you don't say? believe it or not the past 3 days i've been having some sleeping problems myself, I was up for about 18 hours then only managed to sleep for 4 hours cause its been so hot recently... then I stayed up 12 more hours hoping to finally sleep for once and I ended up not sleeping at all and stayed up for another 24 hours, which leads to now. I just feel all zombie-ish kinda yet I still can't sleep =( Its kinda funny though, I seem to be waaaaaaay more alert and have better concentration when im super "tired", maybe I should start getting 4 hours of sleep every night instead of the 10-12 i'm used to lmao(lazyness to da max here )
Other than that i've been okay, well actually not so okay cuz I gotta concentrate on self-issued(summer)-school work instead of game-work so i'll actually have something I can call a chance at going for a collage next year since I damn near failed my 12th and final year and I really need to make up for that. (then maybe i'll be in the same boat as you, :/) so yeah im really bored and sick of all the reading and writing and thinking but its gotta be done, or atleast thats what people tell me. I think(hope) it will turn out well though, as long as I keep myself focused on it odds are I can do almost anything.
so a quick glance at the rankings tells me yoshifan is going to beat all my Sonic times soon since he owns so much on M2's its a matter of time until he incorporates that skill into M1/5/some 3's. I say its about time. Another glance tells me that Stefan is bound to be SSR champ 2008. insane. then again I don't know how good those times really are but alot of them beat everybody else so they must be something.
oh, and whats up with this :o hi paragod stuff, I know its not a coincidence that you both said pretty much the same thing. What exactly does it mean?