I tried them and some stages could be easily maxed. E.g, Ocean Palace/Sonic.
But getting the max is fun! :)
Oh, and getting Minmal Swaps doesn't mean anything. You need to get it all in the fastest time too. And I don't know how you didn't use any swaps in Seaside/Dark. You probably used checkpoints. See RingRush, this is what I'm saying. This needs to be ironed out cause I gave all my stats real effort. My best on Seaside/Dark is 3 swaps, 4:24:33. SOME of my scores can be found below:
Fastest Deaths - Team Sonic
Seaside- 8.56 - Mine beats LK64's by 2 mills! :D This is exciting!
Ocean - 7.71
Grand - 10.66
Power - 6.81 6.74
Frog - 6.53 6.36
Mystic - 7.26
Egg - 21.39
Final - 10.19
1-Up - Team Sonic - Can provide proof for all these. Anyone interested?
Seaside - 1:03 0:41
Ocean - 1:29 1:10
Grand - 1:19 1:15
Power - 1:49
Rail - 1:19
Bullet - 1:59
Frog - 1:20
Lost - 1:20
Hang - 1:01
Mystic - 1:36 1:26
Egg - 1:57
Final - 2:36
Minimal Swaps
Seaside/Sonic: 2 Swaps/3:39:24
Seaside/Rose: 0 SWAPS!/ 1:57:43
Ocean/Sonic: 1 Swap/4:18:56
Ocean/Rose: 1 Swap/ 2:26:69
Grand/Sonic: 3 Swaps/3:57:49
Grand/Rose: 0 SWAPS!/3:36:74
Oh and it should be noted that the leader gates don't count against you for swaps.
And LK64, my stat for Seaside/Rose is legit. It is possible to get through using only Amy. You just need to know what you're doing, that's all.
Boy, RingRush, I'm confident the Heroes divisions will be competitive as will the Riders' Default Gear division.
RR, to save you the trouble: UPDATE:
SA2 ~ Minimal A m1, Minimal A m2, Minimal A m3, Minimal A m5, Minimal Score m1, Minimal Score m5, Fast Death, 2P rings, Fast Life
SA(DX) ~ Minimal A, Minimal Score, Fast Death, Fast Life
SH ~ Minimal Swaps, Minimal Score, Fast Death, Fast Life, 2P Rings
SSR ~ Minimal Score
Riders ~ Gear Challenge
Minimal A - Press "A" as little as possible, and get as fast of time as possible. An amount takes priority over speed. If we can't enable a double chart, we will have to sacrifice time and just make this similar to minimal score. And trust me, this isn't as easy it sounds...for instance, most people wouldn't think Sky Rail m2 would be able to done without pressing A in under a minute.
Minimal Score - Get as low of score as you can, you are not allowed to die in your run.
Fast Death: DIE as fast as you can. Time ends when the timer stops.
Fast Life: Get a 1-up as fast as you can. You must immediately pause afterwards, but it only counts if your life counter goes up...otherwise you will have to unpause and pause again. Round your time down to the nearest second. In SA2, you must use m1. I explain it a bit better in the SA2 challenge topic, but I'm too lazy to check what that says <_<.
2P Rings: Get as much rings as you can in 2P mode of SA2 and SH. Your partner may not do anything, and Handicap must be turned off. Time may be on or off by your choice.
Minimal Swaps: In SH, beat the level changing partners as little as you can while aiming for the fastest time as possible.
Gear Challenge: Beat the track and aim for the best time possible either for Best Lap or Total Time only using the specified gear.
Oh and I think I have a solution to the problem I addressed: You are not allowed to die in your run for Minimal Swaps, as that seems reasonable (plus you used it for Minimal Score as well).
To save people some typing, here are some charts you can copy and past ife you want to record your stats here:
Seaside Hill
Ocean Palace
Grand Metropolis
Power Plant
Casino Park
BINGO Highway
Rail Canyon
Bullet Station
Frog Forest
Lost Jungle
Hang Castle
Mystic Mansion
Egg Fleet
Final Fortress
Seaside Hill
Ocean Palace
Grand Metropolis
Power Plant
Casino Park
BINGO Highway
Rail Canyon
Bullet Station
Frog Forest
Lost Jungle
Hang Castle
Mystic Mansion
Egg Fleet
Final Fortress
Seaside Hill
Ocean Palace
Grand Metropolis
Power Plant
Casino Park
BINGO Highway
Rail Canyon
Bullet Station
Frog Forest
Lost Jungle
Hang Castle
Mystic Mansion
Egg Fleet
Final Fortress
Seaside Hill
Ocean Palace
Grand Metropolis
Power Plant
Casino Park
BINGO Highway
Rail Canyon
Bullet Station
Frog Forest
Lost Jungle
Hang Castle
Mystic Mansion
Egg Fleet
Final Fortress