Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

Sonic Heroes - Team battles [Resolved!]

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I'm pretty sure I finally know what causes all the low times in Team Two.

If you are attacked and fall off the stage, and restart on the very last frame before you would die, you are able to move around and attack the other team before the four-second animation takes place. The issue here, obviously, is that a similar technique in Sonic Adventure 2 (used for 8"25 mission 2s) is already banned.

Now I can't say that this is what happens in the low times with absolute certainty because it's been such a long time since I got 5"34, and even so, why are there ten such times on T2-Rose, and none on any other team battle?

Let me know the results of any testing you might do to resolve this one.

Since we have a precedent for not allowing it, my vote is aye for bannning the glitch. I don't know why it only works for Team Rose, but I have two theorys.
1. If the very last frame before you die occurs when the top character in flight formation falls into the death region, perhaps the combined size of Team Rose's flight formation makes them fall deeper into the pit than the other teams, which for some strange reason causes the glitch.
2. Its just some weird bug that can't be explained well.
-I'll try to test this later.

I say ban it to hell.

This is sort of like the issue with Egg Wyvern in Sonic 06. (Glitch lets you get real fast time by sending your foe off stage.) Instead of having two seperate rules for two seperate games, why not have one general rule that states: "For a boss run to count, you must be what inflicts the killing blow on the boss." This rule accounts for both issues and solves any future problems of a similar nature.

I'm with magnum on this one. And to tell you the truth, this glitch happened to me before I came here, years ago when battling Chaotix w/ Rose. I thought it was weird but that's how I got the stat I have now.


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