter the bully aspect by only bringing Taro (bitching tank) into range, then spring a trap with my entire party on the fools.
Dead Rising: Fun close quarters combat, but shooting is even worse than GTA.
Sonic 06: One of the worst games I ever played in recent times.
Trauma Center: A truly wonderful application of the Wii controls.
MMZ3: A great game with excellent controls, nasty but fair difficulty, and a good story that ends with a bang along with wrapping up ALL the loose ends. You need to play this game. It along with X and MM2 is one of the best games in the franchise.
MMZ4: Has some good ideas (Z-Knuckle and item forging) that are executed really badly. However, the horrible retcon it does to the story (like retconning ever produces good results, sort of like fan fiction and fan characters invariably being crap) is just disgusting. This game embodies Nightmare on Elm Street Syndrome. NoESS is when the original creator doesn't have control of his own series. The creator of NoES only intended for one movie to be made. Inafune had intended for Z3 to be the final chapter of the Mega Man Zero series (and it shows). Z4 takes everything past the Copy X fight and flushes it down the toilet with its retcon BS.
Ever know what its like to get pwned by a book? Sonic certainly does.

Re: Rough on the Diamonds
« Reply #19 on: December 09, 2007, 03:23:49 am »
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. The best dungeons, bosses, graphics, music, items and enviroments out of the whole series, in my opinion, but exploring such a vast ocean is a huge pain (Which was majorly improved on in Phantom Hourglass) and also; shard collecting is the worst shit ever. It's so bad it made me stop playing the game.

Super Mario Sunshine. Some of the levels were alot of fun, it's too bad that it's so repetitive.
W€£ $€ÄÑ¥ ßÕ¥ 2K7 says: (11:10:17 PM)
my sis said she fancied EGGMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

W€£ $€ÄÑ¥ ßÕ¥ 2K7 says: (11:29:08 PM)
who knew u could bend water with plastic

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Re: Rough on the Diamonds
« Reply #20 on: December 10, 2007, 01:02:21 pm »
Huzzah, listing every game I own, and some I dont but I felt like commenting on (Marked with a ~) >_>

Oh and Im grading them all out of 10*

And Ill list them all by ranking when Im done.

Insomnia sucks and I want something to do.

Note: I probably forgot some games too.

Game Boy

Pokemon Blue - You're way too easy but I still like you. - 7
Tetris - I suck at you but you're grand - 8.5

Game Boy Colour >:(

Pokemon Crystal - You were my favorite Pokemon game ever till Sapphire. - 7
Dragon Warrior Monsters~ - Holy shit you were a lot of fun. - 9
Pokemon Trading Card Game~ - You were actually pretty decent - 7

Game Boy Advance

Sonic Advance - You were fun but you seem too slow for my liking most of the time. - 6
Sonic Advance 2 - You are probably my favorite of the new 2D Sonics, and I dont like you much anymore which says a lot. - 7
Sonic Advance 3 - You're pretty cool but you're level design pisses me off. - 6
Legend of Zelda: Link To The Past - You're the only Zelda game I've ever bothered to beat, you were fun but without a guide I'd've been fucked, as such you get a lower rating. - 6
Pokemon Sapphire - <3. - 9
Pokemon Leaf Green - I liked the nostalgia and extra bits you added - 8
Chu Chu Rocket - You just aren't as fun as the DC original. And you're stupidly more difficult. - 5
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance - I bothered to beat all your missions and such and actually enjoyed doing so. - 8
Golden Sun - You're amazing. - 9.2
Goldeun Sun 2 - You're still amazing but I hated the way you didnt even give me vague clues about where to go for half the damn game. - 8.5
DooM - You know, for a GBA port of an ancient PC game, I really like you. I bothered to play through you on all 4 difficulties and you kept me entertained, awesome stuff. - 9.5
Pokemon Pinball Ruby/Sapphire - I loved you but I lost you somehow ;_; - 8
Shining Force: Resurrection of Dark Dragon~ - You're the same as the original but with even more awesome <3! - 9.7
Fire Emblem~ - You bored me, and I still kept giving you chances and struggled all the way to near the end hoping you'd get better. But you didn't. - 1.


