Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

Sonic Adventure 2 (B) - adding Mission 4 Rings and/or Scores

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I also agree. Team Sonic's Extra Missions should go up for rings as well. The reasons are the time limit, but that is mainly it since Sonic Heroes doesn't have rings for the checkpoints. I can't think of a decent name besides that though.

I third Sonic Extra rings being added. What is wrong with the name 'Sonic Extra'?

Added. If anything breaks it's probably my fault, so find me, but I'm sure Rolken will be able to answer questions too.


--- Quote from: yse on September 11, 2007, 08:42:08 pm ---Okay I think the consensus is pretty clear here.

To go along with this I would also suggest adding Sonic extra missions to the ring chart for Sonic Heroes, but a bigger question is whether the relevant Chaotix charts are also worthy of entry.

Opinions here, and also a decent name for the Sonic extra chart that isn't Sonic*.

--- End quote ---

Why do we even need a debate? You know we decided this already but someone's just choosing to ignore our suggestions.

And with that, I'm banned...

Besides, now it's too late for me since I've given up on Heroes and as such I don't have the game anymore. It belongs to one of my family members now. But that doesn't mean that just cause ks8 doesn't compete that nobody else can. Add them already. And while you're at it, to avoid prolonged laziness and to avoid questioning 6 months later whether OTHER suggestions will EVER be added, just add them all already. <_< I still have all my stats down on paper anyway - not just for this but for EVERYTHING. I'm mostly concerned with Riders divisions and Shuffle (that's another story) but I'm digressing.

You're not exactly in a position to be demanding things of me.

I'll have you know that some of us actually have lives outside the site :O (admittedly, I'm not one of them). But to tell me to add your suggestions just because they're yours is out of order. Quartz tells me the Riders divisions have little value, and I don't think anyone but you ever really wanted Shuffle up.

Per this specific discussion, Chaotix rings for time limited missions has actually never been brought to the table before, so accusing me of ignoring this issue is just trolling.

In conclusion anything I have not added yet still needs a consensus to be reached.


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