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The Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Tournament! :O


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Re: The Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Tournament! :O
« Reply #60 on: June 01, 2007, 12:52:44 pm »
On hold. Again. Till we get another Player.
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline Groudon

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Re: The Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Tournament! :O
« Reply #61 on: June 01, 2007, 07:52:26 pm »
battle log w00t

Sondow vs. Groudon

Sondow leads with Blaziken, me with Empoleon
Blaziken leads with Sky Uppercut, which is super effective and almost KOs Empoleon.
Empoleon retaliates with Surf, which is super effective and KOs Blaziken.
Next Sondow sends out Torterra.
Quick Claw takes effect, and Torterra's Earthquake super-effective's Empoleon, KOing it.
Due to this, I "fu quick claw" and send out Blastoise.
I take no chances, and Hydro Cannon it, which is a KO and gets and "fu" from Sondow in the chat.
He sends out his Blastoise.
His Blastoise uses Bite.
Due to Hydro Cannon, my Blastoise can't attack this turn.
His Blastoise repeats his move.
Mine mimics his.
The above turn set repeats.
The set repeats again, knocking my HP to half, but causing mine to flinch.
Turn repeat, thirding my HP, and almost halving his.
Again, but mine is low, and a lame flinch.
After a long delay, his surfs for the KO.
Out comes Alakazam.  Pretty much nothing left.
Alakazam uses Psychic to almost KO Blastoise.
But here comes Bite for the super-effective near-KO.
Tiny delay for him to check something, but it eventually ends with Psychic.
3-2 me.

Round 2

Sondow leads with Blaziken, me with Empoleon
First moves are the same, with the same results.
Torterra again, but I hope for the Quick Claw to not take effect.
And it doesn't, and Empoleon Surfs Torterra for the OHKO.
Lines from chat:
[19:47:21] <Sondow> I hate you groudon
[19:47:26] <Groudon> Hate your item, not me.
Blastoise is next for him.
Blastoise Rapid Spins to chop off 4 HP with a not-very-effective, and he fu's in the chat.
Surf almost halves his HP.
Water Gun for the KO
Alakazam this time for the clear KO hopefully.
Psychic weakens it and keeps it standing somehow.
Alakazam survives a Bite.
I was gonna, for fun, Metronome, but it was too late and I chose Psychic.  KO, though.
3-1 me

Offline General Throatstomper

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Re: The Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Tournament! :O
« Reply #62 on: June 01, 2007, 08:55:14 pm »
It's the match you may have waited for...

RPG vs. genus!

I led with a Vaporeon, and he used Aerodactyl, prompting RPG to say: "Fuck!". In desperation he used Stone Edge...and it missed, making him say "double fuck!". Vaporeon used surf and ohko's him. This prompted RPG to say: "triple fuck!"

He switched in Metagross. He used agility...and found out he was allready faster than I was. Vaporeon surfed, bringing him to 1/2 health or so. Next turn he used zen headbutt, at which point vaporeon finished the job.

RPG then switched in Flygon, who finished off Vaporeon. I switched in Drapion, and used ice fang...and he lived. EQ left Drapion alive by a hair's breadth, and he got the ko next turn. RPG did not say "quadruple fuck!"

3-1 genus


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Re: The Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Tournament! :O
« Reply #63 on: June 01, 2007, 09:19:59 pm »
Round Two

Aerodactyl Versus Vaporeon

Aerodactyl Stone Edges and this time actuall hits, sweeping Vaporeon out in one swift attack.

Out comes none other than DUGTRIO. I decided not to be ballsy this time, and just opted for a Wing Attack. Shockingly, Aero went first, taking it down to near death, while a Rock Slide from Dugtrio took it down to 1/3 HP.

genus followed up with Drapion, again I opted to play it calmly, Wing Attack, knocking off around 1/3 HP, while he was hit with Ice Fang for the kill.

I responded with Flygon, who was taken down to about 1/12 HP by Ice Fang, before securing the win with Earthquake.

Onto the tiebreaker, which will be a 4 Vs 4 battle, as will all tie breakers from this point.
Did you not think I had a mind?

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Re: The Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Tournament! :O
« Reply #64 on: June 01, 2007, 10:14:18 pm »
genus vs. RPG

...the tiebreaker!

I led with Kingdra and Vaporeon while he opted for Staraptor and Aerodactyl. Aerodactyl used Stone Edge on Kingdra, who barely survived, and Staraptor used Brave Bird to take it down. Vaporeon used Ice Beam on Staraptor, defeating it.