Sonic Rush - You have a few levels I like but other than that you just downright irritate me. - 4
Sonic Rush Adventure - I like you a Hell of a lot more but you still irritate me. - 6.5
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team - You were fun. Then I got bored of you. - 6
Pokemon Ranger - You were refreshing and original, but once I beat all you had to offer there was no replay value. - 8
Pokemon Pearl - You stole 400+ hours of my life and I want them back, but you were a damn lot of fun. - 8
Bomberman DS - When I uncover an exit portal before I kill every enemy, I should NOT be flooded with fast moving enemies that WILL kill me. Also spamming them at me when I uncover a portal after killing all the enemies after a certain point in the game (Yes it really does do this.) is total fucking horse cock. - 1.
Lost Magic - I liked you a Hell of a lot. I even bothered to get 1 of every monster, fill out the spellbook and see all 4 endings. But you were crap online. - 7.5
Advance Wars Dual Strike You keep me entertained when I'm bored and I still enjoy it even when you kick my ass. - 8.5


Unirally~ - You are fantastic. - 7.5
Secret of Mana~ - While I haven't beaten you because I got sidetracked, you were cool. - 7
Bahamut Lagoon~ - You're awesome. - 9
Chrono Trigger~ - I never beat you either but you were pretty good - 7
Earthbound~ - As above - 7.5

Neo Geo Pocket Colour

Sonic Pocket Adventure~ - I'd marry you. - 10

Nintendo 64

Pokemon Stadium~ - You annoyed me so I only played you for 5 minutes. - 4
Camageddon 64 - Ew. You get a 2 instead of a 1 because you let me run over zombies. That's it. - 2
Super Mario 64~ - I liked what I've played of you. - 7
Banjo Kazooie - Likewise for you - 7
Pokemon Snap - <3. - 8.5


Super Mario Sunshine - I actually like you more than SM64, I find your levels more fun, and I've actually bothered to beat you. - 8
Luigi's Mansion - I like you but I got stuck and never bothered to try again. - 6
Pokemon Colosseum - I found you rather enjoyable. - 7.5
Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness - I don't know how, but you took everything I liked in Colosseum and made me like it even more, for serious. - 9.1
Sonic Heroes - You suck, sorry but its the truth and the truth hurts. You get a 1.5 for having good music. - 1.5
Shadow the Hedgehog - I hate you now but I loved you for a while and you have a nice soundtrack. Devil Doom is still fun too - 6
Sonic Riders - Get the fuck out of my life right now and give me back my £30. - -1.
Big Mutha Truckers - I don't remember who bought you for me but you suck hard. - 0.
Soul Caliber II - I don't normally like fighting games, but you were damn good. - 8
Sonic Adventure:DX - By the time I bought you my chao fad was over so you unfortunatly didn't have much to offer me. But I still love you. - 7
Sonic Adventure 2:Battle - You're amazing, but the DC original gets a higher ranking  because I 180'd that first, sorry. - 8.5
Mario Party 4 - You were fun for the first game. - 3.5
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles - You fucking suck for requiring me to have 3 willing friends and 4 GBA's or forcing me to play by myself. - 3
Metroid Prime 2:Echoes - I really -really- despise your controls. - 2
Legend of Zelda Collectors Edition - As I've only played OoT on you, and that was fun till I got bored, you get a nice rank - 7
Super Monkey Ball~ - <3 - 9


Final Fantasy 7 - Sorry honey, but you're hideously overrated - 6
Star Ocean 2~ - You're rather awesome - 8.2
Vandal Hearts~ - I loved you - 8.7
Grandia~ - You are without a shadow of a doubt, one of my favorite ever games. - 10.1
Vanguard Bandits~ - You're fun - 7
Jade Cocoon~ - I never really got into you - 5
Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure~ - Superb. - 9
Micro Machines V3~ - You're alright, I suppose. - 6
Mort the Chicken~ - Amazing. - 8

Playstation 2
Grand Theft Auto 3 - I used to stay up all night with a friend doing retarded things with you. And you had the best plane by far. - 8
Grand Theft Auto Vice City - More of the same but you more than made up for it - 8.5
Summoner - You're not -bad-, but then you're not -great- either. - 6.5
Kingdom Hearts - Intense displeasure. - 2
Rayman 3 - I couldn't love you like I loved Rayman 2 :( - 6
Final Fantasy X - I -adore- you. - 9.5
Final Fantasy X-2 - You take everything that made me love the original, bend it over, and ram a horse cock into it until it ruptures internal organs and it bleeds to death. For that I can never forgive you. - 0.
Star Ocean 3 - I liked you until you got ridiculous at the end. - 5
Red Faction 2 - I like being able to blow up the enviroment. - 7
Guitar Hero - I loved you, then I found #2 - 5
Guitar Hero 2 - I loved you, then I played the 360 version. - 7


