Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

SRA Emerald Races

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Ring Rush:

Do you honestly expect to beat Johnny and take out enemies while doing it? Go try this and then make that point again, as for the ring grabbing, if they're not in the path of the...things he leaves behind....that boost you, forget them, you dont have time to stray. You underestimate competition, there will be people who can do more than others. There is certainly enough in this level allow a very large variety of things hit, even when trying to stay on the same path.

"Both are possible. For the ~0s thing, you can restart after a restart/death to drop your time even further." B& tactic, unless Im very much mistaken, and thus an irrelevant comparison. Well by your logic earlier, it shouldn't be banned, because that would be making all the times higher than they can be for no reason. This was brought in to show that TSC is a lot more about who can get the absolute best time.

There is a slight difference behind the logic of allowing upgrades (Guess what, we do in SA2B and DX!!111!) to vehicles that are obtainable during the course of the game and usable in a mode that mirrors one already in game as opposed to abusing dieing and restarting to reduce the timer as low as possible.

As for your first point, prove it and Ill gladly accept that.

There's not really much precedent to cite in this specific situation. Sure, we favor official TA modes, but this is the first official TA mode that restricts your capabilities for no particular reason. We don't favor TA mode just because It Is TA Mode, but rather because it generally offers specific benefits (time tracking) and removal of gameplay elements not conducive to TA (lives). In this instance, if using TA mode decreases the depth of the competition, then it seems detrimental.

I notice a complete lack of opposing posts and points against racing Johnny outside of Viking Cup since yesterday~

So can we adjust the rules to permit it now?

Ring Rush:
Well, based on the fact that what Rolken said can apply either way, no. He said, "In this instance, if using TA mode decreases the depth of the competition, then it seems detrimental". Since both of us have been too lazy to do actual tests, we cannot determine which mode is better for competition.


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