I switched in Drapion, and RPG chose Metagross. Aerodactyl used stone edge on Drapion, who endured the hit. Drapion fired back with earthquake, hitting Metagross for 1/4 damage. Metagross used Earthquake himself, knocking out Drapion. Vaporeon's turn came, he surfed, and Aerodactyl fell, with Metagross hanging on by a thread.

In an even battle of sterling wits, he sent out Flygon and I sent out Dugtrio. Dugtrio used Dig to leave Vaporeon alive. Flygon tried using Dragon Claw and it missed Dugtrio. Then Metagross used earthquake. Apparently Earthquake hits for 2x damage on digging opponents. Dugtrio feinted, and Vaporeon just barely lived. He ice beamed Flygon. Next turn, Metagross used earthquake and defeated Vaporeon.

1-0 RPG
« Last Edit: June 02, 2007, 08:54:39 am by Duke RPG »


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Re: The Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Tournament! :O
« Reply #65 on: June 03, 2007, 12:14:53 pm »
genus vs. Gazah...fight 1!

I led with Vaporeon, and Gazah used a Salamance. He thunder fanged, knocking Vaporeon out immediately. I switched in Drapion, using ice fang, and reducing his health to a low level. He used fly, at which point I switched in Dusknoir. Next turn, he used dragon breath, and I used Shadow Punch for the kill.

The next pokemon he brought out was a Dragonite, who led with a Dragon Rage. I mean looked, then took my chances with Destiny Bond after a second Dragon Rage. On the next turn, he dragon raged again, and we both went down.

I switched in Drapion, and he used an Empoleon. Drapion Earthquaked, and Empoleon used Hydro Pump, leaving Drapion with about 1/4 health. Empoleon used Aqua Jet, doing a whopping 20 damage, and Drapion defeated Empoleon with another earthquake.

Genus, 1-0

Match 2

I led with Vaporeon and him with Salamance...again. He used Thunder Fang again, scratching Dusknoir. On the next turn, he switched in Dragonite, who was hit with Confuse Ray. After this, Dragonite  used Thunder Wave, paralyzing Dusknoir, who Mean Looked Dragonite. Thanks to handy dandy leftovers, Dusknoir was at full health. Dragonite hurt itself in its confusion, and a Dusknoir Shadow Punch took it down to about 3/4 health. Dragonite again hit itself, and Shadow Punch brought her to 1/4 health. I heard him despondently tapping the screen. It amused me. Dragonite, once again, hurt itself, and Dusknoir finished it with Shadow Punch.

He then disconnnected, and agreed to forfeit the match.

3-0 genus

I am such a winner.


Offline Bilan

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Re: The Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Tournament! :O
« Reply #66 on: June 03, 2007, 12:39:12 pm »
RPG Vs Gazah Round 1 :O

Aerodactyl Vs Salamence

Aerodactyl goes first spectacularly missing with Stone Edge. Salamence Thunder Fangs to 1/3 HP. Aerodactyl Stone Edges and takes it to 1/3 and is then offed by Thunder Fang. Out goes Kingdra.

He Thunder Fangs and I get paralysed. Fully paralysed.

Hit with Dragon Claw and killed. Out goes Gyarados.

Hit with Thunder Fang. Red HP. I Rain Danced. Game Over.

0 - 3

Round Two.

Aerodactyl Stone Edges him to 1/3. He Thunder Fangs me and PARALYSE. Dead next turn.


Thunder Fanged to red. Gyarados Thunders and it survives anyway. Thunder Fang dead.


Dragon Claw'd to 1/3 HP, hits back with Dragon Pulse for the kill. Yay.


I dragon pulsed and I have no idea why when I had Ice Beam, he goes down to 1/3 HP and takes me down to red with dragon rage.

I Ice Beam for the kill. Lefties have me up to about 1/3 now.


I surf him for minimal damage and he takes me down to red again with drill peck. I Ice Beam for kicks and do nothing and he drill pecks.

0 - 1

Biggest pile of bullshit Ive ever been hit with and now Im irritated and refuse to play. >:/
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline General Throatstomper

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Re: The Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Tournament! :O
« Reply #67 on: June 06, 2007, 10:12:28 pm »
genus vs. Staf!

...never happened because Staf has internet problems, which kept giving the error message 86420 upon joining battles on both ends. He's going to look into it tomorrow, and hopefully it will be resolved by Friday, when I'll be able to get a match in.


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Re: The Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Tournament! :O
« Reply #68 on: June 16, 2007, 11:53:58 pm »
Ok so genus vs. Staf, this time it actually worked.