HALO - I like you, rather a lot in fact. - 8.1
HALO 2 - I can't decide which of you I prefer - 8.1
Panzer Dragoon Orta - You rock my socks. - 9
Metal Dungeon - I used to hate you but I grew to like you. - 6.9
Blinx the Timesweeper - I liked the way you let me fiddle with time - 7
Nightcaster - You're ok, sort of - 5
Azurik: Rise of Perathia - I liked you, I wish I had an original Xbox in my room so I could play you, seriously. - 9
Baldurs Gate II:Dark Alliance - You're way better than the shithouse PC version - 7
Dungeons and Dragons Heroes - You're a lot like BG2 but I liked you more - 7.5
Gauntlet: Dark Legacy - Gauntlet Legends fucking owned and you made it twice as long, I love you - 9.5
Stubbs the Zombie: Rebel Without A Pulse - You entertained me and were pretty fun - 7
Raze's Hell - Fucking awesome. Everyone should play you because you are an epic game. - 9.5
Mashed - You're a lot of fun for a Micro Machines clone with weapons - 8.5
Timesplitters 2 - You were my first dual analogue control FPS and I love you - 8.8
Timesplitters 3 - You have that same edge as the second game that I adore - 8.8
House of the Dead 3 - I love this series. - 9
Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2 - I love LoK. - 8
DooM 3 - You're ok but I prefer the original tbh - 7
Tony Hawks 3 - You're the only Tony Hawk game I own and I rather like you - 7
Dead or Alive 3 - Actually, you weren't too bad - 7

Xbox 360

SONIC the Hedgehog - Don't even let me get started, but I like some of your music. - 0.5
HALO 3 - I enjoyed you a lot. - 8.1
Gears of War - You look amazing, your atmosphere is intense and I love your gameplay. - 9
Bioshock - As above, but more so. - 9.8
Overlord - You're a lot of fun, but kinda repetitive. - 7
Blue Dragon - You were fun but your plot sucked. But you have Kluke and I am in love with her. - 8
Tomb Raider:Legend -  You were the first Tomb Raider game Ive really enjoyed. - 8
Suntman:Ignition - I'd like you a lot more if you didnt tell me to do things like "Pass between the two oncoming cars!!" right as Im sailing past them on the other side of the road. Or telling me to bump things that are off screen because I went passed them before you told me. - 6.5
Guitar Hero 2 - I loved you and still do, but 3 is better. - 7.5
Guitar Hero 3 - <3. - 8.5
Monster Madness - You're a bit crap tbh. - 4
Lost Planet - I like you. - 7
Deadrising - If you ignore the blandness and repetitive gameplay, you're a great laugh. - 7
Kameo - Maybe I should bother to play you first. - N/A
Lego Bionicle Heroes - Holy shit you're great. - 8.5
Phantasy Star Universe - While all I could do with you was the offline mode, I bloody loved you - 9.8
Bladestorm - Can't decide if I like you or not. - 5
Ninety Nine Nights - You let me smack lots of things at once with swords, I approve. - 7
Eternal Sonata - I love what I've played of you - 8
Quake 4 - You're not amazing, but you're a fun game. - 7
Forza 2 - You're ok if Im bored but you suck compared to PGR4. - 6
Project Gotham Racing 4 - :) - 8
Sega Rally - Nothing will ever come close to the original, but you're not -too- bad. - 5
Prey - You're alright I guess - 7


Civilisation II - <3. - 8
Alpha Centauri - <33. - 9
Grandia 2 - You're also one of my favorite ever games - 10.1
Warcraft 3 - I like your custom games, but Im not a huge fan of your main game. - 6
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 - <3 - 8
Robot Wars: Arenas of Destruction - Haven't played you for years, but you were great fun - 7.5
Neverwinter Nights - I love you. - 9
Quake 3 - You're pretty fun - 7
Age of Wonders II - I love you and need to redownload you - 9
Trains 'n' Trucks Tycoon - Likewise - 9
UFO Extraterrestrials - While you may be a rehash of an age old game I love and you still kick my ass, I like you - 8
Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 - I like you but I suck at you - 7
Croc: Legend of the Gobbos - <3<3<3 - 9

