Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

Sonic Adventure 2 (B) - adding Mission 4 Rings and/or Scores

<< < (2/4) > >>

M4 Rings: Aye
M4 Scores: Nay

Same as above 2.

What they said, M1 scores almost always come in under the 2:45 time limit, with the exception of perhaps WB1? I don't think just that justifies scores~

Rings on the other hand I am total pro (Y)

Well, I definitely think Mission 4 rings for Sonic Adventure 2 (Battle) should be added. As said before, the time limit will be a factor, which isn't present in Missions 1 and 5. As also said before, there are no checkpoints either, which means the ring scores will almost always be different from Missions 1 and 5.

Okay I think the consensus is pretty clear here.

To go along with this I would also suggest adding Sonic extra missions to the ring chart for Sonic Heroes, but a bigger question is whether the relevant Chaotix charts are also worthy of entry.

Opinions here, and also a decent name for the Sonic extra chart that isn't Sonic*.


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