Fake Battle 1
I led with Drapion and Staf with Gardevoir. Drapion used Night Slash, reducing Gardevoir to 1/6 health. Gardevoir used Calm Mind and leftovers brought it to 1/5 health. Drapion used Night Slash into a Blaziken switch.

Drapion used Earthquake, knocking out Blaziken.

Staf brought Vaporeon in. Vaporeon was knocked to 1/4 health from Cross Poison. Then the connection died. Do over!

Real Battle 1
I had Drapion use Night Slash to begin the real battle, reducing Gardevoir to 1/6 health. Leftovers brought it to 1/5. Anticipating a switch, I had Drapion use earthquake. Gardevoir was fainted.

Staf's next move was to bring in Vaporeon. Drapion cross poisoned, hitting Vaporeon to 5/6 health. Drapion was hit by surf and reduced to 1/3 health. Drapion used Cross Poison once more. Vaporeon was brought to 1/2 health before feinting Drapion with surf.

Dusknoir came in to face Vaporeon. Vaporeon used bite which hit Dusknoir for 22 damage. Dusknoir used confuse ray. Its leftovers brought it nearly to full.

Vaporeon used wish and Dusknoir Mean Look. Dusknoir's leftovers brought him to 146 health. Vaporeon hit itself, and Dusknoir used Shadow Punch. Wish restored vaporeon to 5/6 health. Dusknoir's hp was brought to full from her leftovers. Vaporeon's confusion wore off, and it used Surf for minimal damage. Vaporeon used wish, and Dusknoir confuse ray. On the next turn Vaporeon hit itself while Dusknoir opted for a shadow punch. Wish restored Vaporeon to full health.

Vaporeon hit itself in confusion, and Dusknoir shadow punched to bring it to 5/6 health. Vaporeon surfed for ~40 damage. Dusknoir Shadow punched and knocked Vaporeon to 3/4 health. Vaporeon surfed, dusknoir shadow punched for critical, Vaporeon was brought to 1/5 health, and wish took effect. Next turn Vaporeon used Wish again, and Dusknoir used Confuse Ray.

Vaporeon hit itself in confusion, shadow punch Wish restored its hp to near full. Vaporeon used some move or another, Dusknoir shadow punched. Vaporeon surfed, dusknoir shadow punched. Vaporeon used wish, Dusknoir used destiny bond. Vaporeon used surf bringing Dusknoir to 6 health. Dusknoir used destiny bond. Wish brought Vaporeon to full health. Vaporeon knocked out Dusknoir and was feinted. Vaporeon was finally knocked out.

I brought out Salamence and Staf brought out Blaziken. Salamence used Hydro pump, knocking out Blaziken.

1-0 Genus.

Battle 2!

Gardevoir vs. Drapion again. Night Slash again. A switch to Vaporeon. Night Slash reduced Vaporeon to 5/6 health again. Drapion used Cross Poison again. Vaporeon was brought to 1/2 health again. Vaporeon used Aurora beam, Drapion was brought to 3/4 hp. Drapion followed up with cross poison to knock Vaporeon to 1/4 health. Vaporeon used wish. Staf withdrew Vaporeon for Blaziken. Blaziken was knocked to some irrelevant percent or another of its health and healed to full by wish. Drapion used earthquake and reduced Blaziken to 1/7 hp. Blaziken used Sky Uppercut and missed. Drapion eq'd next turn into a Vaporeon switch. Then the connection died. Staf conceded.

3-0 genus.

Is the tournament still alive? I say we take a list of whoever is still interested and eliminate everyone else.


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Re: The Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Tournament! :O
« Reply #69 on: June 16, 2007, 11:57:38 pm »
I'm still interested, and I'm not really in any hurry to get to battling again.  Any time is fine with me for whoever's left in my group.

Offline Rick_242

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Re: The Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Tournament! :O
« Reply #70 on: June 20, 2007, 06:25:05 pm »
Well this kinda died I guess.

Oh and...

^ I told ya before and I'll tell ya again, it's not worth diddly-squat. :P There's never a reason to use it, really.

Liez, I get to kick Gerbil whenever I want to. <_<
<Sondow> also what
<Sondow> since when was S&K an expansion pack to s3
<Sondow> wiki LIES

Offline General Throatstomper

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Re: The Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Tournament! :O
« Reply #71 on: June 23, 2007, 10:28:20 pm »
I agree with Rick. This tournament is dead. Having won more matches than anyone else, I proclaim myself the victor.

Unless RPG starts booting people. Start booting people RPG! If you don't, I'm going to make a tournament topic on Monday and it will be most interesting because it will incorporate the gyms.



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