Game Gear

Fantastic Dizzy - I never beat you but I liked you. - 7
Micro Machines - You were pretty fun actually - 6.5
Sonic 1 - I'd probably have liked you more if I could've beaten you as a kid >_> - 7
Sonic 2 - Worst first boss ever. And the hangliders suck. - 1
Sonic Chaos - <3 - 8
Shining Force II - Aside from Freeze 3 being horrificly glitched, you were fun - 8

Mega Drive

Sonic 1 - You were the first game I ever played - 9
Sonic 2 - Ironically, you were the second game I ever played too, but you have a better soundtrack - 9.2
Sonic 3 - You have my favorite ever zone, great music, and you're my favorite Sonic game, but THE BARREL OF DOOM PREVENTED ME FROM EVER SEEING IT FOR YEARS - 9.3
Sonic & Knuckles - I do not like you at all, Sandopolis Act 2 - 7.5
Sonic Spinball - I dont generally like Pinball games, but you're pretty fun actually - 7
Ghouls 'n' Ghosts - I haven't played you for the longest time but you were good fun - 7
Vectorman - I reckon I should probably play you before I judge you - N/A
Afterburner II - Dear God you're amazing - 9.5
Bubsy the Bobcat - You're ok but you annoy me after a while - 6
Rolo to the Rescue - You get too hard for me but you're fun - 7
Lotus Turbo Challenge - I love you :D - 8.7
Ecco the Dolphin - I cant beat you're second level and you scare the shit out of me. - 5
Shining Force - I love you an awful lot - 9.5
Shining Force II - You're even better. - 10
Zero Wing - I actually quite like you - 7
Bonanza Brothers - You're a legend - 8
Mega Bomberman - You're awesome - 8.5
Zoop - You're a bit wtf for even my tastes - 5
Rainbow Islands - <3. - 9
The Chaos Engine - You're damn good fun - 8
Fantastic Dizzy - I should play you again sometime 'cause I liked you - 7
Forgotten Worlds - You were quite a bit of fun actually - 7
Lemmings - <3 - 8
Xenon 2 - You're hard but I enjoy playing you - 7
Streets of Rage - You're pretty awesome - 7
Golden Axe - I always did like #2 more, sorry. - 7
Golden Axe 2 - <3. - 9
Zombies Ate My Neighbous - Wahaha I like you - 7.7
Alien Storm - <33. - 9.1

Mega CD

Lethal Enforcers - Why are you so damn hard? - 5
Lethal Enforcers 2 - You're not as bad but sheesh - 6
Double Switch - You amuse me. - 6.5
Sol Feace - I <3 you - 8
Road Avenger - You're ok. - 5
Sonic CD - <3 - 8


