Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

Route 101/Route 280 rings: What to do?

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--- Quote from: yse on November 07, 2007, 01:48:42 am ----There is a case, however - SA2B mission 2's. The Back ring respawns all rings, and particularly on Dry Lagoon and Pumpkin Hill, it's quickest to collect 50 rings twice. However, there's clearly no point to doing that more than once.

--- End quote ---
Death Chamber too IIRC >_>

I'm personally against it in the sense that the rings respawn, but the time limit is what made m4 rings possible in the first place (even if it's easily maxable in some missions), so I guess I'm neutral on the matter.

Back ring in DC only works down to low 1:0x, and the best path doesn't use it.

MY stand is neutral but if I had to choose one, I'd say no mainly b/c of the respawning issue and lack of true skill because of that.


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