Riven - I'm not a massive fan of this genre, but you're graphics were amazing for the time and I quite liked you - 7
Panzer Dragoon Saga - You. Are. The. Best. Game. Ever. - 12
Enemy Zero - Sporadic invisible enemies that you have virtually no way of tracking are not something I like, low score for you. - 4
Crusader No Remorse - You're actually rather fun and I should play you again sometime - 7
Fifa 97 - You suck, sorry but its true. - 2
Hi-Octane - I quite like you actually - 8
Warcraft II - RTS's are normally pretty shite on a console but I quite like you - 7
Magic Carpet - You're rather fun - 7
Shining Force III - You are my favorite ever SRPG. - 11
Alien Trilogy - You're not bad, but you scare the shit out of me sometimes. - 7
Athlete Kings - You're ok but I'm not a big fan of you're genre - 7
Blam! Machinehead - You're a bit shit tbh - 3
ClockWork Knight - You're not bad - 6.5
Command & Conquer - See WarCraft II - 7
Daytona USA - You were my first Saturn game <3 - 8
Die Hard Trilogy - Eh, you were alright. Ish. - 5
Duke Nukem 3D - <3. - 8
Marvel Super Heroes - You're the only fighting game I really -really- like, <3 Iron Man - 9
Sonic Jam - I don't see how I can really score you, but you let me play the originals on my Saturn so you can have a 7 - 7
Parodius - Haha, I love you - 8
Virtual On - Ok so I lied, you're my favorite fighting game ever. - 10
Steep Slope Riders - I quite like you - 7
Mortal Kombat - I'm not a huge fan of you. - 5
Sega Rally - You. Are. The. Best. Racing. Game. Ever. - 11
Tunnel B1 - You're rather shit tbh mate - 2
Manx TT Superbike - I don't normally like motorbike racing games but you're rather pro - 8
Virtua Cop 2 - <3 - 8
Digital Pinball - I don't like you much - 2
Wipeout - Or you, really - 3
Whizz - You just suck. - 1
True Pinball - You have one table I like - 5
Shellshock - <3 - 8
Panzer Dragoon - <3. - 10
Panzer Dragoon 2 - xxx<3xxx - 11
Sega Ages Volume II - You have great games on you, one of which is Afterburner II. - 9.5
Blats Chamber - You're not bad actually - 6.9
Exhumed - You're little crab creature things terrify me <3 - 8
Fighting Vipers Well, you're ok - 6
Virtua Fighter - As above - 6
Virtua Fighter 2 - More of the same - 6
Fighters Megamix - Well hey, guess what? - 6
Grid Run - You're actually pretty fun - 7
Pandemonium - You have one level that really irritates me but other than that you're quite awesome - 8
Gun Griffon - I think of you as what Mechwarrior 2 should've been - 8.5
Shining Wisdom - You remind me of oldskool Zelda, but the difference is I actually like you - 9
Mass Destruction - <3 - 8
Olympic Soccer - I like you solely because the goalkeeper cannot block shots from diagonals - 6
Quake - <3 - 9
DooM - You're amazing - 9.5
Resident Evil - I suck at you but I still like you - 8
Scorcher - You're ridiculously unforgiving - 6
Slam 'n' Jam 96 - I don't really like Basketball games but you're alright - 6
Virtual Golf - You're not really my cup of tee *shot* - 4
Street Racer - You're not too bad - 6
SEGA Touring Car Championship - You're fun, but ridiculously hard to control - 7
Lemmings 3D You're levels are wtf weird but you own - 7
Loaded - Bahaha I <3 you - 7
Destruction Derby - You're ok. - 6.5
Virtua Racing - Well, you're not bad - 6.5
Burning Rangers - I think its love - 11
Dark Saviour - I think Im in love with you too - 11
Dragon Force - You're fantastic - 10
Sonic 3D - You have the best special stages ever - 9
Sonic R - I <3 your soundtrack - 9
Tilt! - I don't like you much - 4
Actua Golf - Or you - 4
Theme Park - Well, I like you but you're not great - 6
Tomb Raider - Now I've beaten Legend, I might like you I dunno, maybe Ill replay you - 6
Sega Worldwide Soccer 98 - You're the only football game I really like - 8.5
Crimewave - Haha, you rock - 8
NiGHTS - I don't really like you much tbh - 6
Christmas NiGHTS - But you let me play as Sonic - 7
D - You were alright - 6
Mansion of Hidden Souls - I wish I had you because I loved you when I was a kid - 8
Mystaria: The Realms of Lore - You were the first SRPG I ever played and I still love you - 9.8


Virtua Fighter 3TB - Same as every other fighting game Ive played really - 6
Formula 1 98 - Well you were ok but I dont like you as much as other racing games - 7
Trickstyle - You're kinda cool - 7
MDK2 - Once I got used to your whacky controls I quite liked you - 7
Sonic Adventure - <3 - 8
Sonic Adventure 2 - <3 - 9
Sonic Shuffle - You were ok for one board - 5
Virtua Athlete 2K - You were pretty fun actually - 7
Jet Set Radio - You rock. - 9
Fur Fighters - You're a bit wtf but you're ok - 6.9
Dead Or Alive 2 - Well, you're not -that- bad - 6.5
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX - I used to like you a lot but I got bored of you - 5
Vigilante 8: Second Offence - You're pretty fun - 6
Power Stone - <3 - 8.5
Power Stone 2 - <3+1 - 9.5
Worms Armageddon - You work better on PC, sorry. - 4
Charge 'n' Blast - If you weren't so hard you'd probably be fun - 5
Conflict Zone - I don't think I ever worked out your control system - 3
Record of Lodoss War - I actually really like you even though I cant beat the final boss - 8.5
Metropolis Street Racer - I never really played you much but you were pretty fun - 7
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver - I LOVE YOU - 10.5
Skies of Arcadia - Quite possibly the only 30 hour+ game I play from start to finish every now and then. Oh and I'm in love with Fina. - 11.5
Phantasy Star Online - I liked you and I wished I'd had the opportunity to play you online - 8
Rayman 2 - I fucking love you, you're amazing, even if you did annoy the fuck out of me with that one part where you bounce backwards down a lava flow on a plum. - 9.9
Timestalkers - You remind me of Pokemon and I love you. And you have the greatest title music ever - 9
Mortal Kombat GOLD - I don't really like Mortal Kombat tbh. - 3
Gauntlet Legends - I love you so much - 9
Blue Stinger - The music in the shopping area drives me insane but you're great other than that <3 - 9
Confidential Mission - You were pretty good actually - 7
Seventh Cross Evolution - A bit weird but you're a pretty good game actually - 7
Incoming - <3 - 8
Le Mans 24 Hours - I actually really liked you - 8.5


Hero Quest - I love you - 8
Warlords - <3<3 - 9
UFO - You always beat me but I like you - 8
Colonization - The Spanish always kill me, the bastards, but I like you still - 7
Scorched Tanks - You're great fun - 8

And a few other gems

Pacman - <3 - 8
Space Invaders - <3 - 8
Galaxian - <3 - 8

*Most of the time
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Offline Shadow Jacky

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Re: Rough on the Diamonds
« Reply #21 on: December 10, 2007, 02:18:57 pm »

Grand Theft Auto 3 - I used to stay up all night with a friend doing retarded things with you. And you had the best plane by far. - 8
Grand Theft Auto Vice City - More of the same but you more than made up for it - 8.5

this doesn't make any sense
my name has nothing to do with Shadow The Hedgehog

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Offline Bilan

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Re: Rough on the Diamonds
« Reply #22 on: December 10, 2007, 02:22:09 pm »
Sure it does.

I liked GTA3.

Vice City was more of the same but the extra stuff made it a little better.

San Andreas was a horrible pile of gangsta.
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline Shadow Jacky

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Re: Rough on the Diamonds
« Reply #23 on: December 10, 2007, 03:09:54 pm »

San Andreas was a huge pile of awesome.  I still like GTA3, but SA improved a shit load of stuff and some.  Hell, that gangsta shit was some of the best parts and the beginning had some kickass missions and it only got better.  I didn't like the gang wars as it was crap, but being able to bring people with you for the hell of it and do crazy shit with them...priceless.
my name has nothing to do with Shadow The Hedgehog

Completed Runs:
Sonic Heroes: Team Sonic: SS
Rocket Knight Adventures: Easy (US): SS

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Offline magnum12

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Re: Rough on the Diamonds
« Reply #24 on: December 10, 2007, 03:10:44 pm »
Wait, you have a Saturn, PS1, and XBox 360 yet you never played Castlevania Symphony of the Night? Blasphamy. *Sends you the golden "Under a rock award".*
Ever know what its like to get pwned by a book? Sonic certainly does.

Offline Bilan

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Re: Rough on the Diamonds
« Reply #25 on: December 10, 2007, 03:59:03 pm »
The entire gangsta thing pisses me off to no end, I have to deal with enough people who talk like that in real life.
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline Shadow Jacky

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Re: Rough on the Diamonds
« Reply #26 on: December 10, 2007, 06:04:39 pm »

your missing out man
my name has nothing to do with Shadow The Hedgehog

Completed Runs:
Sonic Heroes: Team Sonic: SS
Rocket Knight Adventures: Easy (US): SS

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Re: Rough on the Diamonds
« Reply #27 on: December 10, 2007, 06:26:00 pm »
I thought San Andreas was kinda ok. The enviroments were awesome, as was the combat system, and all the different stuff you could do was great. But when it comes down to it, the missions just weren't as fun as GTA3's in my opinion.
W€£ $€ÄÑ¥ ßÕ¥ 2K7 says: (11:10:17 PM)
my sis said she fancied EGGMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

W€£ $€ÄÑ¥ ßÕ¥ 2K7 says: (11:29:08 PM)
who knew u could bend water with plastic


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